
The guards were escorting Alexander to the dungeon when they bumped into LI Min in the long corridor ''what's going on where are you taking him?'' She questioned with worry evident on her glowing face.     ''He has broken the most important rule, the king therefore condemned him to thirty days imprisonment one of the guard's answered. ''What!'' this was the exact punishment the king gave him the last time he involved himself with a darker maiden twelve years ago. It was traumatizing for Alexander the king was oblivious to his son's phobia of dark, miniature rooms. Li Min did everything to help him get out of that trauma. She was burning with rage the king had known nothing all he did was sit there and command them like a dictator.

 ''This is unacceptable'' she was on her way to talk to him; it was about time she acted like a queen of an empire. On her way she was struck with unbearable pain in her head, dizziness and dark spots dancing across her vision and she fell to the ground. ''Mother!'' Fenhua yelled, rushing to her aid, Alexander snapped his head in their direction, his pulse pounding with panic swiftly asked the guard to uncuff him and once he was free, he ran to her. 

She was lying on the petite steel bed with a blanket covering her lower body. They were currently in the royal physician's examination room it had a cabinet filled with different herbs     '' Your majesty I am coming to a conclusion however I would need to test first may I request you leave the room?'' After an hour, she told the maid to summon the gentleman inside "Your highness, congratulations, the queen is with child." Their lips dropped agape, 'but how?' Fenhua was the first to inquire. "Well, the test suggests that she is, the temperature of the rat increased, implying the presence of the HCG hormone," she said, and they looked at her in confusion.

It had been two days after the prince's imprisonment, and he had been transferred to a dungeon where he lived alone. It was a gloomy area, with an uncomfortable wooden bed, a small window at the far end of the wall, greasy and defaced walls, and worst of all, it smelled like excrement. There was one exception: he was still king, so maids brought him meals and an informer kept him up to date on what was going on outside. Meanwhile, Beatrice had finally arrived at the palace after a long and perplexing journey. She entered the realm in the guise of a girl in need of work.

Darkness consumed the sky it was chilly; the streets where empty families were in their home enjoying each other's company except Beatrice who wondered the streets alone in search of her brother. after a while of walking, she reached a gigantic wall with a massive whole she went throw it and found herself in the armory. she wondered for a while and walked by a gate '' must be the prison cell'' she thought out loud '' yes, it is and who are you?'' a deep voice from behind asked. her heart began racing, sweat beads formed on her head and her breathing increased.'' I-I have been assigned to send a message to king Alexander '' 

okay make it quick he is in the cell''

''in the cell?''

''Don't you know that the king has been imprisoned by his father? any way quit the chit chat and hurry inside ''

she nodded and he opened the large steel gate and let her in she then walked through the corridor of bars searching for the prince. 

''This time it's a beauty down here'' one of the criminals exclaimed

''yeah, she is curvy '' another evilly laughed 

'' why is she black?'' the third asked. Alexander was laying on the bed facing the ceiling listening to their disgusting statements.

'' fool the rule is not to marry the darker race it doesn't mean that they aren't allowed to work as slaves'' the fourth answered 

''My king I have found you'' Beatrice exclaimed in relief and when he turned to face her his eyes gleamed with joy, he quickly rushed to her '' Beatrice what are you doing here?'' he asked joyously.

''My king what happened? how did you end up here?... I apologize it is not in my place to worry about you it's your wife's'' it stung his heart but why, why did Beatrice calling another woman his wife feel so horrible.

''Beatrice is not what you think it is-''

''why care to explain my king we aren't related in any sort of way'' she cut him off and it stung a lot  

''why are you here'' his tone was rough, he was angry at himself, and he knew she angry too he had promised to be back for her and here he was married and in a jail cell.

'' My king my brother has been accused of poisoning you now that I am here, I have realized that it was all a lie''.

'' that was you brother?'' he asked, in surprise and she nodded '' well there is nothing I can do from here I apologize for my father's behavior, and I promise to compensate you in anyway''.

'' my prince you cannot apologize you need to do something before it's too late his highness will have him decapitated for nothing his innocent, please '' she cried and it melted his heart it was truly love at first sight, he then stretched his arm out of the bar and wiped her tear away. although Beatrice was in pain, she could not deny the fact that this was euphoric. she held his hand in hers and squeezed it tight to indicate that she was fine this act sent Alexander in pure ecstasy. they were clearly in love, they loved each other as if they'd done it for years. 

'' so, what do you suggest we do?''

'' help me escape''