Chapter 5:

"OH MY GOD!" The sound of someone screaming caused Zoey to open her eyes. Her once peaceful moment was now painted over by the sight of a pale Mother Hemmingway. Her leathered skin now matched her gray hair to the t. The once bright blush that decorated her face disappeared along with the woman's fear.

"What's wrong? Did it not work?" Zoey cursed to herself as she reached her hand to soothe her, but was rejected by the woman herself.

"No, get your hands off me!" She stumbled backwards, almost falling out of the chair. "Get away from me, demon!" Her voice screeched the other two ears as she shouted. Sweat dripped down the woman's face as she spoke. Even though she spoke, her eyes show no indication of speaking to the two girls. Zoey began to open her mouth, but was interrupted by Amire.

"What in the world is wrong with you?" Her voice trembled, leaving space for any fear to quickly show itself. "Maybe she is too far gone." The voice in Zoey's head had now appeared. Zoey began to open her mouth, but was quickly spoken to by the old woman.

"No! No no." Mother Hemmingway placed her hands to her ears like Zoey had done moments ago. "Don't listen to them, they're gonna kill me." Her screeches sounded inhumane as she began to swat around her like a fly. "You're not gonna kill me, demon." "Kill you? No not yet. You'll do that on your own." Just then, the same screech came to Zoey's ears louder than ever.

"Zoey, what the hell is going on?" Amire spoke, but wasn't heard over the sound of both the others' screams. "What's wrong? Don't you miss the sound of my voice?"

"Get away you foul beast!" the woman grabs what can only be assumed as a pipe. Zoey couldn't place her finger on it, but it seemed like the old woman was speaking in sync with her voice.

"Amire," Zoey finally mustered up the strength to look towards her girlfriend. She didn't want to be seen like this, especially not by her. With each harmful note played in her ear, she could feel her breath getting less and less usable. "Amire, go get he-" she stopped. Words at this point seemed pointless as even the slightest amount of movement could cause her to pass out. Feeling, the same uneasy feeling that she felt before she closed her eyes to relax.

"Zoey! Zoey, can you hear me?" The sound of her eyes caused the opening of her eyes. Her body seemed to jump along with her thoughts as she realized where she was. The grass, once a nice greenish-blue, now was painted gray. No, gray doesn't describe it. The grass below her looked as if it was being played through an old-fashioned TV. Feeling fearful, Zoey began to look around for any other differences that might've struck. The sky that was once glazed with beautiful colors, now was a blank canvas.

"Gosh, what in the hell happened?" She began to walk in a circle. Her foot almost felt numb to the ground beneath her. Although being in a weird place, the sound in her head was now gone. It's weird, though, Zoey thought to herself as she saw the now seized looking house. The once swung door was now off its hinges. The window was now shattered. Glass of the thing now lay on the grass. This voice had been in my head for so long. It almost seemed like it was a part of me. She stepped into the busted up house.

"Hello?" Zoey's voice echoed through the hallways, but nothing answered back. Someone was here, right? Someone said her name. She shrugged her shoulders as she continued through the house. Parts of the ceiling were removed leaving nothing but light to shine through. Carpets that lay scattered around the place, burned. Their rough material gave a wave to the girl's spine. Who could've done this? She didn't leave this place for long. It felt good minutes ago.

Bang bang!

The sound caused her to jump. What in the world was that? A mountain of possibilities seemed to surface as she began to move towards the sound.



A door. It almost sounded like a door, but the one in front was gone.



The closet. Zoey looked further down the hall to see the closet that sat dead in the end. One of the knobs was torn off, other than that it looked brand new.

"Well that's odd." Zoey whispered. She was scared of anything that could scurry out of there. Relax, it could be a rat, or worse. She thought to herself as she walked to the kitchen to grab something. If it was something serious, it was gonna taste the feeling of a kitchen knife. She smiled to herself. It wasn't the best protection, but it worked, at least.



The sound persisted all through the house, meeting her where she stood. Something, no, someone was in there. There had to be. Zoey furrowed her eyebrows as she made her way to the infernal racket that was the closet. Each step made a creak into the floor as she tried to tiptoe around the inevitable reveal. The banging that echoed through the house still repeated itself as they moved closer and closer to the object of interest.

"Alright," Zoey took a deep breath as she wrapped her hands around the cold metal. Her thumb massaged the grooves that were engraved into the knob. Okay, on a count of three. Zoey took another deep breath, setting herself up for what could possibly be the end. Just swing at the closet no matter what. Feeling scared yet ready to get it over with, she ripped open the closet door.

Nothing. That is what lies beyond the door. Specks of rat poop were left behind from whatever preoccupied it. Zoey breathed out. Heck, she was so tense she didn't realize she stopped breathing.

"Oh thank god." The sound of the knife clinking on the floor, sounded like heaven to her. There was nothing to panic about, nothing to fear, she was alone. Suddenly the feeling of a hand placed itself on her shoulder. She opened her mouth to scream, but was immediately stopped.

"Zoey! Zoey," Her body jumped up only to be slowly relaxed by Amire. "Hey, calm down." She looked over to see Mother Hemmingway pacing and sweeping things upon the floor.

"Get out!" The old woman seethed as she just noticed the two once again. When the two waited a bit before moving, the woman's anger reached its peak. "Get out!" Her next words were never heard as they both ran their way out of her home.

"God, it's bright outside." Amire placed her hand over her forehead as she spoke. She was right, it was bright out. Outside every blade of grass was topped by a delicate layer of sun. Despite everything they've been through, it was sunny outside. Zoey could feel the dark circles start to make their way under her eyes.

"C'mon Amire, let's find somewhere to crash for the night." She began to make her way to the car. She didn't care if Amire was following her, she just wanted to sleep.