POE: female raven, has manaheart. Can use wind spell dive bomb(can use 5 times)/ warding wind

Erebus: male raven, bigger than Poe but can't use spells but imbues his body with mana. Arrows don't work on him

Berus: male dog, can't use spells but imbues his body with mana. Arrows don't work on him.

Imu: male snake, has manaheart. Can dive into the ground like it is water. Can spit venom in close range(2-3 meter)

Sith: female shadowcat, doesn't have manaheart. Able to move without making any sound and could erase her presence. Can run 300 km in an hour but has to rest for 2-3 hours to run again. She uses mana to run.

Lyka: female wolf, can't use spells but imbues her body with mana. Arrows don't work on her.

Nin: male black mouse didn't manifest any powers yet

Kilim: Female auburn mouse didn't manifest any powers yet

Artio: Female black bear /10 moons old/ Height:1 m / weight: 400kg/ didn't manifest any powers yet


Familiar bound 30 m

Familiar location sense 1000 km

Dominated animal sense 300 km


1 level elemental ball spells 3m 30cm

1 Perzys ( fire ball ) 3m 30cm

1 jelmio indigo (wind impact) 3 m

1 iēdaregry (water jet) 3 m 10m

1 jelmāz renigon (lightning touch) 3m

2 tegonden (earth shard ) 3 m 30cm

1 inretio (entangle) plant 3 m full 5 m

1 volhen gryves (the aspect of bear) 3 m 3 str

1 volhen keli (the aspect of cat) 3 m 3 spd horse speed 40

1 volhen taur (the aspect of ox) 3 m x5 sta

1 sambrar (fog cloud) 5 m 20 meter radius

1 letagon (snare) 5 m full 10m

1 Keligon ānogrosa ( stop bleeding ) 10 m

Level 2

2 perzys ondos (Burning hand) 5 m /5-meter cone of fire, 5 m for every second. last for 5

2 Suvionden (Ice shard) 5m 30cm

2 Aerobula (Air bubble ) 5 m

2 Quersumby ( oakshield ) 5 m 2 saat

2 Tegonleta (Earthbind ) 5 m full 10 m

2 Promodynes ( locate animals ) 3 m 5km 15min cd 60min duriation

2 promoheba (locate plants) 3 m 5km 15min cd 60min duriation

2 Vocadyni (summon familiar) 5 m full 15 m 350 km max

2 Formotegon ( mold earth ) 5 m 5ft cube of soil or 2 cube of stone

2 Formoheba ( mold plants) 5 m control the shape of plants slowly

2 Primaferus ( primal savagery) 5 m

2 tegonspi (earth spike) 5 m

2 udrādȳñes ( command animal ) 5 m 5 min duriation

2 eludo jelmio (Warding Wind) 5 m 40 min

2 perzys egros (Flame Blade) 5 m 40 min

2 noctur visio (night vision) 5 m 30 min

2 inanis motu (traceless movement) 5 m 60 min

2 protego narys (Protection from Poison) passive

2 mino depuro (Lesser purify) 1 mana for 1 liter of liquid

Level 3

3 Abra Ruklo (life bloom) 10 m

-heal minor wound and can heal small fractured bones and fasten the recovery

3 medenvita (nourish and strengthen the body) 10 m

3 Zagon jelmāz (call lightning) 10 m

3 obtedȳñes (conjure animals) 10 m


3 Tegon impul (earth shock) 10 m

-concussive force 5-meter effect

3 ronvaiēdar (walk on water) 10m 30 min don't have CD

3 perzys sagit (flame arrows) 10 m

-Launches 3 flaming arrows 10 m

3 jelmio sumby (wind shield) 10 m

-more powerful form of warding wind, can deflect javelins and throwing axes

Level 4

Usti Perzys (Cauterizing Flames) 15 m

- Healing spell that Cauterizes the wound

Figumorfus (shapeshifting) 10 m

- Absorb an animal and turn into them can turn one size smaller has the half of the animal's stats(Golden Eagle/ wolf/ dog)

Hebagumen (plant growth) 10 m

- 20 m area/ once per day /growth time is lower bt 50%

Paez Lut (Slowing mud) 15 m

- It creats 15 meter radius of mud 20 cm deep

Melada tegon(meld with earth) 10 m last 5 sec every 5 sec 2 mana

- move 2m under earth with half speed as long as you can hold your breath

Ajomen anima (Wildfire spirit) 15 m 1 mana every 10 sec 1 fireball 20sec

- It can spam fireball spell and burn anyone touching it

jelmio egros (wind blade) 15 m 5 min CD

- 20 meter range slashes through

Undraheba (command plants) 15 m 5 min CD

- Controls plants it is not permanent and control is fast 5 sec duration

Incoinfra (dwellers below) 15 m 5 min CD

- 10 meter radius thorny giant roots come out of green portals

Glome Agri (spore field) 15 m 5 min CD

- Creats a 20-meter radius of the mushroom field if there is movement mushrooms release spores and those spores create a hallucinogen effect for 2 min

Perzys / Tegon / iēdar / jelmio / jelmāz mincalcium (summon minor elemental) 15 m

- fire-earth-water-wind-lightning

Tegontremo (Earthquake) 20m per sec

- 1 km aoe creates a 6-magnitude earthquake


- dark red in color 1 m diameter 2 lvl2 firebal+1 lvl2 windball= lvl4.5 spell

Qēlostabula ( star map) 20 m

- thx to the stars and sky, druids can harvest celestial energy and guide themselves. Bio gps

Qēlos Perzys (Star Fire) 20 m

- beam of white light falls on top of an enemy and burns them

Rhovagon grēze (Bark armor) 20 m

- stronger version of oakshield full body armor – other than changing skin clor more darker it doesn't show anything else.

Abrarflamen (Life Blast) 20 m

- creates 30 meter radius divine light energy blast that blesses anyone the caster sees as a friend and boosts their more and stamina and then provides a minor heal

Kelio rugiet (Lion's roar) 20 m

- boost the users voice and ımbues it with mana demoralizes the enemys