A/N: I have started writing another Fan-fic, this one is a One Piece fan-fic called Sword Saint In The One Piece (D&D) if you are interested, please take a look.

If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi

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Thank you for your good words and support.



290 AC


We both took positions and waited for each other to show an opening. Both of us were wielding swords and shields, but Nightfall had a bit of an advantage since it was longer than Red Rain. "Authenticate" couldn't show his stats directly because he had a Valyrian sword, but now that I'm a level 4 Druid, Authenticate should have gotten stronger, and at least I should be able to see his current stats when he attacks.

He started with a shield bash, and I let him push me back because I didn't know how strong he was. He used 12 str and 11 spd with this bash, but I don't believe it was everything he got. I jumped back with the bash and, at the same time, swung my sword at this leg so he wouldn't make a follow-up attack.

Let's test out how fast he was. I stepped back a few more steps, and he tried to close the distance with cautious steps. At that moment, I dashed forward with my top speed. I did a side step to the right and made him think I would attack from the right side when he started positioning himself.

With the next step, I lunged to the left; he panicked and wasn't expecting this much agility from me. I blocked and bashed his sword with my shield, slipped past him, and, while passing him, reached the back of his knee since there was no plate there, but he pushed me at the last second with his shield. There was chain mail in his joints, and I only managed to land a sallow cut on the back of his left calf. All of this happened in a few seconds, and If I didn't have a Valyrian sword, I wouldn't be able to hurt him.

He lashed out to keep me in range, and his speed was still 11. This means he wasn't using his top speed. Even though he had a cut on his leg, he still had 11 spd, and when Harras pushed me, he used all his strength; he had 13 str. I could see Harras was starting to act more cautious now; I could almost smell his fear. I might not have developed fully, but being a teenager isn't all bad. People you fight with always underestimate you.

He strikes my shield with all his might, and I do the same as a follow-up. Our shields crack open like small kindling. His sword ripped through my armor like it was not there, dispelled my oakshield on my arm, then stopped by Rhovagon grēze (Bark armor).

I could feel the blunt force on my right arm, it hurt like hell, and the shield spell on my arm weakened. If I didn't have bark armor, he would have cut my arm clean off. I wasn't as strong as him, I could cut his armor and wound his arm, but he could still move his arm. So it wasn't a really deep wound. Two str in stat made this much difference.

I pulled my guard dagger from my belt and charged at him, and he pulled his dagger but took a step back. It might not be deep, but he got cut two times; fear must have started to take root in him. He swung his sword, and I blocked with my guard dagger. Nightfall managed to cut halfway through the dagger guard, but I twisted my wrist and locked Nightfall between the guard and the dagger's blade.

Without giving him time, I swung the Red Rain toward his neck. He did the same and tried to block my sword, but I knew he would do that. That is why this was a feint, and I kicked him in his knee. He fell to one knee and couldn't pull the sword because I still locked it with my dagger. He lost all his lower body strength because he was on one knee.

I followed up with another swing to his neck, and he blocked it with his dagger again, but his arm strength was not enough to stop my slash that had all of my weight behind it, and I managed to push Red Rain all the way to his helmet. Red Rain had created a big crevice on his dagger and cut into his helmet, but he was able to stop it before it reached his head. My sword got stuck in his helmet.


This fight was not going as I expected. This boy was smaller than me. At least, that is what I thought, but he had strength and speed that didn't match his body. He was able to cut my leg and arm one after another. The cut on my leg gave me some discomfort, but I was still able to move my leg. The real problem was the one in my arm; it was a deeper cut. I was still able to use the arm, but it was weak.

When I tried to block his last strike, I found myself on my knee, I tried to free my sword, but before I could, he slashed toward my neck again. I tried to block, but my arm was weak, and the blade was coming toward my helmet.

It was like everything slowed down at that moment. The red sword cut through my helmet and stopped right at my temple. It was digging through my skin but had lost all its movement. My heart was beating like crazy; I almost died. This monster couldn't be a boy; it was a monster in a child's skin.

I couldn't free my sword; if I tried to get up, I would most likely lose my head in the next strike. He used his dagger to lock and pivot the sword away from his body. So, I discarded my sword and tackled him to the ground. He tried to resist, but I was stronger than him when it came to pure strength. I managed to drop him on his back.

I crawled on top of him and tried to drive my dagger into his chest. My left arm was in bad shape, so I used both my hand and put all my weight on it, but just as my dagger went past his breastplate, my body froze like a statue. The next thing I knew was a sharp pain in my neck, and everything started to go dark.


I didn't expect him to go for a tackle, and he managed to drop me on my back, but he made a grave mistake. He let go of his Valyrian sword. All I thought was, "I won." He was stronger than me, so he managed to crawl on top of me and tried to stab through my chest. The dagger won't be able to pass my shield, but the force could break a rib, so I cast a letagon (snare) and stun him.

Letagon only lasted for a few seconds, but it was enough time for me to stab my dagger through his neck. His lifeless body fell on top of me. I pushed him aside and got back up. I was still weak at grappling and had to work on that. Then I cast another Kelio rugiet (Lion's roar) and shouted,

"I thank House Harlaw for this Valyrian sword, but I already have one. So I gift this sword to the Priest of the Old Gods, Druid Emrys, for all his help in this war. As for you wet rats, is this the best you can do? I challenge all of you lot. Is anyone brave enough to stand before me and fight?"

The Stark army behind me banged their weapons against their shields and gave deafening cheers. Meanwhile, on the side of the Harlaws, there was silence. The air was so heavy you could almost touch it. I shouted one more time,

"Let me give you a handicap, I will face whomever you send with only one hand, and I will not use my Valyrian sword."