In the forest, above the high mountains where the witches live.
Noises were heard, others were sobbing for their loss. Earlier they went to find the others that went searching for their leader, they only ended up bringing their corpses.
Ceremonies for the dead were held, different enchanting and casting spells. The bodies are to be burnt in the burning green flame, that would give them the chance to be reincarnated again.
"Al gra ne zi''. [Translator: A chance to be reborn again]. This was recited multiple times by the witches…. And after the last reciting,the bodies were thrown in the fire, while the witches watched as the flame devoured their beloved sisters and brothers.
In no time, the bodies started glowing and dispersed over the place.
"Ali o ma nu". [Translator: Rest on sisters and brothers].
"The Vampires caused this!. We'll not sit here and do nothing about it, since they want war, we'll give it to them!!!".