The waitress walked up and poured them tea in their cups, she told them what the specials are. " thank you we take that, said. Jessie, she walked into the kitchen to tell the cook, " mom could you and Aunt Jordan teach them an lesson? " we got you nephew. Said, Jordan. " we take care of it, said. Jessie, uhh oh you don't mess with a wolf kid and think you going to get away with it. After they got done eating, they paid for the meals. They head over to the inn, and they walked inside of the door. " will you elease let us get the rooms? Asked. Frankie, " no safe your money, said. Jordan, Jessie ring the bell, the clerk walked up to the desk. " how much for an few rooms? Asked. Jessie, "$3.45 per rooms, Jessie pulled out her checkbook and wrote an check for that amount, she rip it out and hand it to her. She took it and hand them the keys. " thank you lets go, said. Jessie, they walked up the steps. " you are with me son, we got a busy day sleep tight everyone, they walked in their rooms, Cameron saw them out of the window, she rub him on the back. Jordan and Jessie walked out of the inn, Jessie hit her in the fact , " that for calling my kid a drunk, he is not a drunk you lucky I don't get your tail! Said, Jessie, she hit the ground. Holding her face, and Jordan hit the cowboy he hit the ground," if you were smart you will leave her before she do the same thing to you, said. Jordan, they walked back in the inn and walked up the steps, " its taken care of son. We got you, said. Jessie, he hugged his mother and Aunt, they walked in the rooms, nothing wrong when your mother has your back, back to the story. few minutes latter the gang is drunk and loud shooting off their guns, Frankie and Teeno ran out of the rooms, Jordan and Jessie looked at them. " where you goung? Asked. Jordan, " our job we got to do something, said. Frankie," you not Marshall's anymore, boys size anything can happened. Said, jordan. " you can get shot, someone can get shot. We got it go back to bed boys, said. Jessie, they pulled out their guns and walked out of the inn, hit each one by one on the back of their heads with the butt of their guns, knocking them out. They all the ground knock out, they located each one in the law office and lock them out. " lets get some sleep, said. Jordan, they walked back in the inn," problem took care of, said. Jordan, " off to bed we go few things before we head home. Said, Jessie. " you still have the house? Asked. Heather, " yes we still paying land, see you all in the morning clubs, said. Jessie, they went into the rooms, as the high night slowsy turn into the high morning, the sun is up it is morning Jordan and Jessie telegram and judge and jury , Cameron woke up with an hangover, he hold his head. " my head, mom mom, " they are still here Cameron they went to get breakfast. Said, Teeno, after they got breakfast, and clothes and gunbelts, they walked into the inn and up the steps. " everyone in the bath house, said. Jordan, " really mom? Asked. Frankie, " what we always told you? Asked. Jessie, " cleanses is next to to homeless, said. Everyone, " to the bath house and lets wash, they walked into the bath house and take their clothes off and washed, it is busy morning the town is popping, back to the story. after They got done washing and getting dressed, they walked down the steps and blessed the food and eat, " so what we going to do today? Asked. Teeno, " search , and then head home , said. Jordan, after they got done eating just on time the just judge show up, they walked out the inn, and down to the law office, they looked them out, and the judge * sentence them a year , they put them in the patty wagon ad it lrft, ' your gear go put then on so we can get going, said. Jessie, they put their clothes on, and they got on their horses and rode out the town.
After they left the town,they head out searching for anything, people in need, jam up wagon trails or train heist, they are in the valley on a hill, Jordan and Jessie pulled out their glass, " so what are we looking for? Asked. Preston, " anything son, this is part of the Job that we don't get paid for. Said, Jordan. " huh we don't why? Asked. Teeno, " because son no one asking us to search, look with no one asking us to transfer, either. Said, Jessie. " that suck, said. Cameron, " we got nothing lets find an spot to camp in the morning we head home. Said, Jessie, " did you say camp? Asked, Heather. " yes. They ride on as it Tipton dark, they camp near the woods, Jordan and Jessie set up the camp, and start to cook a little food, when you bounty of law you out in the range camping for the countryside is in order, back to the story." Dinner guys, they told them. They walked up, they help their bowls," Hank you haven't had food like this you going to loved mom and Aunt Jordan cooking, said. Heather, they blessed the food and start to eat," oh god ma'am where you both learn to cook like this, said. Hank, " practice, experiment cooking, wasn't easy. You know we your in laws son in law, said. Jessie, " it perfectly fine to call us mom and Aunt, said. Jordan, after they got done eating, they took up the dishes, as they lay down for the night, " sleep tight clubs we patrol around, said. Jordan, " we won't be far. Jordan went east and Jessie went west, all is good so far, until they heard someone coming, back to the story. When an horse rode up waking them up,Cameron jump up. " what the neck you doing here! He ran at him threatening to fight him,Jordan and Jessie ran up and push him back, " I want him gone mom and Aunt Jordan! " drunkie chili! I not here for you I want to talk to them!" Call my brother a drunk again I kick your a## myself! Said. Teeno, " we handle it everyone back to brd, first we do not take like to being follow and have our camp diatribe you lucky that there no bullet in you. Said, Jordan. " that don't mean that we won't, call my son a drunk again I shoot you myself, what you want? Said. Jessie, " what is this,your son? Said. The cowboy, " yes this a family outfit, you have less time to tell us why you following us and what you want, said. Jordan, " mom tell him to get lose!" I sorry I been listening to her, What do I need to joining, " you want a chance, Jes ," on it , thing is we do give shots but they hostility between you and my so not good, Cam walk and talk with your mother come on son, they walked up the camp. " mom this not an good idea, said. Frankie, " he laugh in my face with her with her called me a drunk, watch me drink my pain, heartach I do not want him here, you let him I leaving. Said, Cameron. " you not a drunk you are a law women son and an judge son, and I need you to tried to work beside him, let her go, let it go. You are staying with me you not leaving. Will you try to for me? Asked. Jessie, he signed and looked at his mother, " yes I try for you mom I do anything for you. Said, cameron. She his him on his head. " that is my boy come on, they walked back up to them. " you not a son or daughter not even a in law, said. Jessie, " but we do give chance, you call my nephew a drunk agian you will no longer be apart of this, how is Cam?" Told talk but he said he give it a tried. Said, Jessie. " you don't get the full outfit, just the vest what is your name, Teeno tossed him a vest, " all my life I been called cowboy. Said, the cowboy. " your name is Christopher, and you are new scout, let's get some sleep, in the morning we head home. Said, Jessie. Everyone went back to sleep, will Cameron and Christopher get along we will see, back to the story. Now The cowboy is apart of the family,