“I am so sorry, Cee, I was coming to give you these flowers as a get well soon present, but some idiot, kept a skateboard on my way, and once I stepped on it, I just couldn't stop that thing,” Heath begged while holding both Celine’s hand. I have never seen Heath give flowers to anyone in my life, let alone a girl. But the way he made his grand entrance is something I must say only Heath can manage to do. I wish, I had my camera right now to capture that moment.
“Fine, I will forgive you since I am in a good mood today. But you better get off this bed within the next ten seconds, or I will castrate you.” Celine threatened, and Heath jumped off the bed as if his pants got caught on fire.
“Jeez, what got inside your pants and died?” Heath asked her jokingly, but the death glare that Celine send his way made him shut his mouth.