

After getting back inside the Academy, Ian and I parted ways while I made my way to the hospital wing and, Ian went back upstairs to his room since he didn't start unpacking yet. When I entered the hospital, it was like I entered a contemporary building. The walls were all sterile with a buttermilk color to them. And there was a fresh bouquet of fresh flowers from the garden on the help desk.

This is the first time that I am noticing the changes that were made to this part of the building for this year, and frankly, I think the hospital wing has a tranquil feel to it and, to be honest, I think this is the best part of the Academy that I love. I know I am weird, but you can't blame me when you start living with two boisterous roommates. You tend to start seeking a bit of tranquility somewhere.

“No, Cee, the doctor said that you can't fly with your condition, so I think you should just stay back.” I heard June’s reasonable voice.