Scars that define you


After that incident in the dining room with Mrs.Marco, I retired back to Ashton’s room to catch up on some sleep but to no avail. For the past few days, the bond between the two of us has been continuously growing stronger, and every time I am alone, I always feel lonely and pessimistic.

So a few days back before, I came to Spain, I researched more about alma gemela. And found out that a person will only feel lonely and pessimistic when he/she has developed genuine feelings towards their other half without their knowledge. And I know I am ready to complete the bond between us when I felt those weird feelings when Ashton was so close to me back in that plane a few hours back.

“Sarina! What are you doing?” Celine yelled, startling me. I clutched my racing heart and glared at her for scaring the living daylights out of me.