Sweet corn...

Cheng Xia is silent for some time and then looked at Annyu who is also looking at her with worriedness written all over his face.

" Sweet corn".

"What?" Annyu is confused hearing her answer.

" Sweet corn. l think l saw sweet corn right there." Xia said while pointing towards the window. "It's been a long time that l had it" Xia gulped. " Can l go and get some?"

Annyu becomes speechless for some time. He never thought Xia could say something like that in that kind of atmosphere. But then realise that she is Cheng Xia, nothing is impossible for her when it comes to food.


Xia went to buy some sweet corn while Annyu was inside his car watching her buying it.

' She didn't change a little bit ' Annyu thought as Xia was always like that. And that's how she made him fall in love with her the most, with her craziness.

While thinking about her, he hasn't notice Xia, when she came and stood beside his car window.

" Can you lend me some money?" Actually, l have only big notes with me right now ". Her both hand was busy holding the corns and her eyes were already fixed there to eat them.

But Annyu is looking at Xia with suspicion but seeing her looking at the corns like that, he can't get himself to deny her. And so after leaving a big sigh he get out of the car and went to pay the bill while Xia went inside and started to eat one of them.

After coming back inside Xia asked Annyu, "Wanna have some An?" She is looking very cute while eating the corn. She is looking happy also.

Annyu remembers when they used to eat corn in front of the SAN river. Xia used to be very happy eating those with Annyu.

"An?" Xia called out for him when he didn't reply.

" l don't like corns." Suddenly Annyu said while starting the car again.

" Really? But you used to enjoy it when we had that before. " Xia asked in confusion.

" l stopped eating them".

Corn was one of Xia's favourite food and so Annyu also eat it with her many time. But in reality, Annyu really hates vegetables and corn types of food.

After that, they both didn't talk much and the car stopped in front of Xia's apartment." Thank you for today. l owe you two times then. And l know you don't need money and so l will treat you some time, okay?" Xia said.

" l don't need your money nor your treat and also things had over between us a long time ago so stop wasting your time," Annyu said when he saw Xia was about to get out of the car.

After hearing that Xia didn't say anymore but give her signature smile and get out of the car. But after going some steps she stops and suddenly turns to look at Annyu.

Annyu couldn't understand why she stopped but after some time he saw her coming to him. But it wasn't only coming near him but coming closer in front of his face that made Annyu frown but didn't move from his place.

" l know An that you are very angry with me and l deserves it. But let me tell you, however, you gonna ignore me I'll come after you that much. l have given you up once but not again. l will make you fall in love with me again and so do whatever you want to do and l will do whatever I want to do. And let's see who gonna win." Xia smiled after saying that and left.

When Xia started to come close to Annyu, he frowned and tried not to move. He thought he could do that. But after she starts talking Annyu's heart started to beat like a marathon race. He was in total shock and knew that it gonna be very difficult for him to avoid Xia.