You still love me??

After hearing Annyu, Darya took her tea and went to sit on the sofa near her office chair. " What she has done to you that this time you want to suspend someone instead of deducting the points or a warning letter?"

When Annyu heard her asking that question he didn't reply but stood up and went out of the room. Seeing him leaving the room Darya just shook her head as she was expecting that Annyu was going to do that. As she knows that Annyu would never reply to her question but only ask her to do something.

When Annyu went out Chagla was about to come into the room. So seeing him, she stopped in her pace and bowed, " Good morning, young master Wang."

Annyu just passed by her but didn't say anything that made Chagla think, ' They both are the same, SCARY '. Then she left a deep breath and went inside the trustee's room where Darya was waiting for her.

" Ma'am here is the file you asked for."

" Find out what happened today at versity and prepare a suspension letter for Sasha Li". Darya ordered to suspend Sasha even without knowing what happened as Annyu asked her to do.

Chagla left another deep breath secretly, ' We just arrived today and here come new troubles. Why don't young master give ma'am some rest? ' After that Chagla left to do what she was asked to do.


Coming out of the Trustee's room Annyu went to their base. There is no one there so he decided to wait for his friend. And after waiting for some time they all came here together.

" Where were you An? We were looking for you. " Bo Chen said and sat in one of the chairs in front of Annyu.

" l had some work to do ", Annyu replied.

"What work?" Lian asked with a poker face.

" She came back from the business trip so l went to meet her," Annyu replied simply.

" Is it the only reason?" Bo Chen asked with curiosity written all over his face.

As they all know that Annyu would not go to meet Darya without any reason.


" Some flying news has come to our ear that our dearest trustee has suspended Sasha Li. Whoa~ can you imagine? We needed to do something about her but even after coming from a business trip Darya ma'am has done it without even knowing it." Bo Chen said teasingly as they know it was Annyu who might have told her to do it.

" Yeah, what a coincidence. By the way, it can't be Darya ma'am. Someone must have told him what happened. And so l need to thank that guy." Lian said while looking at Annyu.

" ..... ", Annyu is getting annoyed as he knows that they know everything but still doing that.

" Is it... is it our Xiao Xia has some secret admirer that is helping her secretly? l mean our Xiao Xia attracted quite a several people on her first day. So it could be. What say?" Bo Chen said dramatically.

" .....".

" Her secret admirer must be very powerful to convince Darya ma'am." Finally, Jiang Yi decided to join in this fun.

" Yes, Yi. you are right. He must be a close person to Darya ma'am." Bo Chen said.

" Can you guys please stop? It's annoying." Annyu said.

" Why? We are just discussing who the secret admirer could be." Lian said. " But somehow do you know who is that An?"

" Yes, you also went to the trustees' room today. So you might have seen him". Bo Chen said.

"Can you guys please stop?" Annyu couldn't hold it anymore and burst out of anonymousness.

" Then why don't you tell us that it was you?" Lian said while crossing his hands together in front of his chest.

Everyone was looking at Annyu with curiosity written all over their face. Annyu didn't know how to answer them. He did that for her but he didn't know what to say to them as he doesn't want to hurt his ego.

" You still love her, right? " suddenly Jiang Yi asked which made everyone look at Annyu even with more curiosity.

For some time Annyu couldn't find what to answer. He wanted to tell them something but then decided to not say that. " No l don't. "

After hearing his answer everyone has become shocked but still didn't say anything as they want Annyu to solve this problem by himself. Because they know he was lying out of his self-respect. But sometimes things should go slowly and give them some time to think properly.

And eveyone knows how arrogant Annyu is. He would never listen to anyone this time as he becomes very sensitive about this topic now and forcing him to take a dicision would also not be right to do.