He is my son...

Mrs Li is also nodding her head in accordance. " Don't worry dear. Now that Mrs Wang has come to know about that, she will surely punish that girl. "

" But mom what about me? That girl needs to apologize to me. For her, my impression has been down in front of big brother Annyu." Sasha said dramatically to make her more awful.

Darya is hearing them silently as she wanted to see how far this both women can go but in the end, she couldn't hold her laughter.

" You both are surely very funny, l must say. " After laughing for some time, she said.

Seeing Darya laugh they both got confused as to why she is laughing but then decided to go along with it. So they both also started to laugh but after hearing Darya again their smile froze.

" For your kind information Mrs Li, l don't like to mix my office work and versity work together." Darya said.

" How could you think that a girl who just came two days ago can influence me to suspend someone without even knowing what had happened there? You must think of me as a fool then." Darya said with a serious look after laughing for some time.

" No... l just..." Mrs Li tried to say but was cut halfway.

" You must think of your family very highly also Mrs Li that you think with just a mere project you can just be friends with Wangs. And my son is someone who you can stop with that project.Huh~Funny" Darya crossed her legs together.

" We.... l just..." Mrs Li couldn't finish her sentence when she heard Sasha.

" But it wasn't my fault Aunty. It was all that girl who tricked everyone and made me a bully in front of fusion i and big brother Annyu." Sasha suddenly burst out. Her mother is also shocked seeing her daughter's sudden move and tries to stop her.

" Do you think someone can outsmart my son? And though she was Annyu's girlfriend, still no one can dare to make fool of him unless someone like you..." Darya smirked seeing their angry look of Sasha.

" Mrs Wang..." Mrs Li said.

" your daughter is surely something Mrs Li. She thinks she can fool around the versity using Wang's name and l will just stay quiet. But now l think l have made the right decision." After saying that Darya stand up and started to leave.

Seeing Darya, they both also stood up too to prevent her from going. But when they didn't succeed Mrs Li got frustrated and in this frustration, she said, " Mrs Wang, why are you doing that? He is not even your son."

After hearing that Darya stopped in her pace which made both mother and daughter become relieved. They thought they hit the bulls eye. But maybe they forgot who they are talking about that hitting the bulls eye is just a dream that they can only effort in fron of her.

Darya chuckled hearing her and she slowly looked at her and said, " I am withdrawing our project with Li Corporation. My lawyer will talk to your company tomorrow."

" What? What are you talking about?" Mrs Li said. It is surely a helping project for Li corporation but still, it is worth a lot. And hearing her withdraw from this project shocked her.

Because Darya is a very workaholic person and her work means a lot to her. So withdrawing such a big project is a very shocking news for both Sasha and Mrs Li. They were not expecting it at all.

" l have just shown you Mrs Li how much it could cost for your words because you had said something that no one has ever dared to say to me and you shouldn't have also. Now your whole family has to pay for it." Darya said with a glare that can kill thousands of people with it.

" l ... my apologies Mrs Wang.. l didn't mean to say that." Sasha and Mrs Li got scared. Because they lied about Mr Li that he is upset knowing about the suspension. But in truth, he doesn't even know about it.

Mr Li is a very strict person and if he gets to know that Sasha messed up with Wang Annyu, then he gonna kill Sasha and her mother. And so her mother took her here to make things clear before Mr Li knows but it seems like they messed up even more. In their impatience they messed up not only Sasha's carrier but also Mr. Li's whole fortune.

" l am telling you for the last time Mrs Li, Wang Annyu is my son. No one has ever gotten to say what you have dared. He has gone on me and that's how l have raised him and that's what people think about us.

And l don't care what they think in their mind but he is my son and no one can ever change it even l won't let them." This is what Darya said before going upstairs and they both can still feel the chills that she gave both of them in that few seconds.