
Xioa Xia?? What are you doing here?" Suddenly Bo Chen asked Xia when they were passing by the table.

" Big brother Chen!! l am just talking to Suyin. Some girls talk you know." Xia said and then looked behind him as the whole fusion i is standing there.

It seems like they all are already going out of the restaurant but stop seeing Xia here.

" We thought you are not going to come and that's why we are going to your house to meet you. But it seems like you don't have any hurry to meet your brother.." Lian said teasingly.

"It's not like that big brother Lian. l was about to go to meet you after finishing talking with Suyin," Xia said childishly while tugging his sleeve.

Hearing Suyin's name, they all looked at her when Suyin give them a little bow. But Xia's eyes are on Annyu and is smiling at him as if they are saying ' Look at me, dear '. But Annyu just thinks of ignoring it.