How do you know l live here??

Cheng Lian and Bo Chen take Xia to the PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL. It is almost night when they reached there. Also, there are not many people as the visiting hour is over long ago. So Bo Chen takes Xia directly to the emergency room and orders a nurse to come with him.

" What happened?" suddenly a voice come from behind them when they were taking Cia to the E.R.

"She hurt her head. l need to check her first. So I'll talk to you later." Bo Chen said to that person. " And Lian don't worry about Xiao Xia. She will be fine." Saying that he takes Xia in.

When Bo Chen was talking to Lian, Shau Ting was looking at Xia who was lying on a stretcher. She was looking at her head where the injury was but couldn't observe more as they took Xia in as soon as possible.

Lian is sitting on a chair outside the E.R but his hands are shaking continuously out of fear. Besides him, Suyin is also trembling. They both are thinking that it is their fault for not taking care of Xia well.