What if l don't??

"Why did you call me here?" Jiang Yi looked at his mother and asked.

But obviously this question was not for her directly.

Because Jiang Yi knows very well that it must be his father who has ordered his mother to do so.

"You are graduating in some month, don't you?" Jiang Deming asked.

"What is your plan after that?" He asked again.

But Joang Yi didn't answer him. Because he didn't feel like it's necessary. Everyone knows the answer very well.

Jiang Deming frowned. "Don't tell me you are still planning to go to that stupid company?"

Jiang Yi smirked. "It seems like you already know the answer."

"What's wrong with you? How can you be so unfaithful to your own family?" Jiang Deming shouted hearing him.

As soon as Jiang Deming started to become furious, Mrs Jiang quickly went to calm him down but before she could do that Deming signed her to stop right there.

He doesn't like if someone else talk in between and cut his words.