Do your wife know about this??

Wang Annyu is very angry right now and going somewhere with those big frowns on his forehead.

Maybe he is thinking about something.

He has come in some kind of office l guess...

Whatever Jiang Yi has said in the past has stuck in Annyu's mind. He is right. Where did that woman get his number?

Annyu opened the door without any knock or without waiting for any kind of permission to enter inside as if he is the boss of the office.

"I need to talk to you," Annyu said as soon as he entered to that office.

The person whose office is this quickly looked at Annyu as soon as he heard him. He was busy but not after he saw Annyu.

"Son, what are you doing here?" Zufeng asked in surprise.

It is a very rare case to find Annyu in Zufeng Wang's office.

"What a pleasant surprise to see you here?" He added and then stood up.

Zufeng is very happy to see Annyu in his office. But it seems like Annyu has come here with another motive.