She already left...

On the other hand, another boy is also sitting on the balcony while having his coffee. He is also thinking about that day.

"Why are you sitting here?" Xia came to Annyu and asked.

"Can't sleep?" Xia asked again while sitting beside him.

Annyu smiled and shook his head in no.

How could he sleep when he knows very well that if he fall asleep, he gonna see that nightmare again?

"Are you thinking about what has happened today?" Xia asked.

"NO," Annyu replied and looked at her properly.

"I am thinking about the time l saw that woman last like twelve years ago," he added.

Xia didn't say anything but kept looking at him.

"Do you know Yi was there with me that day?" Annyu said with a smile.

Xia became a little surprised. " Big brother Yi??"

"Hmm," Annyu replied. " l don't know what l would have done that day if Yi wasn't there with me."

Xia smiled. " He has been a great support to you, doesn't he?"

Annyu nodded his head yes. " He is."