Bo Chen explained everything to Fusion i...

Bo Chen is shaking his legs in nervousness. Because in front of him is sitting Cheng Lian. In the corner of their base room is also standing Jiang Yi quietly.

They are waiting for Annyu and Xia to come.

Bo Chen has gathered everyone today to explain his life story to them. Annyu and Lian are very angry with them and so was trying to ignore Bo Chen.

And so revealing everything to them is the better option now.

Also, Bo Chen needs to talk about Zoya Zheng to Annyu as well.

In this nervousness, Bo Chen has eaten half of his nails.

"Where is An and Xiao Xia? Don't you think they are taking too much time?" Bo Chen asked Lian.

Lian looked at Bo Chen hearing that.

"I wish you could show us this much interest before," he said mockingly.

Bo Chen just laughed hearing him. He doesn't have any other excuse right now.

"Yi, where is An by the way?'' Lian asked Jiang Yi.

"Don't know. He didn't come to classes for two days,'' Jiang Yi replied.