The same as you Wang Annyu...

"Suyin, what are you waiting for? Call the police and save your family," Maya shouted.

"Yes, prove that you are not with them," Kai also said.

"Family? Which family are you talking about Mrs. Feng? This?" Annyu asked.

He roamed his finger in front of Josh, Kai, and then Maya to refer to 'The Family' Maya just talked about.

"You are not even worthy of being called a mother. Then which family she belongs to?' Annyu asked again.

Suddenly Kai laughed.

"The same as you Wang Annyu," he said mockingly.

Kai said that because Annyu's family is also full of step-members.

"Oh! sorry. Now you got your real mother back, don't you? You must be very happy," saying that Kai started to laugh again.

Annyu gritted his teeth and clenched his fist in anger. But soon, Xia held Annyu's hand to calm him down.

Annyu smiled and looked back at Kai.