Xia came to meet Zoya Zheng?

Qibai turned to look at Shau Ting after Xia entered Zoya's room.

"Dr. Shau, did you bring sister Xia here?" Qibai asked.

"Your mother wanted to meet her. She said that Ms. Cheng owes something to her," Shau Ting explained.

She doesn't want anyone to misunderstand her.

"But...," Before Qibai could say something to Shau Ting, someone came to them.

That person held Shau Ting's hand and in between a second Shau Ting and that person vanished from there.

Qibai couldn't understand what just happened in a mili seconds.

He is the same person who was in the Siffon Cafe and was watching Shau Ting and Xia.


That person dragged Shau Ting into Bo Chen's room in anger.

Shau Ting also couldn't understand what just happened.

"Young master Cheng, what are you doing?" Shau Ting asked.

Lian held Shau Ting's hand so tightly that her hand started to pain a lot.