My red-eyed monster

Zanuel walked out of the palace angry, and worried. "where are you Denisa" he says looking around in the forest, he walked for a while looking around for traces to search Robert but he left nothing.

"my lord" a demon called from behind, Zanuel looks at him with uncertainty as to who he is "I have been waiting for you" he says his eyes started glowing seeing him.

"who are you?"

"I am James's brother"


"you remember my name Lord" Liam's eyes lit in happiness, nothing in the world could match the happiness being remembered by your role model.

"why were you waiting for me?"

"My lord, James and little master went to the east side, the lady is there, she was abducted by the demons"

"you were with them?"

"I was hiding from little master"


"he thinks I'm still young"

"you are just two hundred years old"

"the demons who kidnapped the lady are also young, they're the newborns"


"yes my lord, though I couldn't see them closely"