A Graveyard of Memories

This was the last place Hikari had wanted to visit before leaving for the city - Claire's burial ground.

"Grandma Claire, I don't think I'll be able to visit you anymore. I'm leaving for the city. I think I might be gone for a long time," Hikari said in her mind, placing the bouquet of white lilies on top of the burial mound. "I don't know where he is now, but I hope he's doing well. Leyon, I mean. I know you can't hear me, but please continue to look after him from heaven."

Hikari paused for a bit. Her eyes surveyed her surroundings, taking in each and everything she saw and engraving them into her memory.

"Grandma Claire, I wish to find my mother. I have no idea where to even start looking for her. All I know is she's in the city. What do I even say when I meet her? I don't know anything, " said Hikari. "Do you think I might run into him there, somehow?" she asked as her mind drifted to Leyon.

A few minutes passed unknowingly as Hikari continued her silent conversation with Claire's grave. Talking like this always made her feel better, made her feel stronger. During those days when her father would trouble her, she would run away from home and find solace here. She poured out her feelings, thinking grandma Claire would always be listening to her. And that made her go on, face life and keep going.

Finally deciding it was time to go, Hikari got up and turned away from the grave. Throwing one final glance at the place behind her, Hikari left with a heart full of newfound hope and ambition.