Grim Reaper

It was nearing noon. Hikari had been walking for what felt like ages since the early morning. She still hadn't had any luck in securing a single job. The situation wasn't much different from the previous day.

Tired and hungry, she plopped down on the rusty iron bench by the side of the road. Taking off her black worn-out shoes, she massaged the soles of her feet. She could see blisters beginning to form under her toes; it was going to be painful to walk now.

[Positive. Think positive, Hikari. You'll find a job. Don't give up.] Hikari tried to motivate herself. Putting her shoes back on, she got up and started walking, ignoring the slight pain in her steps. Not long after, she reached a crowded district in some part of the city. The place seemed like a good spot for finding jobs. [Is there some kind of big business growing here?]

Just then, someone lightly poked her from behind. Hikari turned around and saw a kind-looking woman who seemed to be in her early thirties.

"Hi miss, are you looking for a job?" the woman asked kindly. Hikari wanted to reply but couldn't. The woman looked unfazed and continued, "We're looking for pretty, young ladies who can serve our customers well. Are you up for the job?"

Hikari frantically took out her pen and notebook. "Is it okay if I can't speak? I need the job but I'm mute. Am I still eligible?" she hurriedly wrote.

The woman gave her an indifferent look that lasted a couple of seconds before smiling warmly at her. "Of course! There's no problem as long as you entertain them well. You just have to serve them food and drinks, that's all," the woman cheerfully said.

Hikari beamed with joy at her words. This woman must be an angel. Hikari thanked the woman again and again. Hard work did pay off, after all. [There will always be light at the end of the tunnel as long as you don't give up walking.] Such true, wonderful words, thought Hikari, her smile becoming wider and wider. Pretty, young ladies, she also said. [So she thinks I'm pretty.] Hikari inwardly squealed, proud of herself.

"Come with me. I'll show you what you need to do. Perhaps, we can start by changing your attire to something more appropriate." Saying this, the woman turned in the opposite direction and walked off with Hikari happily trailing behind like a clueless lost and found puppy.


"Come on. It won't be that bad. Let's go in. It'll be over before you know it," said the vile, disgusting man as he dragged her across the sidewalk, tightly gripping her hands.

Hikari should've known not to trust a stranger that easily. When that woman said she had a job for her, Hikari was not expecting it to be a job of this kind. Becoming a hostess at a nightclub was not what she wanted. But the moment she stepped into that building, she knew it was too late to turn back. She had thought she could somehow manage and complete the job for the night. Then she would go back to her lodging and never return to that immoral place ever again. She didn't want the money; she didn't want anything as long as she could get out of that place unscathed, away from all those vulgar, perverted men.

Things had been going well at first — the serving, the welcoming of guests, and so on. She didn't have to talk at all. There were no issues until the guests, more like the customers, got drunk. One of them became quite fond of her, said it was the mysterious, quiet nature of hers that moved his heart. Hikari remembered feeling absolutely disgusted when she heard him say that. After all, he was a middle-aged man who had a family. That was what she had heard from the other hostesses in the nightclub.

So, there she was, getting dragged by her hand down the sidewalk at eleven o'clock in the dead of the night, wearing a revealing red mini dress and a pair of black high heels. That vile, disgusting man would spare zero effort in getting her inside the nearest love hotel, all the while holding the littlest regard for her condition.

The strangers walking the streets looked at her, their expressions cold and uncaring. Their eyes clearly said the situation was not something new to them. It didn't take long for Hikari to realise why people were behaving in that manner, why they were not helping her. It was because this district, whatever its name was, was made only for the sole purpose of eliciting such kinds of corrupted acts and businesses. Nobody would rescue her now.

"Let's go in. We'll have more privacy there," said the man, walking up the steps leading to the hotel.

Hikari resisted, pulling against the man. If only she could get free, she wished. Suddenly, an idea sprung into her head. Hikari tried to bite the man's hand off, but he was no fool. For an ugly old man, his reflexes were pretty quick.

"Feisty, are we? I'm curious to see how well you'll do in bed. You're turning me on. Come on. Quick. Let's go in," the man teased her, vigorously pulling her by the hand and finally succeeding in hauling her up the steps.

[Someone? anyone? God? Please, save me] Hikari cried in her mind as the man forcibly dragged her inside the hotel.

Before Hikari knew it, she was in the hallway of the second floor. The man couldn't contain his excitement as he fumbled with the keys, trying to open the room as fast as possible. "We've come this far. You should give me a good time. Besides, you were silent the whole time. So that means yes, right? You want this as much as I want it." He laughed.

"Wrong! I don't want this. Just let me go!" Hikari screamed at him.

"What are you even trying to say? I can't hear you. Say it louder, on the bed, okay?" He ignored her. The door opened with a click and the man entered the room, pulling Hikari inside, and then locking it.

Hikari was thrown harshly on the bed before the man forced himself on top of her like a hungry barbarian. Tears pricked her eyes at the thought of what was about to happen to her. She knew full well what the outcome would turn out to be. Was this her fate? Was there no way of escaping from the clutches of this bloodthirsty monster?

"Aww, don't cry, pretty girl," the man consoled her in the most sickening way that made her stomach churn. He then slowly started undoing the buttons on his shirt, one by one. "It will all be over before you know it," he sang, and Hikari suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to vomit on his face.

Hikari watched in horror as he threw his shirt carelessly on the floor. This person was a swine without his clothing. That much was certain. She continued to watch as his hands then travelled to his pants and undid his belt.

"It feels so good to be free from the binding." He sighed.

Hikari could see what was coming next. Her mind screamed inside. She needed to do something fast. So, when the man was about to take off his pants, Hikari forcefully kicked him off the bed, causing him to crash painfully on the floor.

"Fuck. It's bleeding!" he exclaimed, getting up angrily, and covering his broken nose. "You bitch! You will pay," he shouted as he charged at her.

Hikari shut her eyes tightly, bracing for impact. And that was when she heard it – a loud bang on the door of the room she was in. Another bang and the door was ripped off its hinges. It smashed to the floor with a thunderous sound, then a tall figure walked in.

"W-Who are you?" The man stuttered, quickly getting off the bed and turning to the intruder who had entered the room.

"Me? I'm the Grim Reaper who's going to send you to hell."