You're a selfish jerk!

Yara was so engrossed on her phone not realizing when two men had swept her feet up from the pavement.

"You morons! Let me go!" She threw her small feet dismissively in the air as they carried her to one Lamborghini Aventador where Shark sat eagerly waiting for the woman to be brought to him.

"Put me down!" She yelped when they forced her into the backseat. She inhaled a familiar scent, it was the same from last night when he had scooped her into his arms. She shot daggers at him and a smile was evident at the corners of his mouth.

"You? What do you want?" She reluctantly refused to sit when they made her sit. She was already tired and felt faint from struggling earlier.

"What do I want? I want you." He fixed a careful gaze on her red cheeks and chuckled. "Your cheeks are all flushed, I didn't know you were this shameless."

"Excuse me? What makes you think I like you huh? I'm not like those call girls who crawl up to your bed to give you cummings. I'm not loose like you, someone who can't have one woman, keeps jumping from one damsel to another. Always unfastening your briefs evey morning, afternoon and every night. I wonder how long that bed has been complaining because of your toxic energy in bed!" Yara blubbered a lot even without thinking. She had done some digging and knew Shark was of no good to her. She hated guys who thought so highly of themselves just because they had everything in life.

"Huh! That's a lot, want to have a look?"

"Mmmh?" She mumbled confusedly.

"You clearly stated that I'm toxic in bed, I'm sure you wouldn't mind to check for yourself where that energy comes from. As always, my pants are damn loose, that were exactly your words, right?" He challenged her as he calmly watched her struggle to find something against him.

"Someone couldn't wait to even bed.....never mind. Can I go now? I have better things to do than talk an imbecile knowing it's so easy to put food on the table at the end of the day." She felt agitated and the more she got angry, the more her joints pained her. She closed her eyes for a moment to compose herself before finding a way to get away from him.

"Are you sick?" He asked and she jolted her mind back to reality.

"Please learn to mind your own business. What I do with my life or whatever I'm going through is none..." Her voice trailed off when she suddenly coughed out blood. She gasped when the blood stained her blue dress. Every time she saw blood, she dreaded of one thing, death.

"What's happening to you?" Shark shoved out his handkerchief and let her use it to wipe the blood from her dress. He wore a scary face because every time he chanced to meet her, she could either vomit or pass out.

"It's your fault that my health is deteriorating, you not only ordered the hospital to fire my doctor but also made the hospital bankrupt. What kind of human being are you? You're a selfish jerk! You want to have your cake and eat it too. What did I ever do to you?" She spoke with a stutter as his handkerchief was completely drenched in blood.

"What are you waiting for? To the Griffins' hospital immediately!" He yelled at the driver who stepped on the gas leaving dust behind.

"Hey, look at me, you'll be alright." He tried his best to stop her whimpers but he had no such experience. He was never used to begging or nagging people. His hands tried to cup her cheeks but she pushed him away. He tried caressing her hair but she couldn't let him.

"Don't you dare touch me!" She squealed as he was getting frightened by her tantrums. Having touched her hair, clumps of hair made their way down falling on her skirt.

"My hair! My hair...I just lost my hair." She sobbed uncontrollably as he had a rough time making her calm. Suddenly, she started convulsing and then passed out when they reached his hospital. She was immediately wheeled to the VIP intensive care unit and all he could see was the doctors conducting a cardiopulmonary resuscitation on her from the glass window. One of his bodyguards rushed over to hand him her phone which had started ringing earlier on the car.

Looking at the caller ID, he picked it up without hesitation.

"Shark Griffins speaking. I'll have my private jet pick you up in less than thirty minutes. Send me your location right away."

"What happened to Yara?"

"She needs you." Shark muttered and cut the call.

One of the doctors stepped out and came straight to him.

"I'm afraid the patient has been losing a lot of blood for weeks now. There's an urgent need for a blood transfusion and she has a rare type of blood group, B negative." He said and Shark didn't think twice about summoning his bodyguards to come over.

"Anyone with blood type B negative?"

They all fell silent and so he made a drastic decision.

"Find whoever has the blood type and drag him here. I'll compensate them fully." He gave an order that sent his men stepping on the gas to find Yara's donor.

"Her family hasn't yet showed up, don't you think they have the right to consent the blood transfusion?"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures Dr. James, you know how I work so you better get in there and save her!" Shark yelled yet again. He was slowly losing his patience and his temper had gotten the best of him.

Dr. James took to the heels before he could be asked to submit his resignation letter. Shark didn't care to ask what Yara was suffering from, he was pacing up and down when Mr. Banks hurried to see Yara.

"My child," he sobbed silently as he watched her granddaughter lying helplessly, her life hanging on by the help of the oxygen tank.