Kiss me

"Shy? C'mon, it won't make a difference if someone else skims you." Shark's portrayed his perverted nature, trailing his fingers on her wrist. Yara moved her hand away, stood up and moved to the dressing room. Shark went after her and pulled her closer to his torso.

"When did we start getting comfortable with one another?" She asked him.

"The day I first set my eyes on you. You were crying and I followed you to the restrooms. I saw you doing a touch of makeup on your face and I told you that you were beautiful without any of it. You snubbed me remember?" Shark wanted her to recall that day, the day she dreaded her life was over if she didn't get a kidney transplant.

"Why is it always you? Why do I always end up being rescued by you?" She spoke with a stutter, her eyes full of tears.

"Because in my arms, no one will dare to hurt you. I'm fragile when I'm with you, just as you are. It makes us even. I'm not who you think I am, I was never gentle, kindhearted and soft before. It's all your fault that I'm suddenly unable to get cold and demanding as before. My heart softens just by your single touch or deed." Shark revealed to the woman who was at the verge of breaking down, breaking down because for once she was reciprocating a man's feelings knowing that the end would be suffering.

Her heart had remained insignificant of the fact that she would fall in love one day. She sobbed hard on his chest, trembling and shaking violently and he had a hard time soothing her. She held onto him tighter and he leaned more inhaling every ounce of the sweet shampoo on her nape. She was too way addictive like a drug and he wished they'd stay in each other's arms forever.

Yara disengaged herself from his embrace and rubbernecked at him and finding her voice to speak, she said, "Kiss me Shark, I want to know what it feels like sucking one's lips. Kiss me harder, make me feel your lips on mine tomorrow."

"Yara I...."

His words were cut short by her lips sealing his own. Shark was stunned by her actions, he really didn't have to try hard but what shocked him was how she was asking him to kiss her. He didn't expect her to kiss him first and he dreaded that she was doing so at impulse, the reason why he didn't kiss her right away.

Yara trailed her little hands on his torso trying to munch his lips. She was bad at kissing since she had no experience at all. Blake could give her a quick peck on the lips and that was it. Shark didn't react immediately to her advances leaving her making a fool out of herself. She broke the kiss and stared at him, tears evident on her beautiful and lustrous eyes.

"You don't want to kiss me?" She asked.

"I want to kiss you, so badly. I have waited for such a moment like ever... it's just that if I kiss you, I won't be able to let go. Yara, we have to stop this or else I'm going to do something I'll end up regretting." He thought by saying such would make her give up on fulfilling her wish. Yara was unstoppable and if she had to kiss him, she had to make sure of that.

"Didn't you say you're a man and as a man you have needs?"

"Yeah, I did say but what has that got to do with this?"

"I can see it in your eyes every time you look at me, you want me. I can imagine how many times you have snuffed out your burning desires just because you're afraid you'll hurt me in the process. I'm a woman as well, I too have needs."

"Can you handle it?"

"I get it, I'm sick and I shouldn't be asking you this but my time is limited Shark. I won't be a virgin forever. I won't die with cobwebs."

"Hey, don't say such things. You won't die and I'll make sure of that." Shark took her into his arms and consoled.

"Hey listen, I want you to break me. That pain, that pleasure, I want to feel it." She blubbered out without thinking.

"Sure?" Shark had his doubts but couldn't hide the joy he felt inside. He was proud that she was still pure and he was going to be the first man to touch her. Why the heck did Blake lie to him? The latter's lie was unnecessary because he had his last laugh.

"How do you want it?" Shark asked her.

"Give me your worst." She dared him.

In a swift way, Shark lifted her up and pinned her down on the bed.

"I'm thinking I might kiss you," he said quitely, intently taking her breath away. Her mouth waited like a question, it was as if she'd die without getting his lips.

"Then do it," Yara blushed at her own boldness. But Shark only gave that breathy laugh and leaned in. His lips brushed hers, soft and warm that made her heart flutter. He pulled back a little. He was staring at her and she stared right back as he kissed her again, harder. His kisses were demanding and she tried to pick up his pace. Seeing her struggle to match up to him, he pulled away and cupped her cheeks brushing his nose with hers.

"Sorry it I was too fast, you're fascinating and I won't get tired of nibbling those hot lips." He licked his lips dry and peeked at her intently leaning in.....

"I burn for you Yara, I promise you that after tonight, you'll know no other man but me." He heaved placing his hand on the back of her neck pulling her more close to him. Yara was stripped of all her sanity, her hands wandered all over his torso wanting to rip off his shirt.