Lupus fog

"Grandpa?" Yara was stunned to see her grandfather in Dr. Matt's company.

"My child, are you okay? Did you...."

"How do I look?" She teased him.

"Why did you shave your beautiful hair?" Mr. Banks touched her short damp hair and was inconsolable.

"Grandpa? Don't cry, I'm way better in without the long hair. I'll have to remain bald eventually." She struggled to keep her emotions in check as she patted him gently.

"I'm sorry I didn't come home last night.".

"It's okay, Matt watched the Notebook with me. He's great company." He smiled fondly at her.

"How come?" Yara found it weird since she couldn't remember anything from yesterday other than playing the piano.

"We need to talk." Dr. Matt took her arm and led her to the backyard. Meanwhile, Shark watched the old man from the second floor as he scrutinized all over the place. His eyes met Shark's who deliberately walked away. Mr. Banks was made to understand that he couldn't handle it and he had warned him of the same. He was in position to understand his granddaughter and how stubborn she was regarding her terminal illness. His mind jolted back from his epical thinking when Grasha offered him a cup of coffee.

"That's thoughtful of you." Mr. Banks acknowledged Grasha taking a sip of the coffee. However, he felt nauseated and spat the coffee on the floor.

"Too much sugar?" Grasha asked him.

"I'm diabetic and if my granddaughter finds out that I had coffee she'll reprimand me." Mr. Banks sounded unreasonable to her as she chuckled hard.

"Come with me, there's an alternative."

"Well, do you have pasta?" He asked as he followed her.

"You're diabetic remember? High carb processed foods are not recommended for you."

"In that case, give me some before she returns." Mr. Banks childishness amused Grasha. They were age mates after all and there was likelihood of them getting along.

At the backyard, Yara sauntered to the hammock feeling worse. Dr. Matt revealed to her that her chances of losing her memory were high now that she was taking long to recall certain events. She had lupus fog, a condition which prevented her from remembering once familiar tasks. Even if she'd get treatment, her case was mild to severe since most vital organs in her body were failing.

"I'll have to put you under observation for a few days besides the director misses you a lot." Dr. Matt said.

"Oh my bad, I forgot all about the hospital. How's everything, did they get investors?" Yara was curious.

"The hospital management is better than before and recently a facility has been created for the lupus patients. You're lucky, tomorrow you'll have your first intravenous infusion. That's good news."

"Yeah, it is." Yara frowned.

"Aren't you happy?"

"I wish I could jump up with joy but I don't know why everything feels suddenly creepy.....I really don't think I'm okay." Her voice trailed off.

"Hey, you can talk to me. What happened?"

"I'm in love Matt. I love Shark Griffins." She confessed.

"That's a good thing why cry though?"

"I freaked out on him this morning because I couldn't remember how horny I was last night. He told me we had a thing and I don't remember any of it. I don't know if I stand a chance with him, I'm sick and he's not. What if I end up not remembering his name or how he loved me?"

"Your brain is a mystery of its own crying won't help solve anything. You're going to have difficulties recalling the obvious if you stress it. Don't you want to remember how he cuddled you last night?" Dr. Matt teased her and she fell for it.

"It's weird, me and you talking such stuff. Of course, I do want to remember everything that happened last night. It was my first time and I don't know how it must have felt, it's weird, right? Not to remember anything at all."

"Don't forget about tomorrow, I'll be the one in charge of your treatment." He squeezed her hand gently and she smiled wryly at him.

"Just when I thought you'll go back to your rural home and forget all about me. If you ever do that, when I die, I'll come back to haunt you." She threw a jest on him.

"Whoa! Look who's talking huh? But seriously you need to get those ideas out of your head. If you die and leave me hanging, I'll join you in the grave so we die together."

"Get over it, not until I erase my last wish on my bucket list." She winked at him and he pursed his lips. The duo were behaving like teenagers that one could almost believe that they were sweethearts. Seeing them laughing and getting intimate like lovers, Shark's breath became haggard. Matt was a threat to his newfound love even though there was nothing between them. He could just watch her smiling and laughing with another man without making a fuss about it. The only reason why he let him come back to Yara's life was because she couldn't seem to be comfortable with his doctors. Moreover, Matt knew her condition better than everyone else.

What hurt him though, was the fact that the woman he loved enjoyed another man's company more than she did with him. Was he that cold? Couldn't he give her the same happiness she had with Matt?