You feel so good

"I want you right now, right here." Came his raspy voice as his hand wandered down her camisole.

Her breath stopped when she felt his fingers brush lightly on the bare skin of her waist. His hands slowly glided from the side of her waist to her back and rested on her mid arch. His hands roamed all over her camisole and every single touch of his was causing a jot of electricity run through her body. She was hypnotized, magnetized all at the same time. She felt like her body was in some sort of trance. She was so afraid to let her sanity go as she was on the verge of losing herself.

"It has never been easy without you around, I missed you. Can we just start over again? I just can't lose you now...I'll die if you ever leave me again." Shark spoke with so much emotions that Yara cupped his temples to calm him.

"I'm here baby, aren't I? I promise I'll stay with you." She peered into his teary eyes.

"Promise me you'll never hurt me...I want you forever...fuck you every day and love you till death do us part." Shark fixed his gaze on her, jotting down every single reaction of her face to his touch. He wanted to explore every curve and every edge of her body and he could clearly see that her throat was running dry and her eyes had a hint of bewilderment. He could clearly see that it had never been easy for her in those past few days, she yearned for him. And neither had it been easy for him.

His dreamy eyes looked like they were ready to trap her. His eyes were clear like sparkling water laced with hundreds of wild emotions. She felt her camisole falling down and so did he unbuckle her bra. Shark's raw and potent yearning drove him to pin her down on the floor as he hovered over her. Yara on the other hand, unfastened his pants, eases his briefs over his hips and brushed the length of his cock with her palms.

"Easy baby, I want to make you wet first before taking you here." He whispered seductively as he nuzzled against her, his lips on her neck nibbling and kissing his way up to her earlobe, where she'd always been ticklish.

"Ooh," she whispered. "Ooh, oh, oh, oh," she sighed as he worked his fingers against the slick seam. Shark watched her squeeze her eyes shut as she clamped her thighs against his wrist and snapped her hips up, once, twice three times before she froze, all muscles in her thighs and belly and bottom tense and quivering, and he felt her contract against his hips.

Before she could recover, he had rolled her onto her back and slipped inside her. After the first thrust he had to hold still, knowing that if he kept moving, if he gave up himself up to the exquisite tightness, the heat...he would explode.

He wanted her to come at least once more, with him. He wanted it to be good. He reached down and stroked her cheek, her hair. "Oh, God," she whispered, swiveling her hips in a way he knew would send him right over the edge.

"Oh, wait. Do you have a condom?" She whispered. "Shark, I'm not on the pill because I thought we were over so I..."

"Shh! Let's make a baby, I don't wanna hold anymore. Don't worry, I'll be a good father." He silenced her.

"Shark no, it's too early for that. I know you'll be a good father but can we just have fun? For now...babies will come later." She was worried about his joy of wanting to become a father because she was still ill.

"I'm just kidding. I'll load on your tummy then." He smiled fondly at her and slipped inside her again. She gasped and shut her eyes, and neither of them spoke. She had one hand on his shoulder, the other slowly stroking his back, from the nape of his neck to the base of his spine.

"You feel so good," she whispered and then....Shark couldn't hold back any longer. He plunged inside her, deep into that maddening clutch, that heat and she moaned. Her hands locked onto his shoulders, her breath against his face, her voice in his ear, urging him on.

"Oh, baby," he gasped as she put her lips against his ear, whispering his name over and over, like a chant, or a song, or a prayer.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She reached her climax and gasped for breath. Shark held onto her body tighter as he felt his load coming out, he groaned with pleasure and jerked out his flesh, spilling the warm sticky liquid on her tummy.

"Oh shit! I missed this." He drew air into his lungs and fell beside her on the cold dance floor.

"I wish it'd be like this everyday." She bit her lower lip smiling to herself.

"I want to cuddle you tonight," he said abruptly.

"You want my grandpa to have an heart attack? He hates you, you know. After you had me have the kidney transplant without his knowledge."

"Then do talk him out of it...I couldn't let you die, not in this lifetime." He caressed her hair before sitting up.

"I can't do it without you, let's face this together." Yara urged him.

"I'm with you in everything. Dress quickly before they close out on us."


In the same building, Carina and Davy held hands as they walked to the receptionist.

"I have a 104 tenth floor." Carina bragged.

"Your name please." The receptionist asked.

"Excuse me? Don't you know who I am? Jeez! I'm supposed to have a direct pass not stooping so low for a poor ugly...."

"She's Carina, the most followed queen on Instagram. Please be quick she doesn't like to wait, honey." Davy blew a kiss in the air and the receptionist shook her head in disbelief.

"I doubt she even has a nice phone on her. Just look at how her work attire is new. She's...."

"Just another employee." They chorused making fun of the receptionist who placed the room card on the counter, not minding them.

The duo walked towards the lift only to bump into Shark and Yara.

"This is just a small world. Have you been hooking up on your way down the elevator? Baby girl, Shark here knows how to get steamy in bed...I wonder how you keep up with that since we know you're a poor sickling." Carina burned with envy.

"I love her so back off! And yes, I fingered her and we fucked not once, not twice. Should I show you how her tight peaches drip honey? You're so dry and she's super wet, wet that I could spend my entire life sucking her get over it." Shark blurted out as he carried Yara in his arms, leaving the duo puzzled.

"Did he just say that I'm...."

"You're wet, every woman gets wet so don't mind him." Davy have her a friendly shoulder to lean on.

"I won't let that bitch have Shark, I must do something." She fumed.

"Of course you'll do something about it but for now, we can't afford to keep our client waiting. This is a billion dollar deal so don't waste your energy on the graveyard."