She's breathing

"Hide! They are coming this way....c'mon everyone." Marcus gave a warning to his men.

"Bury the both of them in a shallow grave. We have no time." Came a deep voice commanding his juniors. Marcus and his men laid in waiting among the bushes as they watched a group of men digging a shallow grave. There were two bodies wrapped in white clothing stained with blood.

"Hurry up!" Their leader commanded as he was on the lookout.

"Don't you think they'll be discovered soon?" One of the men asked.

"Who cares! Just do your job." The leader dismissed his claims and went aside to smoke as the rest of the men buried the two bodies.

"It's done Boss, let's get out of here." One short guy reported.

"Finally." He sighed and marched forward to the van as the rest trailed behind him.

Marcus alerted his men and soon, they scampered to the mounded soil to dig out the bodies.

"It's Dr. Shaw! It seems like his neck was teared by some animal or something." One of the henchmen was quick to notice.

"Who's the other man?" Marcus asked.

"She's a woman...and there's a pulse." He reported.

"She's breathing. Bring her to the car." Marcus ordered.

"What about him?"

"It'll be safe is he's buried in his mansion...I'll send you some back up." Marcus said to his two men before walking away with the rest who were armed with guns.

"Where should we take her?" One of the men asked Marcus.

"I'll take care of it, just get in." He urged them as he resolved to call Shark who was sleeping like a log of wood after drinking too much alcohol.


The drowsy Carina was startled when a tall silhouette poured cold water on her.

"Wake up sleepyhead!" Came a demanding voice.

"Wh-who are you?" Carina shuddered.

"I've been waiting for you...Carina Parker." Dr. Arizona chuckled

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Such a quest shouldn't be rushed like that, I'm just doing you a favor by opening your eyes to the truth."

"What are you talking about?" She asked confusedly.

"Your mother, Cynthia, we had some history before she rushed to your old man, is he behind bars. I almost forgot, hahaha!"

"It doesn't make sense...I don't even know you." She blurted out.

"Oh poor me, she never thought of telling you about our old school romance. Such a goddess, beautiful as you, she was my world or so I thought until..."


"Hey kiddo, listen to what I'm about to tell you, you might not like it or better, like it hahaha." Dr. Arizona laughed silly enjoying intimidating the latter who was clueless of who he was.

"We were poor back then, she liked to party a lot and perhaps that's how she met your father who abandoned you the moment your mother had her first throw up. I had no money on me but I gave the both of you shelter. Our friendship grew to something more and I was ready to take full responsibility of you but women are women. She dumped me when Mayor Parker bought some sweet candy for her, call it cravings, every pregnant woman likes sweet things and of course if it's offered freely. I was just like a marshmallow and she chose him over me. But I promised myself that I'll look for that one person who ruined the beautiful thing we had, me and Cynthia."

"That's not true! I can't believe that rubbish." Carina struggled to untie herself.

"No worries, if she'd been alive, she'd have told you the whole truth but since she's no more, you can as well as hold on to that. I was your mother's big time Crush and she chose to crash me."

"So what's my fault in this? What exactly do you want from me?"

"I hear you're a model struggling to keep your image to the public. I also hear you have some unsettled debts and still on the run."

"Who told you that? So you've been stalking me long enough to know everything that goes on behind the closed doors, no?" Carina said amusedly.

"No, Kiddo, I don't have to do that. Sometimes it's good to check the color of poop someone farts into the toilet bowl."


"Your trans buddy has been of good help to us."


"Of course, Davy. A piece of advice for you darling, don't trust every neighbor that shows up at your door in the morning, in the name of can I help you with the pastries?"

"I just don't get why I'm still here. And what's this place?"

"Relax honey, I'm getting started."

"No! You have to let me go." She shrilled.

"Feisty huh? Listen here kiddo, I'm a doctor and I can give you anaesthesia if you keep flinching. Why don't you do yourself a favor and shut up. I'm still figuring out what I can do to you. Ain't in a hurry because I respect the dead, and I've lived to love your mother to date. Funny, isn't it?"

Suddenly the door was yanked open and a tall hunk male barged in.

"Speak!" Dr. Arizona said.

"We buried them." The man muttered.

"Where's that Bastard's psycho of a daughter?"

"She's in the waiting room." He responded.

"Keep an eye on her, I'll be back." Dr. Arizona said before dashing out.

"Hey, will you be kind enough to bring me water? I'm thirsty." Carina made a request.

"Don't try anything stupid." He warned her as he walked out.

Carina carefully untied her hands and sauntered to the door and luckily it was still unlocked. She scampered to the balcony and realized that she was on the fifth floor from the ground. Looking down, she saw many young girls resting in the orchard and wondered who they were not aware that the hunk man was behind her.

"You think you're so smart to escape my wrath!" He bounced on her, gripping her arms with a lot of strength but Carina was quick to crash his balls and he writhed in pain. As Carina tried to get away, the man caught her and burning with rage, he aimed at her chest and shot her squarely. Carina whimpered softly as she lost her balance falling down to the ground.

"Oh my gosh!"

"She's dead."

"My water just broke."

"I miscarried again."

The young girls resting in the garden rushed to her as they gasped to see a pool of blood on the grass.

"Such a beautiful soul." One girl holding her tummy said sadly.

"We really have to find our way out of this place. She's the third girl I've seen dying here. We don't need to be surrogates anymore, we can find decent jobs out there to feed our families. We're still young to die like her." Another worried young lass commented.

"What should we do? It's like we have been trapped here forever." Complained another.

Abruptly, a group of men scared them away into their rooms as they cleaned the mess in the grass and took away Carina's lifeless body.