Sleeping Beauty.

Michelle went to her class thinking about how Beatrice behaved and ignoring all the sarcastic remarks thrown towards her.

Anyone who questioned her about it she didn't reply to any not even the teachers.

Class resumed and all the teachers that came into her class raised the topic but being shut up by Michelle's silence they went into what they came to do.

As soon as the bell was rung Michelle tried to escape everyone by going home as soon as possible.

Very close to her escape,Lucas saw her leaving the school and pulled her back in.

"What was what i saw in the papers today and why are you silent about it"

"BECAUSE IT IS MY LIFE AND I CAN DO ANYTHING THING I WANT IN MY LIFE",She shouted before apologising,getting everyone's attention.

"Everyone has being asking me that,and am just tried of it",she said tiredness evident in her voice.

Lucas hugged her and reassured her that everything will be alright before leading her to the car to take her home.

The rest if the Starry Night were in the car alongside the driver,Michelle sat next to Lucas with his arms still around her waist and her head on his shoulder.

They both felt safe in themselves comfort and it felt like they had been in that kind of position before.

Lucas was soon out of the comfort zone and started thinking about who published the magazine,his thoughts went straight to Beatrice.

Michelle turned in his grip and it made him look at her face,"she looks so beautiful in her sleep",he thought as he watched her while everyone else stared at them both including the driver.