Moving in

Lucas looked at him then to Michelle expecting a reply from her but he got none.

He then held his peace till they got to Michelle's place,throughout the journey their the car became extremely uncomfortable because of the silence after what Jake said.

What was going on in Lucas mind was that she hasn't become my girlfriend and he is calling her his wife.

Jake took Michelle into her house and Lucas didn't say a word to him while he did so.

When they got inside the house Lucas sped away to his mansion.


As soon they got in Jake met Michelle's father who immediately shouted in surprise.

"What happened to her",he began to question, "She just fainted",Jake lied to him to throw him off so that he doesn't go and do his findings and know what Michelle gas being keeping from him.

"Please have your seat,I will take her to her room",he said and carried Michelle in his arm. All this while she said nothing but smiled at Jake in appreciation.

Jake stayed and ate in their house,answered some of the questions that her father asked still sticking with his lie.

Soon enough he left and as soon as he was out of sight Lucas appeared with his load.