I wish you were here

"Yes,am fine thank you,thanks for asking",he said sarcastically but didn't receive any reply.

"Bro,am sorry for what I said,I was just trying to look out for you...this girl..even if she is the one you are looking for she might like someone else already....I mean is has been a long time...",he stopped and signed not knowing what to say again.

What he said made him remember that Jake called her his wife and that made him loose his temper and just go to to his room.

Jake followed close and went into the apartment with him,before going back to the studio to finish unpacking then went to the apartment and settle in in the other room.


Michelle woke up with a fright in the middle of the night due to a bad dream.

She had dreamt that a woman gave birth to two children and then left them both,but instead of the child to call out to their mother the male child was calling out to the female and the female didn't hear or know what was going on at all.

At that point of Michelle's life she began to cry,wondering why all this are suddenly happening to her and then she remembered the dream about her mum and the tears began to flow in heaps.

"I wish you were here,then I would at least have someone to tell all this to",she said in the midst if tears.