Am Done For

What he said was more then a slap to Serena she felt utterly humiliated and only prayed the at the ground would swallow her right their and then.

"What spell has she cast on you...look at it very well..she..she",she pointed at Michelle,"..she isn't someone worth your statues and would be a shame to your reputation of your relationship comes to light".

She paused and moved closer to Lucas saying in a seduce manner,"just come to me,I will give you all you need...I can make you happy as a man...and you don't even need to worry as of the reputation".

Seeing that Lucas was silent she continued with renewed energy,"...I can make you feel....",before she finished,she placed her hand on Lucas face.

"Feel...",before she could say anything more the hand she put on his face was dragged with much force and she went flying to a distance before hitting the floor.

"Who do you think you are to touch me", and with that he left holding Michelle by the hand,telling Serena by his actions that Michelle was more important than she could ever be.

Serena fumed with anger as she watched their rear figure get more distance.

She stood up from the floor and adjusted her composure like non of this never happened.

Outside the building.

"Let go of my hand",Michelle shouted as soon as they were out of site.

Her words only made Lucas more infuriated and tighten his grip on her.

The air around him was becoming really dangerous on to breath was hard for Michelle.

When they got to the car Mark was already waiting with the driver and as soon as they spotted them coming they go ready to leave.

As Michelle entered the car she saw John coming towards her but the driver zoomed off before he got to them.

Mark,Lucas and Michelle got home quietly and everyone went their separate ways.

Mark was famished and went to the kitchen to see what was available,get met Maxwell their,cooking and decided to stay and help.

Lucas went to his apartment to relax, but actually didn't want to see anyone.

Michelle was the most tired of the trio, since she hadn't gotten much sleep the past night and the day is now gone and the night was knocking on the door yet she hasn't gotten any sleep

Immediately she got to her room she feel asleep and didn't wake up till she was called for dinner.

She hurriedly went downstairs because as much as she wanted to sleep so did she want to eat.

She was the first to get to the table then Lucas who sat opposite her,the chefs came next and surprisingly Hazel.

Michelle hasn't really seen her the week that just went by and was surprised to see that she looked happy,kind of too happy.

The food was pleasant to the eye and Michelle's mouth watered upon just perceiving the aroma.

She took her food first and began to eat like a wolf.

Lucas gave her a disgusted look and said,"could you stop behaving like I starved you went we went out".

It was obvious Lucas was irritated but Michelle didn't mind,it wasn't like they gave her something to eat anyways.

"Don't mind her,her mother didn't teach her any manners."

Hazel added happiness obvious in her voice,Michelle wondered what made her so happy.

With what she said Michelle lost her appetite but didn't leave the table coz she knew it would make her dad blame himself for it.

Michelle put the blame on Lucas instead,if he hadn't gave that remark,Hazel wouldn't have said that.

"Take of that bracelet",Lucas said commandingly to Michelle and she looked at the bracelet on her wrist which she had completely forgotten was their.

"No,I won't",she said and continued playing with her food.

Before she knew it Lucas gripped her wrist and broke the bracelet right off her hand.

Everyone was stunned,completely speechless even Max whose mouth was always dancing kept quiet.

Michelle angrily stormed off to her room,she was prepared to insult Lucas online like she always did before she met him.

She picked up her phone and stared blankly at the screen,pondering on what to write,her eyes lit up as soon as she thought of one that would immediately start a war online.

She pucked up her phone and wrote,[Anyone ever wondered why Starry Night hasn't gotten higher than they are know in the music industry even though, John has risen higher than that when he first started his career?

The answer is that they have a very stupid leader so surly they would lack behind,how could they choose someone with the name Lucas as a leader]

She read it again and thought that she could have done better if she was in her complete senses.

She posted the message and turned pale immediately.

She had not post it on the internet but sent it to all her contacts which Lucas happened to be part of.

She knew it was a bad idea to save the number of her stars rival.

"Oh no,am done for",was a she could say before running to Lucas's apartment.