Who Is Irreplaceable

Everyone but Grace was momentarily stunned most especially Michelle.

"What the hell are you doing Beatrice?!", Michelle shouted when she got her composure back.

"What do you think? Ehn You think I won't find out that you ate the reason why my fathers company is going to ruin,I will male sure you pay for it Michelle",she said aggressively still on Michelle's body.

'Her fathers company is going to ruins?', Michelle looked confused.

"I know nothing about it. Get off of me now you are really heavy",Michelle tried getting out of her hold.

"Stop lying,I know you sent Lucas to tell all my fathers business partners to end their contract because of what we did for you in the bathroom."

"Well even if I did it is justified because you started the fight",Michelle got angry and pushed her off with all her strength.

Beatrice was dumbstruck and she leaped in to give her a slap.

Her hand hasn't landed on Michelle's face that and other hand stopped her and threw her away.

"How dare you!!!", Robert was boiling with rage.

"Robert!! You should Be on my side since I am in partnership with Serena. We are doing if for you too", Beatrice was surprised that Robert took Michelle's side.

"When have I ever told you that Serena and l were romantically involved,l only love Michelle and no one else can take her place",he said like he was confessing his feelings instead if threatening someone.

In other situations Michelle's heart would have gone warm but now it just brought anger and made her feel irritated.

"But someone can replace you", Lucas came out of no where and Michelle looked shocked.

"That isn't for you to decide", Robert answered coldly.

"Why don't we ask her",Lucas suggested.

"Yeah,let Michelle say it. Michelle who is irreplaceable to you,Lucas or I", Robert asked coldly.

"...",Michelle was stunned on how the tables has turned and she is now the one in a difficult situation.

She walked out without saying a thing since she didn't know what to. Lucas wasn't one that could be angered and she didn't want to be confessing love to him in public.

She looked at Beatrice and sighed while Beatrice glared at her in return.

Lucas went back to his class with a gloomy air around him. Robert was extremely hurt that she didn't mention him and disappointed that she didn't mention anybody else. He was having mixed emotions.

At that time all eyes were on her and Michelle didn't want anything else but to enter the ground although she was a bit happy deep down that she was wanted.

Still in her thoughts Eric walked in and the memories of him telling her that Lucas truly loved her and Lucas saying the opposite,all the happiness in her earlier went down the drain reason unknown to her.

'But the way he behaves,could it be that he was lying not t have feelings for me', Michelle's thought silently