Resurrected and killed again!

Tang San's expression was ugly, he looked at Tang Xiao in astonishment, and asked, "Uncle, why did you hit me?"

Tang Xiao's face was angry, and he cursed: "There was nothing wrong with your father when he came back for the first time, but you asked him to go back to the medicine garden to steal fairy grass again, isn't that so?"

Tang San nodded: "Yes, I want to get the fairy grass, and then improve myself."

Tang Xiao was angry: "It's because of you! You killed your father! When Tang Hao returned to the medicine garden, he just met the snow-colored swan kiss. It would have been fine if he hadn't been poisoned, but he was already poisoned at that time. After touching it, the toxins multiplied thousand of times in his body. When he tried to come back, he met a soul master and was killed! Don't you think because of you your father was killed?! Shouldn't I beat you?"

Tang San was immediately stunned when he heard this, and knelt on the ground with a bang, looking at the second place on the list of hypocrites, Tang San cried and kowtowed.

"Father, I was wrong, I hurt you."

Tang San cried bitterly, Ah Yin's face was ugly, and she really wanted to slap Tang San.

Seeing this scene, Tang Yu and Tang Tian were very happy.

Flender comforted: "Don't be sad, the most important thing now is to go to Sea God Island as soon as possible, and see if Bo Saixi will revive your father when you arrive."

Tang San stood up, grieving now is also a waste of time.

Spirit Hall.

Bibi Dong's face was ugly, Shi Nian and Tang Hao in the hypocrite list are both dead, what's going on? Who exactly? To be able to move so fast to find these people and kill them.

At the time of the scumbag list, Bibi Dong was puzzled, Spirit Hall was the number one force, and should be the biggest beneficiary, but she only got one reward. Bibi Dong didn't know who got the rewards on the list of scumbags, and now the list of hypocrites is like this, Bibi Dong was shocked. Could there be some secret force that is comparable to Spirit Hall? Otherwise, how could they find the people so quickly.

Looking at the second place on the list of hypocrites, Bibi Dong hesitated, and made a decision after a short consideration.

Bibidong informed Qian Daoliu to come to the Pope's Palace, and soon, Qian Daoliu came.

Bibi Dong decided: "My resurrection divine light is used to revive you, and yours is used to revive Tang Hao."

Qian Daoliu immediately understood, glanced at the second place hypocrite, and asked in confirmation, "Do you want to revive Tang Hao? I know, your second martial spirit is one soul ring short, but in your second martial spirit the last ring can be million-year-old golden god-level soul ring, that will be even better, and it will be easy to pass the inheritance of the Rakshasa God and become an extremely powerful Rakshasa God."

Bibi Dong also knew that the god-level spirit ring was better, and she also thought that the ninth spirit ring should be golden. However, it is not easy to kill Tang San, because they have united with Sea God Island.

Bibi Dong decided: "Just kill Tang Hao, the 900,000-year-old Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear is also good."

Qian Daoliu nodded, ready to use his resurrection divine light to revive Tang Hao.

In the next second, the divine light of resurrection descended.

In the golden beam of light, a figure emerged, which was illusory at first, but gradually solidified.

At this moment Tang Hao became conscious, he was astonished, didn't I die?

Soon Tang Hao thought of the resurrection light, and understood: I was resurrected, who is it? Could it be that Little San came to Sea God Island and asked Bo Saixi to revive me?

Tang Hao was excited, it was great that he could be resurrected, after all he didn't want to die.

Tang Hao was murderous: 'I didn't die, I was resurrected. I will have my revenge!'

Tang Hao was very aggrieved and humiliated. He never thought that he would be killed by a level 40 three-ringed soul master. It was such a shame.

Tang Hao suddenly found that his strength was only level 88, Tang Hao was not surprised, after all, although he was resurrected, But the six spirit bones on his body were gone, so he was downgraded.

But Tang Hao was not discouraged, he was very firm."After being resurrected, I will practice harder and become stronger than before! I, Tang Hao, will never allow me to die again!"

At this moment, Tang Hao was fully revived, the divine light dissipated, and Tang Hao opened his eyes.

In an instant, Tang Hao was stunned. After a short moment of astonishment, Tang Hao released his martial soul directly, his face extremely heavy.

Looking around, this is not Sea God Island, but Spirit Hall!

Qian Daoliu reminded in a cold voice: "Don't think about resisting, it's useless, you were no match for me in the past, not to mention being relegated now."

After Qian Daoliu finished speaking, nine soul rings emerged, and the seraphim behind him held a huge golden holy sword in both hands, and slashed towards Tang Hao.

Tang Hao wanted to dodge, but Qian Daoliu's aura pressed him down, making him unable to move. Qian Daoliu is a Limit Douluo, rank ninety-nine, his body is extremely heavy just because of his aura, and he can only watch helplessly as the golden holy sword strikes him from above.

It was very difficult for Tang Hao to lift the Clear Sky Hammer, the surrounding pressure was too heavy, Tang Hao directly knelt down on one knee, holding the Clear Sky Hammer with both hands to resist.



The angel's holy sword slashed down, a lot of blood splashed, and the ground was stained red.


Tang Hao's body was split in half directly, and the body fell to the ground, with blood gushing out continuously, staining the ground red.

Tang Hao felt that he was too tragic, and was killed just after being resurrected.

After killing Tang Hao, Qian Daoliu felt better. After all, his son's death had something to do with Tang Hao. If he couldn't kill Bibi Dong, he could kill Tang Hao.

Tianshui Academy.

After Lin Yi came back, he found that the list of hypocrites had changed. For a short period of time, Tang Hao no longer indicated that he was dead. It's not that there was a mistake in the God List, it was obviously resurrected and then killed.

This made Lin Yi think of Spirit Hall. After all, both Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu possessed the divine light of resurrection. Lin Yi felt that Bibi Dong must have killed Tang Hao to obtain the ninth spirit ring.

"Tang Hao was killed by me, Bibi Dong or Qian Daoliu, and if Tang Hao gets on the list later, both me and the one who killed Tang Hao will get rewards, but my rewards will not be halved. Of course, we will see if Tang Hao will come back to life again."

At this moment, Tang San and the others were already approaching the sea.

Ma Hongjun noticed the hypocrite list, and excitedly shouted: "Third brother, look at the hypocrite list! It's no longer showing that Tang Hao is dead!"

Tang San looked over, and after being stunned, he was pleasantly surprised and excited: "Father is resurrected!"

Tang San was extremely happy, and at the same time he was wondering who resurrected father? Could it be that Bo Saixi saw her father dead, so she resurrected him? Does Bo Saixi know that Tang Hao is Tang Chen's grandson?

Tang San was happy, but the next second, Tang San stayed where he was, the smile on his face froze, because Tang Hao's back showed that he was dead again!

Tang San murmured to himself: "How come? Why does it show that he is dead after being resurrected?"

At this moment, Tang Yu and Tang Tian laughed and discussed in low voices.

"They resurrected and killed Tang Hao for the reward."

"Yeah, I feel like the Spirit Hall should have resurrected him, and Tang Hao was killed after being resurrected. It's really miserable."

The elders felt the same way, Tang Hao was indeed aggrieved and miserable, but their hearts were very happy.

Tang San also thought about it, his eyes flashed with resentment, he gritted his teeth, murderous: "Spirit Hall, I won't let you go!"