Life and Death!

Just when Lin Yi and the others were about to leave, a tall, muscular man came over.

After seeing Lin Yi and others, the man's eyes lit up, and he sighed secretly: "The six girls are all in good shape and temperament. Although they are wearing masks, they must all be beauties."

Thinking this way, the man walked up to before saying hello.

"Girls, you are all in good shape, why are you wearing masks? Take them all off and let me see them."

The man's gaze first turned to Zhu Zhuqing, after all, Zhu Zhuqing's figure is comparable to that of a woman in her twenties.

Zhu Zhuqing was cold only said one word: "Get lost."

This made the man's face darken: "How dare you talk to me like that!"

The man's footsteps stopped, his heart trembled, and the aura exuded by the young man in front of him actually made his body tremble involuntarily. But he looks very young, and it is impossible to be his opponent.

The man was very angry, with a ferocious face: "You guys are so courageous!"

The man clenched his fist and used the power of his martial soul, rushed forward, and punched Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also used no soul skills, and punched him up.

The fists collided, but Lin Yi remained motionless. The man was blown away and let out a scream. His body hit the wall ten meters away, creating a dent.

The man was shocked in his heart: "How can he be so strong?"

The man's fist and arm were in severe pain, blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his face became more and more gloomy.

The man is about to release his martial soul, after all he is a level 39 soul master. These young girls must be great soul masters, at most in their early thirties, so they cannot be his opponents.

Just when he was about to release his martial spirit, the supervisor of the fighting spirit field came.

"Stop it."

Seeing the person coming, the man's face softened a little.

The supervisor stepped forward and asked in a deep voice: "Are you causing trouble? You can't fight privately in the soul fighting arena, don't you know?"

The man apologized: "Director Ao, I'm sorry, I lost my mind for a while."

Supervisor Ao reminded: "What's the matter? The grievances are resolved on the soul fighting arena, Kuang Xi, next time I see you causing trouble , you will not enter here in the future."

Kuang Xi nodded repeatedly: "Understood. "

After Supervisor Ao left, Kuang Xi's face became ugly, and his eyes became sharp.

Kuang Xi looked at Lin Yi, provocatively: "Do you seven dare to fight with our Kuang Zhan team? And it's a bet, do you dare?"

Lin Yi felt that it was boring: "What's the point of gambling? Do you dare to fight to the death?"

This made Kuang Xi startled, it was unexpected, but if he refused, it meant that he was afraid. The Berserker team is very strong. Even if these people can participate in the Soul team battle, they are definitely not their opponent. So, he don't have to be afraid at all.

Kuang Xi sneered : "A fight to the death? Hahaha, You are really in a hurry to die, but don't worry, I will only kill you in a fight to the death. After all, it would be a pity to kill them. Before it's too late, let them take off their masks and apologize to me."

Lin Yi said coldly, "It's you who should apologize, if you kneel down and kowtow to apologize, and cut off your own thing, then I can consider it or we will fight to the death with you."

Hearing this, Kuang Xi was extremely angry, and left with a cold snort, feeling that the other party was really courting death. In other words, they don't understand the strength of their Berserker team.

"Our mad battle team is waiting for you in the life-and-death fighting arena! Don't be afraid to come!"

Kuang Xi left, and Ning Rongrong asked: "Life and death, brother Yi, you are going to kill."

Lin Yi shook his head: "It's not me who wants to kill, but you."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu and the others understood, but most of them looked a little heavy.

Lin Yi reminded: "In this world, killing is inevitable. Most of you have never killed anyone, so participating in a life-and-death battle is inevitable, and killing is also inevitable. You must adapt to killing, or you will die in the future. And, since it is life and death, it's either you die or you live, both sides want to kill each other, so you should kill."

Lin Yi continued: "After taking the stage, I will not do anything."

This surprised Ning Rongrong and the others. He will not use soul skills, but he only fight with his hands, but he didn't do it this time.

Lin Yi said: "I won't fight this life-and-death fight, but Rongrong, you can use all your soul skills. In this life-and-death fight, you six will fight."

Berserk is already on it.

The Berserker team is very calm. They have obviously participated in life-and-death battles and killed people. They are the ones who survived. This time they are confident that they will still be.

There are two middle-aged men, they are brothers, with cold faces. Behind, is a coquettish woman, this position is usually the control department.

Behind the woman are two thin men. The man at the back is the oldest, in his forties.

Lin Yi and others took the stage, and the competition was about to begin.

On the soul fighting stage, there was still a bloody smell, and there were bloodstains that were not wiped clean, obviously left over from the previous battle.

The match is about to start, and the audience here is different from the normal soul fighting audience, shouting frantically.

"Berserk team, tear them apart! Kill them!"

"I like killing! It's so cool!"

"Hurry up and kill!"


Lin Yi glanced over, the chaotic eyes, vast and endless, extremely majestic .

"Shut up!"

With a shout, all the audience shut up, and they couldn't help shivering, feeling a little chilly.

The members of the Berserk team noticed it and were surprised, thinking that Lin Yi was the captain, and he was very unusual. However, after taking the stage, Lin Yi sat cross-legged on the ground, which stunned the Berserkers.

"What do you mean? Sit down?"

"Aren't you going to fight?"

"Give up?"


The host on stage was also stunned, and didn't think much about it.

Team Tianshui VS Crazy Battle Team! Start now!"

Team Tianshui came to the Life and Death Fighting Soul Stage for the first time,.

As for the Berserker Team, they know each other well and are optimistic about the Berserker Team.

With the host leaving the field, the game started, Lin Yi was still sitting on the ground.

Ning Rongrong and the others released their martial souls. Originally, the Berserker Team was determined to win, but they were stunned for a moment.

They saw three soul rings around Ning Rongrong, yellow, yellow and red!

The third soul ring, blood-red, illuminates the life-and-death soul fighting field, making the place blood-red and bloodthirsty even more.

The Berserker team was stunned, and so were the audience.

"One hundred thousand year soul ring!"

"I used to think it was a dream, but now it seems that they has been rewarded by the God List!"

"The martial spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Pagoda! No wonder she was rewarded by the God List, it belongs to the Seven Treasure Glazed Sect. "


The audience was shocked.

The Berserker team's face is heavy, there is actually a soul master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, and a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Suddenly, when Xiao Wu's third spirit ring appeared, it shocked the audience again, it was another hundred thousand year spirit ring!