The Truth of Yu Xiaogang!

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"Start announcing the reasons for the top three on the shameless list!"

"The third place on the shameless list Tang Hao's reason for being on the list: He violated the agreement and intervened to help Tang San, and Tang San swears in the name of God, Tang Hao still broke the contract to help, which is extremely shameless."

"Many years ago, when he was walking on the mainland with his brother Tang Xiao, He met Ah Yin, and the two brothers fell in love with Ah Yin. Tang Hao didn't intend to give up Ah Yin to Tang Xiao. On the surface, it seemed that he couldn't give up emotionally. In fact, there is another reason!"

"Tang Hao knew that Tang Xiao really liked Ah Yin. If he let his brother get Ah Yin, then he would not be able to apply his plan."

"In the end Tang Hao succeeded, Tang Xiao gave up, and wished his brother and Ah Yin happiness. After the two got together, Tang Xiao persuaded Tang Hao and Ah Yin to stay in Clear Sky Sect, and it was best not to go out. However, Tang Hao refused to listen, still took Ah Yin to walk in the mainland. When Tang Xiao knew that Ah Yin was pregnant, he strongly urged Tang Hao to bring Ah Yin back. The outside was too dangerous for Ah Yin, and it was also very dangerous for the child. However, Tang Hao had his own ideas, naturally he won't listen to them, and the plan he've worked so hard on is about to come true."

"When Ah Yin was about to give birth, Tang Hao took Ah Yin near to Spirit City, and was finally discovered by the people of Spirit Hall, and then chased him down. Ah Yin happened to be extremely weak after giving birth, and could not help Tang Hao through battle. At this time, Tang Hao was very responsible, fighting with all his strength, fighting with his life, wanting to protect Ah Yin and his child from leaving, but if he really wanted to protect, why didn't he go back to Clear Sky Sect and stayed outside all the time, this is Because Tang Hao's inner thoughts are not to protect! It's to move Ah Yin, so that Ah Yin has to sacrifice!"

"In the end, everything went according to Tang Hao's plan. Ah Yin saw that Tang Hao was defeated and watched Tang Hao desperately protect her and his children. Ah Yin was moved and finally chose to sacrifice."

"Tang Hao is happy in his heart. His goal has been achieved, which is to let Ah Yin take the initiative to sacrifice to him, and he has a soul ring of 100,000 years. This kind of arrangement is extremely shameless."

"Tang Hao then escaped and lived in seclusion. Spirit Hall can only go to Clear Sky Sect. If Tang Hao knew how to be grateful, he would give the head to Spirit Hall himself, but he didn't, instead he hid."

"This matter still pissed off his father to death, causing the sixth elder of the Clear Sky Sect to be killed in the battle with the Spirit Hall, so Tang Hao is extremely shameless, ranking third on the shameless list!"

At this time, the soul masters in the mainland were shocked and they kept cursing.

"This Tang Hao is too disgusting!"

"I've heard his story before, and I thought he valued love and righteousness, but he was so shameless, everything was arranged by him."

"This explanation makes sense. At the beginning, I was puzzled. There were too many doubts. Is Tang Hao a fool? Why did you take Ah Yin around outside, knowing that Ah Yin is a 100,000-year-old soul beast and is about to give birth. Still not going back to the Clear Sky Sect, now I understand, it turned out to be like this, it's really shameless."

At this moment, Tang Xiao was extremely shocked, looked at Tang Hao in disbelief, and asked, "Brother Hao, is this true?"

Tang Hao shook his head hastily, very angrily: "Brother, don't believe it. The list of gods is not only messed up, but also nonsense! Just like the last list of hypocrites, the reasons are all nonsense, don't believe it."

Tang San spoke for his father: "Yes, uncle, don't believe this list of gods, it's aimed at us. The reason for saying such outrageous things is to provoke us and cause conflicts, don't believe it."

Tang Xiao quickly nodded and apologized: "It's my fault, so I shouldn't doubt you. I also don't think Brother Hao is that kind of person. After all, he is my own brother, and I know how he is."

Sea God Island,

Ah Yin's eyes trembled, and her heart was shaken. Tang Hao is second in the hypocrite, and now he is third in the shameless list, and has announced the reasons twice. These reasons have shaken Ah Yin. Am I really being deceived?

Ah Yin was also puzzled at that time, and asked Tang Hao why he didn't go back to Clear Sky Sect. Ah Yin suggested going back to Clear Sky Sect. It was too dangerous outside, and she was worried that Spirit Hall would take the opportunity to act when the child was born.

However, Tang Hao didn't listen, saying that he was fine, which made Ah Yin puzzled at that time.

Even though he already knew that she was a hundred thousand year soul beast, he still took her outside. Why?

"Could it be true..." Ah Yin frowned, even a little angry in her heart, hating Tang Hao.

The divine voice sounded:

"Start announcing the reason why Yu Xiaogang, the second place on the shameless list, is on the list!"

Yu Yuanzhen gritted his teeth: "I want to see how the god list slanders my son."

"Yu Xiaogang's reason for being on the list: On the one hand, he is hostile to the Spirit Hall, and on the other hand, he is using the resources of the Spirit Hall, which is very shameless. And he always shows off his theories, thinking that he is the one who knows the Spirit knowledge best in the mainland. He is the master of soul masters."

"He is very proud of his theory, but the reason why Yu Xiaogang has this knowledge is completely related to Spirit Hall. In the early years, he often went to the library of Spirit Hall to read classics. To sum up, He wrote a lot of books, pretending to be original, but in fact it is completely plagiarized."

"The reason for doing this is because he is a waste in terms of strength. As the son of the patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, he doesn't want to be such a waste. He also wants to be famous, but it is impossible to be famous in terms of strength, so he can only let everyone in the mainland recognize him and feel that he is the true master from the perspective of martial soul knowledge."

"If you can't become a strong man, you can become a master. This way you can also be famous. If you are not strong in strength, then you will be strong in knowledge. This is why Yu Xiaogang tried every means to obtain classics from the Spirit Hall. After reading it, He slightly rewrote it and made it his own, and published a lot of books to show that he is very good at learning."

"Afterwards, he called himself a master, and he also wanted everyone in Douluo Dalu to call himself a master, not a waste. Indeed, as he wished, many people called him a master, but with irony, Yu Xiaogang knowing that he has no real success, his theory needs to be verified. After that, he saw Tang San. knowing that Tang San is the enemy of Spirit Hall, he still intends to prove himself using Tang San."

"Yu Xiaogang won't be grateful to the Spirit Hall, but wants the Spirit Hall to perish, so it's extremely shameless."

After the announcement, Yu Yuanzhen's face was ugly and he was angry: "It's nonsense! Although my son Xiaogang is a waste in strength, he is really smart. He is very talented in martial arts knowledge. How could he plagiarize? My son is a real master ! It's not plagiarism!"