Entering 18 levels of Hell?!

Yu Xiaogang is only proud of his own wisdom and knowledge, and only on this point can he prove that he is not a waste. But now the only aspect of his knowledge that he was content with was confirmed as plagiarism by God's punishment.

Yu Xiaogang's face was completely lost, very embarrassing, and many people's anger could be heard.

At this time, people across the continent looked down on Yu Xiaogang even more, scolding and mocking.

"I used to think that although Yu Xiaogang's strength was rubbish, he still had some wisdom. He had some brains and knew a lot, but I didn't expect it to be completely because of frequent visits to the Spirit Hall library and the books he wrote were plagiarized. Really shameless, still have the face to let others call him a master?"

"Now Yu Xiaogang can't quibble, Yu Xiaogang is really a complete waste, not good at strength, and knowledge is still plagiarized."

"The theft list will come in two years, and Yu Xiaogang may be on the list."

The golden light curtain continued to display the picture.

Yu Xiaogang copied and merged his knowledge into his own, but Yu Xiaogang also knew that he had to add something of his own.

"Complete imitation is not good. I have to add some my own understanding and sum up a few theories I think, true and false, so that it is not easy for people to discover that I did plagiarism."

Yu Xiaogang then summed up ten theories, some of which were plagiarism, and some of them were summed up by himself.

The golden light curtain disappeared and the screening ended.

Yu Xiaogang is very embarrassed, but at this time Yu Xiaogang brazenly said: "That shows that I still have some knowledge, and it is not a complete plagiarism. Although there is plagiarism among the top ten theories, there are also theories that I have summarized. So I am not a complete waste! I still have some wisdom!"

However, the divine voice is ironic.

"Although he has summed up several theories himself, the theories he has summed up are all wrong! Among the ten theories, the plagiarism summed up several theories are correct, but the several theories he has summed up are completely wrong!!"

Yu Xiaogang doesn't want to believe it, the theory he summed up without plagiarism is wrong? How can this be?

Yu Xiaogang is confident: "Impossible! None of the theories I summarized can't be wrong!"

"Now begin to publish Yu Xiaogang's wrong theory, and explain why it is wrong."

Everyone looks forward to it.

"Hurry up and announce that all Yu Xiaogang is shit with is knowledge. It is the best to hit him from this aspect, and let him lose his face!"

Yu Xiaogang is not afraid at all: "I can't go wrong with any of my theories, just say it."

The sound of the gods:

"The first erroneous theory is that there is no waste of martial souls, and there are only wastes of soul masters. This sentence was said by Yu Xiaogang to Tang San, and it sounds very inspirational, meaning that as long as the soul master works hard, he will definitely become a strong soul master. Is that really the case?"

"The strength and weakness of the soul masters of Douluo Continent are directly related to the martial spirit and the martial spirit level. Yu Xiaogang thinks that the martial spirit and rank can be ignored, as long as you work hard. This is extremely ridiculous."

At this moment, everyone in Douluo Continent agreed and laughed.

"It's ridiculous, there are no waste spirits, only waste spirit masters, how is this possible? My spirit is waste, but I work hard, but now I am 60 years old and still a level 29 great spirit master, it will never be possible Break through to become the soul deity."

"So Yu Xiaogang is farting like this!"

"Yu Xiaogang is still very confident that his theory will not go wrong, and now he is beaten in the face directly, hahaha..."

In the divine punishment space, Yu Xiaogang was not convinced: "This theory of mine is correct, and my disciple Tang San can prove that he is a waste martial arts soul, but he is very powerful now, that's for sure! He was already very good before I died, and he was very good among his peers, so how do you explain this? Therefore, my theory is not completely wrong, it makes sense."

The divine voice sounded, taunting: "That's because you met Tang San, and if Tang San's martial arts were just ordinary blue silver grass, how could he cultivate to this level? His martial arts were not ordinary. Blue Silver grass, and he is still a twin martial soul, and is full of soul power, so his martial soul is not waste at all."

This made Yu Xiaogang's face very ugly and speechless.

The divine voice continues to announce:

"The second wrong theory, Yu Xiaogang's theory puts forward that the spirit ability is related to the spirit ring absorbed by spirit. This is inevitable, but it is actually wrong."

Yu Xiaogang wondered, how could it be wrong? Can't go wrong!

The divine voice satirizes: "The world is so large and infinite, there will always be exceptions. You don't know that this is your ignorance. There is a martial spirit, no matter what kind of spirit ring it absorbs, there is only one soul ability, that is healing, this martial soul is Nine Heart Begonia Martial Spirit. So do you still think that your theory is correct?"

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang was sluggish, and the Nine Hearts Begonia Martial Spirit, no matter what kind of spirit ring or how many spirit abilities he possesses, he only has one skill, that is, healing. How could this be possible?

At this time, Tang Tian and the others completely believed what the gods said, because Ye Lingling was like that. No matter what kind of spirit ring is absorbed, the spirit ability is healing.

Tang Tian sarcastically: "It seems that this Yu Xiaogang is not a master at all."

"The third false theory is that the absorption of the external spirit bone must also absorb the spirit ring of the spirit beast to succeed. This is also wrong."

At this time, Lin Yi couldn't help thinking of Huo Yuhao in the Peerless Tang Sect. He had not absorbed the spirit ring of the Dark Gold Direclaw Bear's external spirit bone.

"The fourth erroneous theory, the upper limit of the soul ring's absorption period."

"So, there are four theories that Yu Xiaogang himself did not plagiarize and summed up, but these four theories are all wrong. And in the ten theories, how did Spirit come from? The reason for the formation of innate soul power in every tenth level. Bottlenecks and cultivation, except Yu Xiaogang, many powerful soul masters know about it. It can be more certain that the theories he summarized are plagiarized and summarized from books, so that he claims to be a master and wants to get the whole story, recognized by the mainland, so it is extremely shameless."

At this time, Yu Xiaogang's face was extremely ugly, and he could hear the ridicule of many people in mainland China.

"Hahaha, Yu Xiaogang was slapped too much, and his face was lost."

"He can't refute it anymore. What a shit master is really a waste. There is no merit. He want everyone in the mainland to recognize him and call him a master, but now everyone in the whole mainland knows that he is a mediocre and full of waste."

Yu Xiaogang was in extreme pain at this time, suffering in mind.

The voice sounded: "Begin a series of divine punishments on Yu Xiaogang. First make Yu Xiaogang an eunuch!"

A knife appeared in the God Punishment Space, and Yu Xiaogang's expression changed drastically. This was to make himself an eunuch.

Although it was a soul, Yu Xiaogang could feel pain like ordinary people.


Yu Xiaogang let out a scream, his crotch was bright red, and he completely became an eunuch.

Many people in mainland feel very happy! The number one scumbag should become a eunuch.

The sound of the divine sound continued: "Started to blast Yu Xiaogang's soul a thousand times, and the pain was magnified a thousand times."

The divine thunder struck Yu Xiaogang's body, and Yu Xiaogang let out a scream, which was too painful.

A large area of ​​the body cracked and then exploded. The divine thunder smashing Tang Hao and others just now was physical, but to Yu Xiaogang it was a soul smashing, which was even more terrifying and painful.


Yu Xiaogang's screams resounded across the world, which made everyone who hated Yu Xiaogang thought that the screams sounded wonderful.

The blasting continued, the soul was blown to pieces again and again, and the recovery continued again and again.

Yu Xiaogang broke down and cried bitterly: "Kill me directly, it's too painful. I know I'm wrong, please spare me, give me a happy death, this is really worse than death!"

But begging for mercy is useless anyway.

Tang Hao felt that Yu Xiaogang was very pitiful, after all, he was in extreme pain just now, and he was about to collapse. Yu Xiaogang's soul was smashed and killed, and the pain was magnified a thousand times. This was unimaginable.

Yu Yuanzhen lay on the ground, extremely weak and aching all over, unable to stand up. Looking at his miserable son in the sky above, Yu Yuanzhen was in pain: "My son, you are so miserable. You can't rest in peace when you die. The soul is pulled out and the pain is magnified a thousand times. Stop it!"

However, the divine lightning continued to blast, and after three hours,

Yu Xiaogang collapsed in the divine punishment space, shivering, and collapsed to the extreme.

Yu Xiaogang felt extremely painful, and at the same time felt that he was finally relieved, thinking in his heart: Divine Thunder's slashing is finally over, too painful.

At this time, the the divine voice sounded.

"Begin to give Yu Xiaogang the last kind of divine punishment!"

This made Yu Xiaogang breathed a sigh of relief: "The last one is great. There is only one left. Once I hold it, it will be over! I can continue to rest in peace!"

However, God's next words made Yu Xiaogang's face extremely horrified, His face was pale, his eyes widened and full of fear.

Yu Xiaogang screamed in panic like crazy: "No! Don't! Father! Little San! Come and save me! Come and save me! Ahhhhh! Come and save me! Oh!"

Yu Xiaogang screamed in hysterical pain, terrified.

The divine voice sounded: "Punishment: Yu Xiaogang's soul can never be reincarnated! Drive Yu Xiaogang's soul into 18 hells! Continuous torture in 18 hells indefinitely! Let Yu Xiaogang's soul endure 18 hells every time a layer of torture! Repeated indefinitely!"

When everyone in Douluo Continent knew that there was only one kind of divine punishment left, they felt that Yu Xiaogang was too cheap, and it was about to end so soon. However, after hearing this, people across the continent clapped and praised.

"Hahaha! Well done! People like Yu Xiaogang can't be let go easily. This punishment makes Yu Xiaogang's soul experience torture in the 18th floor of hell indefinitely!"

The voice sounded: "Starting to drive Yu Xiaogang's soul into the 18th floor of hell!" And a golden light curtain emerged, for broadcasting Yu Xiaogang's torture in the 18th floor of hell!