On that bustling Tuesday night, the community thrived with activity, its residents engaged in their daily routines. Despite the presence of the Dunamis, a sense of productivity lingered in the air, as people continued to toil away. The resonant chime of the bell, signaling the end of the day and the closure of businesses, had yet to be heard.
Amidst the busy streets, Ryu found himself wandering along the road, following the familiar pathway. Enhanced by his vampire hearing, he keenly discerned the rhythmic beats of various individuals' hearts. As he passed by, many greeted him warmly, their smiles and welcoming gestures accompanying his journey through their stores.
At times, Ryu couldn't help but wonder why these people didn't harbor resentment toward him for the torment he had inflicted upon them. He had broken his promise to protect them and led them astray, forever trapping them in the unrelenting darkness.