Chapter 1: The Alpha Leader

A significant war raged on a distant, secluded island. The grassy fields and luscious green forests endured thousands of wolves clashing. A black warship had docked on the sandy shores. Combat boots imprinted in the sand led to a morbid scene of American Military remains tracing a path toward the island's center, where an enormous mansion, usually surrounded by lush vegetation, stood desecrated. Its pristine white walls were now painted gruesome red, and shattered glass littered the floor like malicious jewels. 

A pair of grey Beta wolves, fierce protectors of their pack, guard the massive doors. With their eyes fixed on the battlefield, they whispered emotional prayers to celestial deities who might listen, pleading with them to shield their respected gravid Alpha.

A white Delta wolf burst through the door and relayed, "She's whelping. Do whatever it takes to protect her."

The Beta wolves inhaled sharply, exposing their honed teeth from countless hunts. Their ears perked to catch any whispers of intrusion. The Delta wolf nodded to his comrades before navigating through several closed wooden doors inside the palace. His path led him to an open room illuminated at the end of the corridor. 

The Delta wolf entered, his posture humble as he bowed his head. "Leader, the humans have dispatched a faction of irritable wolves through our defense, infiltrating our courtyard."

The Alpha female, her royal bearing unbroken even in human form, rose from her infirmary bed. Beneath her surgical gown, a swollen belly whispered of her forthcoming responsibility. Cascading waves of straight black hair tumbled down her back. Blood-red eyes carried the weight of their sorrow and resolved while tendrils of crimson veins spiderwebbed across the whites of her eyes. Puffiness clung to her lowered eyelids and pasty skin. 

A Delta werewolf on standby wearing blue scrubs said, "Michelle, we're ready for you to begin." 

Michelle elegantly tied her long, wavy blue hair in a bun atop her head. Freckles complimented her dark complexion. She modeled a white physician coat, expressing her elevated medical ranking. Belting her neck with a stethoscope, Michelle gently guided her back to the bed for her protection. 

"Lily," Michelle addressed with compassion, "Pay no attention to the war at our doorstep. Your children need you now more than ever." 

Grasping her belly, she let out strained cries and rasped, "You can't comprehend, Michelle. My soldiers are perishing, and the responsibility falls on me to guide them to victory. I cannot fulfill that duty from here." 

Michelle maintained her firm gaze at Lily as she gloved her hands. The Delta wolves gently elevated Lily's legs upon the stirrups to widen her birth canal. 

Kneeling between her legs, Michelle urged, "You don't have a choice. Now push." 

Each unbearable push accompanied Lily's piercing screams underneath the white sheets. The cry of a healthy newborn resonated throughout the mansion. Lily sat up to catch her breath. Michelle cradled the delicate pink werewolf baby in human form. She carefully cut the umbilical cord and brought the infant to the examination table. A peaceful silence settled over the room. 

"How is she?" Lily asked, eager to meet her baby. 

"She's in perfect health, though a touch smaller than I'd hoped," Michelle said reassuringly while performing her tests. With the baby swaddled, Michelle laid her in the bassinet to glimpse at her smooth, pale skin and red eyes. 

Unexpectedly, Lily's piercing shrieks resonated, her fists pounding on the bed in distress. "The contractions are back," she exclaimed.

Lily's cries integrated with the voices of her warriors and her newborn daughter. Hostile wolves rampaged through the mansion doors, fueled by ruthless determination to reach the Alpha, leaving death and destruction in their wake. 

Michelle positioned herself with Lily's elevated legs; she extended her arms to catch the secondborn baby. Lily's energy withered away, and she collapsed back in exhaustion. 

"Michelle, leave while you still can." 

"I won't abandon you." 

Lily's command cut through the turmoil, "Go, all of you. Leave me here with the children. That's an order."

The harmonious cries of the babies inadvertently exposed their vulnerable location to the enemy. Resisting her tears, Michelle delivered the newborns to her mother. Her voice trembled as she whispered, "Lily, you don't have to do this. Come with us." 

"No, I can't come with you. If I do, we'll all die," Lily replied. 

Michelle exited the room and said, "You were a good friend, Lily. I'm so sorry. I hope you find peace."

Lily smiled reassuringly. "Go, I'll find peace when we win this war." 

Michelle wiped her tears, leaving the infirmary united by the loyal Delta wolves. They embarked on a desperate quest for an escape route. 

Lily rolled onto her side, facing the shattered windows, her babies cradled in her arms. Emotions surged within her as tears streamed down her cheeks like relentless rain. The enemy, with her acute sense of smell, closed in. 

Sensing her time slipping away, Lily held her children close and spoke softly. Her voice quivered. "My beloved children, you are the very light of my existence." 

Tears welled as she continued, "Know that I love you more than words express. I ache at the thought of not being there to watch you grow to become soldiers in an infinite war. I am so sorry." 

With a choked voice, she added. "One day, when you're older, you will come to understand the world beyond this island is a wondrous place, but this island holds something even more profound. Sakura, I have faith that you will save the world."

As the inevitable darkness loomed, the fluorescent light flickered and died. The mother's heart raced as she sensed a malicious intent. Before she could react, a snarling wolf, his fur matted with the blood of his enemies, lunged at her with a horrifying ferocity. 

In those fleeting moments, clutching her babies tightly, Lily's desperate cries pierce the air, "Spare my children!"

She understood the dire need to shield her offspring, even if it meant sacrificing herself. She feared the other side, but she feared eliminating her lineage more. A radiant light surrounded her form, and a colossal black wolf emerged in place of her human visage. Her deep red eyes glistened with an intense fire as she warped her features, revealing her razor-sharp, white teeth.

The savage beast at the helm of the pack licked his lips with a vicious grin and declared, "I shall obliterate the bloodline and claim the power of the Kami for myself."

Summoning her strength, she waged a desperate battle against the wolves, determined to shield Shouji and Sakura from the unfolding nightmare. She clamped down on their limbs and hurled them into the shattering glass windows, using the shards to pierce their hide. As the wolves snapped at their flesh, she retaliated by gouging at their eyes, rendering them sightless. Her intimate knowledge of her homeland gave her a vital edge in the dangerous struggle.

She proclaimed in her delicate wolf form, "My ancestors have called this land Home since the inception of our earth, and their legacy shall end far beyond its ultimate breath. I am the Generation of the Star, the proud daughter of the divine Kami. Remember my words, vile demon, for you shall not depart from this island with your life unscathed."

Lily unleashed a resonating and launched at the pack leader. She descended upon him with a considerable height advantage, snapping at his throat with her powerful jaws. The leader reacted violently, shaking his body, to throw her across the room. Despite the impact, she persisted, growling and snapping at his resolve to emphasize that she was the island's alpha, and no monstrous creature could ever alter that truth. 

The wicked wolf emitted a sinister laugh and taunted, "I believe we both know who's going to depart this island alive, and judging by your weak state, you won't witness another sunrise." 

As Lily felt she was gaining the upper hand. The enemies' ranks swelled, challenging her in the ongoing battle. The wolf closed in on her vulnerable children. However, Lily vaulted over the pack, landing on her hind legs, and assumed a protective fetal position around her offspring. 

The air, and in the blink of an eye, Lily's world dissolved into the abyss as the wolf's shadow engulfed her, extinguishing her presence. The hostile pack vaulted out the window, leaving a horrid scene for the history books.

Veiled in a tattered brown robe that concealed him beneath the hood, a male werewolf in human form slipped into the eerie silence of the room—wondering whether they had won the war. The Alpha's fate lay like a heavy cloud above them. Should the Alpha have fallen, the dire possibility of abandoning the island for the human world bloomed, where survival would be their only compass. 

He approached the lifeless remains of his alpha in the eerily silent room and gently shifted her body to reveal a baby girl nestled in the carnage. Now tainted with blood, the body was nowhere to be found; acknowledging the truth, he covered Sakura in a swaddle under his cloak. 

Yoshikazu, the relentless Alpha Lieutenant, stood as a lookout behind him. He witnessed the scene and commanded, "Kenjiro, spirit far away from the island. Separate her to a distant country from prying eyes. Let no soul learn of her survival." 

"Yes, sir," Kenjiro replied. The transformation began with a light encompassing Kenjiro's form, unveiling a black wolf. He searched forward through the dimly lit, disappearing into the void of darkness. 

"Sakura, it's time to get up." 

With Crimson eyes, she jolted awake, and a gas escaped her lungs as she struggled to breathe. Her trembling hands brushed her straight black hair as her senses gradually returned. She felt the rapid thumping over her heart echo in her chest, harmonizing with the pace of her racing thoughts. 

A gentleman hurried to Sakura's side–a seasoned figure in his late forties. His dark brown eyes peered through aviator glasses, observing Sakura as she caught her breath. She looked up, noting his Balbo beard and up-cut haircut. The gentleman asked, "Did you have a nightmare?" 

In a heavy Irish accent, Sakura said, "Oi, dad, yeah. Not sure what to make of it." 

"Come down for breakfast, and we'll talk about it." 

"I'll be right down." 

Sakura's father proceeded downstairs to complete breakfast preparations. She cast her blanket away, exhaling a sigh. She caressed her queen-sized bed draped in black silk sheets. Sakura sat on the edge of our bed, savoring the plush comfort of her Ebony rug underfoot.

Descending the extensive wooden staircase led Sakura to an elevated foyer. Marble floors exuded elegance beneath pristine white walls illuminated by a cascade chandelier. 

In the sprawling gourmet kitchen, Sakura stood before a broad rectangular island at the heart of the room. On the opposite side, brown bar stools with hydraulic metal stand as Sakura's father plated eggs benedict on a ceramic dish. Sakura sat on a stool, emitting audible groans and moans. She rubbed her weary eyes. "Why d'ya disturb me sleep?" 

 Her father gently positioned a glass of orange juice beside her medication bottle and provided her with breakfast. Leaning his elbow on the kitchen island, he supported his head with his palm. His warm smile accompanied his words, "You graduated high school a week ago and turned eighteen last night. Shouldn't you, I don't know, be having a birthday party or something? All the girls your age would normally be out drinking and fornicating." 

 Sakura rolled her eyes and grabbed her pill bottle. "Why do we have to talk about this every single year? You can't party without friends." 

 "Look, I know you had a rough childhood, but maybe you can start fresh by applying to a few colleges."

 Sakura groaned as she released her grasp on the fork; it produced a metallic sound on the ceramic plate. She could not shake off the years of memories spent in grade school, enduring mistreatment from her peers. The thought of repeating such an experience made her heart race, and she envisioned the potential traumas ahead. "I'm not goin' to college, Dad. It's too much, I'm sorry." 

 He sighed and pointed toward the prescription bottle beside her glass of orange juice. "The medicine you're on is just a temporary solution. Avoiding people won't help you heal."

 Sakura believed he could never truly grasp what she had to endure. The judgmental glances she received for her choice of attire and the relentless torment she faced because of her lack of social skills. 

 Sakura smirked, gesturing at the wine cases by the fridge, remarking, "Alcohol isn't a solution for drug addiction either."

 Her father glared, then let out a chuckle. "Hey, I've been clean for five years. The alcohol has nothing to do with it." 

 A faint hum resonated as a smartphone vibrated atop the marble counter. The screen turned on, revealing a heartwarming image of Sakura and her father captured on her graduation day.

 Her father picked up his phone and greeted the incoming call: "Good morning. This is Robbie Seaman. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?" 

 On the speaker, a cheerful voice echoed through the phone and said, "Hey, Rob! It's Kevin Church. You got the part in our new show. We're filming the first episode today." 

 "That is so fantastic. I can't wait. Thank you for choosing me. I'll be there soon." 

 Concluding the call, Robbie stepped away from the kitchen and proceeded to the foyer, where he retrieved his coat. He slipped into his leather jacket over a plaid button-down shirt. As Robbie turned, his gaze gently settled upon his daughter, who sat with a heavy heart. He recognized the urgency to provide comfort to her emotional distress. 

"We still have to talk about that nightmare you had last night."

 "I've no mind to step out of the house today." 

 "Go upstairs and change. I'll wait for you out front." 

 Robbie shut the door with a soft thud, and Sakura's audible groan resonated through the room as she massaged the tender lump at the back of her neck from leaning her head down too often. She leaped off the stool and faced the day's bright sunlight streaming through the window.

 Sakura ascended the stairs as she summoned a limited reserve of resilience to open her bedroom door. She sighed, walking to her dresser, where a black wooden frame caught her eye. Encased within was a cherished photograph of Sakura and her boyfriend, Athen, captured during their inaugural forest rendezvous—where their love story had unfolded. Sakura had an honest affection for nature; she found peace in the embrace of the woods, far from the city.

 While perched, meditating atop an elevated boulder one afternoon, Sakura spotted Athen venturing through the woods on his lonesome. His stunning features distracted her; his pale, flawless skin and pastel-blue eyes made him appear like a work of art—a picture-perfect image. He wore his favorite sleeveless band shirt and ripped jeans torn at the knees. His striking black long hair, stylishly arranged, purple-dyed tips, added a unique touch. 

 Her curiosity piqued, she leaned in for a closer gaze but lost her footing, tumbling through the shrubs and fractured branches. Yet, remarkably, Sakura landed gracefully upon the dirt path directly before Athen's stare.

 Like a Samurai in shimmering gold armor, Athen came to her rescue. He asked, "Shit, are you okay?"

 At first, Sakura hesitated to speak a single word. The idea of opening up to him filled her with fear. She had spent her lifetime building metaphorical walls to shield herself. These fears consumed her thoughts, a constant presence that shadowed every corner of her mind. She always assumed the worst in those around her to avoid the pain of being stabbed in the back once more. 

 However, at that moment, his genuine worry for her well-being struck a chord deep within Sakura's heart. No one had ever shown such care for her, igniting a love that would forever bandage their souls together. 

One day, months ago, he vanished without a trace. Every day, she missed him in hopes he would return home. Sakura carefully gathered the top layer of her shimmering hair and skillfully tied it with a cute, oversized black bow.

 She began her daily routine with eye shadow, applying her eyeliner precisely. Sakura preferred simple attire, a choice influenced by her discomfort with her body. Today, she opted for loose-fitting, long black pants paired with a plain tank top.

 After slipping into her comfortable black flats, Sakura ventured outside, where the sunlight greeted her. She squinted, using her hand as a visor, adjusting to the bright world beyond the mansion's walls. Robbie had waited for her in his brand-new 2017 Porsche 718 Boxster, sparkling in pristine white. 

 Settling onto the opulent black leather seats, Sakura watched as Robbie inserted his favorite CD. When he shifted gears, the engine purred to life, and they embarked on a journey through Los Angeles.

 Robbie's gaze momentarily drifted toward his daughter. He asked, "Sakura, what happened to you last night? What's making you so upset?" 

 "I don't rightly know what I witnessed, but a lass birthed twins before savage wolves killed her. She named her daughter Sakura. Both the lass and her mam looked the spittin' image of me."

 "The human brain can be a powerful organ. Your head was playing tricks on you. The Irish found you covered in soot. They tried to identify you, but nobody claimed you."

 "Where in Ireland?"

 Robbie sighed, "I don't know. I'm sorry, Pipsqueak." 

 Sakura smiled and replied, "Haven't heard ya call me that in a long time." 

 Sakura delicately rested her elbow upon the windshield frame, cradling her head with her palms. She recalled her time at the pediatric psychiatric treatment center she had lived in miles away from Los Angeles, and her days had followed a tedious routine, carefully structured and devoid of personal agendas. The rigid schedules of therapy sessions, group activities, and medication regimens had bound Sakura. Each interaction had felt surveyed, her every word and action examined through the lens of diagnosis and treatment. Sakura had entered the indoor recreational room with chairs forming a circle in the center of the spacious room. A few had already sat down with the psychiatrist. Sakura had dragged herself to a chair and reluctantly sat down.

 Waiting for the session to start, she had gazed at the psychiatrist wearing round glasses with some beauty marks on her cheeks—a long white medical coat over a sunflower dress. One after the other entered the room wearing different facial expressions. Some had been happier to be there, while others had looked like death.

 The psychiatrist cleared her throat to begin the discussion and said, "Good morning, everyone. We have a bigger crowd today, fantastic. Will our new guests introduce themselves?"

 The room had been silent, and the annoyed girls had rubbernecked each other. A few heads around the room had fumed with anger. Sitting next to Sakura on the left, a girl had had a swollen rope burn around her neck. She had short orange hair and freckles across her nose. Her skin had been cold and pale, like a corpse. Her eyes had sunk in as if she had seen what was beyond the other side of life. Sometimes, Sakura heard her groaning.

 On her right side, a young brunette girl in her first years of elementary school had been sitting in a fetal position, resting her head on her legs. Further examination showed a scar across half of her left face. Someone had burned this little girl. Everyone in the room had only imagined what had brought her there.

 A teenage girl with bright yellow hair and fair white skin had clicked her tongue over the roof of her mouth. Her brown eyes had rolled as she had sunk into her chair. The psychiatrist had been interested in her and had said, "Would you like to introduce yourself and tell us why you feel that way?"

 "My name is Lemon Underhill. This is stupid. Can I leave now? I want to go back to my room."

 "Why do you think this is stupid?"

 "I don't want to sit here and waste my time listening to other people's problems."

 Sakura waved her left arm to get everyone's attention. "Every story here is a lesson to be learned, lass. The individual trauma that brought us here can help others, ya."

 "What the fuck is that accent you have? Are you special needs or something?"

 "Don't be makin' fun of me Irish accent just because you be havin' a perfect day, I see."

 "Go back to your fucking country, leprechaun."

 The psychiatrist had said, "Hey, we don't use that language here."

 "I am not Irish; I just lived there for some time. I'm not here by choice."

 "Fuck this," said Lemon. She had stood up from her chair and returned to her room.

 "Language," the psychiatrist had repeated.

 A young brunette had crossed her arms and legs to lean back in her chair. She had asked, "Why is she so angry?"

 "Our past created our present behaviors. We're here to fix that. We have twenty minutes left. Let's use our time wisely."

 As the brief time continued, Sakura became bored and dozed off to a disassociated stance, and before they knew it, the session was over. The patients had time in a carefully designed outdoor recreational area to break from the clinical environment. This oasis offered a soothing retreat for patients, a space where they could momentarily escape the restrictions of their treatment.

 Sakura stepped outside to see vibrant flowers burst forth in various hues. The gravel beneath her feet had crunched softly, and benches nestled beneath shady canopies had beckoned individuals to pause, encouraging quiet reflection and rest moments. Sakura had assembled in her usual spot on a little white bench near the only door allowing entrance to this park. She had relished the warm breeze feeding her smooth skin.

 The outdoor space's centerpiece was a tranquil garden. Various recreational amenities dotted the landscape, catering to patients' diverse needs and interests.

 The psychologist had exited the facility and sat beside her, smiling at the beautiful, warm sky. This woman had not amused Sakura at all. She had sat there and frowned, avoiding eye contact, hoping she would take a hint. The psychologist had refused to step away; Sakura had resisted peer pressure for as long as she could.

 Sakura sighed and said, "What do ya want?"

 "I wanted to see how you've been doing."

 "Waiting to leave."

 "You're lucky those friends of yours found you just in time. Taking a handful of OxyContin would have killed you."

 Sakura reflected on the night she had reached her breaking point. A cycle of initial enthusiasm had marked every career path she aspired to pursue, followed by relentless emotional abuse from her instructors for not learning as quickly as the students. In those early weeks, she would give up, feeling defeated and questioning her purpose. What was the point of trying if she couldn't excel in anything? She wondered.

 Sakura smirked and said, "That was the whole point."

 "We have a program here downstairs in the gymnasium called Addictions Anonymous. I highly recommend you attend. I'll give you some time to think about it." 

 "I'm not an addict; it was one time."

 An abrupt jolt roused Sakura from her trance. The car had stopped amid a prosperous sea of luxury vehicles. 

 Robbie's soothing touch graced her shoulder; his voice sought to ease her disoriented senses. "Wake up, sleepyhead. Time to get up." 

 Sprawling through the movie studio lot, Sakura trailed alongside Robbie, weaving through the alleyways between towering buildings. The atmosphere was alive with a ceaseless burst of activity as mobs of industrious workers bustled about, ferrying parcels and set pieces to various destinations. Robbie spotted his colleague and warmly embraced him. If Sakura's memory served her correctly, Kevin had worked alongside Robbie for sixteen years.

 Kevin Church was an American director at Hollow Knight Studios in his early fifties.

 "You made it. Is this your daughter I've heard so much about?" 

 "Yeah, I hope it's okay. She's here." 

 "Of course, she's always welcome here," Kevin said, extending his hand to Sakura. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sakura, finally. I've heard some great stories."

 Sakura offered a warm smile and a nod, feeling self-conscious. Her internal thoughts seemed to reject her social instincts. It was an odd moment of silence, and Sakura scolded herself for not saying anything sooner. She felt too awkward to speak up.

Sensing the tension, Robbie stepped in to ease the situation. "I was filming my first lead role movie when I became her legal guardian."

 Kevin nodded, acknowledging the connection. "Ah, yes, that role moved you into stardom."

 Robbie chuckled and patted Sakura's shoulder. "I've got to head to my changing room, but I'll catch up with you inside." 

 "Yes, I have a meeting to attend, so that I will see you later." 

 Robbie brought Sakura to the changing area where he could sit for his transformation. Sakura sat nearby on a small, uncomfortable leather chair with armrests. Her patients were wearing thin. She shifted uneasily in the cramped chair, her fingers tapping a soft rhythm on her knee as she glanced around the cluttered dressing room. The scent of hairspray hung heavy in the air, mingling with the hum of chatter from the bustling film set beyond the door.

 Robbie sat before a well-lit mirror, his face a canvas for the skilled hands of the makeup artist. His eyes, usually twinkling with warmth, normally hidden behind fluttering lashes, as he obediently tilted his head this way and that. 

 Sakura's lips curled into a faint smile as she watched him endure the transformation. She couldn't help but feel overwhelming gratitude for having such a talented and accomplished man for a father. As she watched Robbie interact with his colleague, she admired his success in the film world. She dreamed of someday attaining the popularity and recognition that Robbie enjoyed on the big screen. However, a cloud of doubt hung over that dream, as she knew her fear of interacting with others would be a significant obstacle on that path.

 Robbie impatiently fled the dressing room, wearing a facade and attire that masked his true character. In this moment, he transformed into an entirely different person, shedding his true self to embrace the role he was about to play. Sakura trailed behind him in the bustling crowd of set workers, many of whom were huge fans of his work. Their adoration was noticeable as they waved enthusiastically at him, and some couldn't help but gasp in awe at his mere presence.

 For Sakura, it was an experience akin to feeling like a celebrity, if only for a fleeting moment. Yet, deep down, she knew that being a part of Robbie's life, even in the shadows of his fame, was more than enough for her.

 Sakura's heart raced as she stepped onto the bustling film set. The chaos of the studio brought Sakura so much anxiety.

 In her eyes, the number of people working on one episode lasting only forty-five minutes was almost unbelievable. The shuffling of crew members quietly shifted away from the set. Her father, Robbie, stood in the center of it all, a figure of focus and energy.

 Wearing a large black headset beside heavy equipment, Kevin Church waved to Sakura from a distance. Her eyes diverted from her father to the director. He gestured to the empty folded chair beside him. Sakura lacked the heart to say no. She settled into the fold-up chair next to the director, Kevin. He quickly but warmly acknowledged Sakura before returning to the unfolding scene.

 Sakura's eyes roamed the captivating scenery surrounding her as the film crew diligently prepared themselves for the upcoming scene. The expansive building before her resembled an airplane hangar, but instead of an airplane, it housed crafted sets representing various small conference rooms and store interiors. The level of craftsmanship on display was exceptional, and Sakura couldn't help but admire the artistry involved.

 As she took it all in, a sliver of jealousy crossed her mind, not for the glamor of the film industry but for the tireless workers who poured their hearts and souls into constructing these immersive settings. With them, the films would bring people together. She understood what it felt like to be an irrelevant speck of dust in the universe. 

 The magnitude of what she was witnessing left her nearly speechless. Sakura felt an overwhelming sense of privilege, knowing the universe granted a rare glimpse into the intricate production of cinematic magic. Robbie stood beneath a pool of soft light framed by a constructed set that resembled an old-fashioned bookstore. The script had hinted at a heartwarming father-daughter moment, and Sakura's excitement heightened as the cameras stood ready for action. 

 "Quiet on set!" a voice called out. The set suddenly hushed as all eyes turned towards Robbie. Sakura held her breath as the cameras rolled. Her stomach felt twisted in a knot, and she was terrified of making a sound. She was nauseous, fearing to bring any attention to herself. 

In the scene, Robbie's character spoke with a gentle yet weathered voice, his eyes conveying a depth of emotion. He interacted with a young actress, the two engaging in a touching dialogue.

 Beside her, Kevin leaned in, his voice a whisper of insight. "Watch how he brings realism to every word, every gesture. That's the magic of acting."

 Sakura nodded, her gaze fixed on her father as he seamlessly embodied his character, his emotions so palpably real that they seemed to transcend the confines of the script. She admired his ability to transport himself into another person's shoes, to become someone entirely different yet strangely familiar.

 As the scene unfolded, Sakura was captivated by the natural exchange between the actors, the rhythm of their dialogue, and the unspoken emotions that danced across their faces. It was as if a new world had opened before her eyes—one of imagination, storytelling, and the art of creating moments that would resonate with an audience.

 When the scene finally wrapped, the crew erupted in a smattering of applause. Sakura's heart swelled with pride as Robbie emerged from the set with a tired but satisfied grin. He approached Sakura and Kevin with a twinkle of excitement in his eyes.

 "How was that kiddo?" Robbie asked, his voice a blend of hope and curiosity.

 Sakura beamed, unable to hide her enthusiasm; she shrugged nonchalantly. "Not bad."

 Robbie's smile widened, a fatherly pride shining through. "I'll take that as a compliment. Thank you, Pipsqueak." 

 A cherry red crept into her cheeks at the precious childhood nickname. "Ye haven't called me that since I was a wee one. Why are ye so fixated on it now?"

 Robbie wrapped his daughter in a warm hug, his heart aching for the innocence she had left behind as she grew older. He said, "Because, my dear, you will always be my Pipsqueak, no matter how many years pass. You're growing up too quickly. Now, where's the time portal set?"

Sakura glanced back at the set, her heart still fluttering with the scene's emotions. As the crew prepared for the next shot, she turned to her father and said, "Keep doin' what ya do, Dad. It makes me happy that you're happy."

 Robbie's eyes sparkled with gratitude, his hand finding Sakura's and reassuringly squeezing it.

 "I'll support you in any path you choose as long as it's not a life of crime." 

 "I'll join the army." 

 Robbie laughed, "In your dreams."

 Nearby, a familiar face strolled their way—none other than Wesley Everett, a renowned British actor of Sakura's age. His curly brown hair, with light brown highlights, framed a square face that caught Sakura's attention. Dressed in a fitted pink polo shirt and long dress pants, Wesley exuded youthful charm and talent. 

 Wesley smiled at Robbie's gorgeous daughter and said, "Hello, Sakura, you are even lovelier than I had heard. Although he hasn't quite told me how the two of you met."

 Sakura remained silent, offering no response to the sight of a handsome actor. Beside her, Robbie recited their tale, replaying their first memories. He said, "It's a long story, but we met at an addiction Anonymous meeting."

 Sakura dozed off as her father told the tale. He spoke of how the meetings were in a children's psychiatric facility in a spacious gymnasium. Addictions Anonymous members had gathered with rows of chairs arranged like a theatre in the center of the gym floor. A small, centered wooden podium had been in front of the crowd. Sakura's body had been stiff as a doornail. She had felt mortified by the multitude of people that had shown up. She had sat down, declining any eye contact.

Removing her black sweatshirt, she revealed mismatched scars across her body. Some were noticeably newer than the rest. An older fellow had sat beside her. She was noticeably terrified of him.

 That man was none other than Robbie. He tilted his torso forward to look her in the eye and said, "Hey, you look a little young to be here, yeah?"

 In a calm tone, Sakura had said, "What makes ya think I'm a little one?"

 "Oh, shit. You're Irish."

 "I'm not Irish. I wasn't born in Ireland. I was abandoned there."

 "Then what are you?"

 "No idea," Sakura replied, leaning back on her chair.

 "Well, it's nice to meet you. My name is Robbie Seaman. I'm American, as you can already see."

 "What do ya do for a livin'?"

 "I am an old drug addict who put his life back together to be an actor."

 "Really now? Are ya famous?"

 Robbie smirked and replied, "You could say that, yes."

 "My name is Sakura. I live here in this shitey buildin'. I don't have family, neither."

 "Sorry to hear that."

 Individuals of diverse backgrounds and ages had settled in, and the meeting began. A facilitator stood at the podium to guide the session and ensure everyone could share their thoughts and struggles.

 The meeting had opened with silence, allowing attendees to reflect and center themselves. Then, the facilitator introduced the meeting format and the principles of Addictions Anonymous, emphasizing the importance of anonymity, confidentiality, and respect for one another. 

 Participants took turns speaking on the podium as the meeting progressed, sharing their personal stories. Then, in his nice dark suit and tie, Robbie stood at the podium. He had pulled a metal coin from his pocket and spun it between his fingertips. Smiling like a proud old man, he had thought about what to say.

 "Good evening, everyone. My name is Robbie Seaman, for those who don't know. I made many wrong choices when I was an adolescent. I went to prison and even lived on the streets. Drugs were my life, but I have chosen to leave that part behind me. I have now started a career in acting, and it's a pretty good gig. I made some excellent friends, some nicer than others. I thought about punching this guy I worked with, but instead, I kicked him out of the production. The prison was not somewhere I wanted to go back to. If you want a specific career, don't give up on yourself."

 The crowd clapped as if they'd known and supported him for a long time. Robbie waved and sat back down next to his new friend. The endless, boring speeches had gone on for hours or felt that way. 

 At the end of the meeting, a closing prayer emphasized the importance of continued support, personal growth, and self-reflection. They encouraged attendees to exchange contact information, fostering a sense of community beyond the meeting walls, where members could connect for additional support or guidance. People had soon dispersed quicker than others. Sakura was in no rush to return, walking to the door like a zombie. She hadn't been interested in any more human interaction that day.

 Robbie had placed a hand over Sakura's shoulder. She had jerked and then turned to face him. "Hey, kid. It was nice getting to know you. I'll visit so you're not alone here. I can be your sponsor."

 "That's very kind of ya. I'll add ya to my visitation list."

 "Great, I'll see you soon. Hope you have a good night."

 "And you as well."

 On the first visitation day, Sakura had sat nervously in the barren white visitation room, her hands trembling slightly in her lap. Her eyes had darted around the room, taking in the plain walls and the small table in the center, where two chairs were opposite each other. She had hesitated to meet with Robbie, the man who requested to be her mentor, but deep down, she had known she needed help to overcome her deep-seated fear and anxiety.

 Robbie had entered the room with a warm smile, his kind eyes immediately putting Sakura at ease. He wore a casual button-down shirt and black jeans. Sitting across from Sakura, he leaned back in his chair, giving her space.

 "Hi, Sakura. It's nice to see you again," Robbie said softly, his voice filled with empathy. I noticed you have trouble talking to people you can't trust, but I'm here to support you in any way I can. Take all the time you need."

 Sakura nodded, appreciating Robbie's understanding. She had taken a deep breath, summoning the courage to speak about her past. With each word, she had revealed the traumas she had endured, the scars that had shaped her fears. Robbie had listened intently, never interrupting and offering a comforting presence. 

 Days had turned into weeks and weeks into months, and Sakura struggled to find a sense of grounding within the facility's confines. The constant presence of others, the regimented routines, and the absence of personal freedoms had chipped away at her spirit. Robbie had built a game plan to visit her weekly two to three days before the next anonymous meeting.

 During the meetings, she explained her experience of child abuse and how she had to fight for survival in Ireland in a group home. The kids had bullied her, and the adults had not lifted a finger to stop them, no matter how much Sakura had begged. A social worker had flown with her to America, where she had met her boyfriend, Athen, and her best friend, Lillian, in middle school. She had returned to foster care after the family rejected her, saying she was no good. Everyone had alienated her for not knowing how to communicate with others properly. The only one who understood her had been Athen. He had loved her so much that he had been willing to pour the gasoline for her to light the match and set the world on fire.

 As Sakura continued to share her story, Robbie's empathetic responses built a bridge of trust. He shared his experiences of overcoming anxiety and trauma, highlighting his progress in how his father had beaten his mother to death, resulting in his drug addiction. His honesty and vulnerability had created a safe space where Sakura had felt understood and validated.

 Sakura had gradually grown more comfortable, no longer needing to speak in hushed tones. She had found solace in Robbie's presence, as he had provided guidance and support while allowing her to see her strength.

 As Sakura's confidence grew, so did her trust in Robbie. She realized he genuinely cared about her well-being, consistently showing up and offering unwavering support. Sakura and Robbie worked through her fears, identifying coping mechanisms and developing strategies to manage her anxiety. Sakura gradually learned to rely on her inner strength and his support. 

 As Sakura emerged from the depths of her memories, the once-muted voices crystallized around her. She observed Robbie bid his farewell with firm handshakes, guiding her back to his car in a wordless communion. Gently, he opened the passenger door before settling into the driver's seat. He slid a vintage disc into the player, allowing the strains of classic rock from the eighties to fill the air. 

 "When you meet someone, you introduce yourself," Robbie communicated.

 Sakura rolled her eyes and replied, "Let me practice English first."

 "Instead of meeting someone new, find some of your old friends from high school. I haven't heard from Athen in a long time. Did you two break up?"

 "Nah, I'll see what he's up to." 

 "Good, because I have more work to do today. I wanted to drop you off at the house so you can pick up some groceries for me."

 "Fine by me." 

 Sakura unlocked her phone, a habit she couldn't break despite her limited circle of close relationships. At the top of her messages was a recent one from her father, inquiring about takeout from the previous night. Further down, an old message from her friend Lillian, asking if she felt any better from half a year ago, still left unanswered—a question she'd wrestled with, contemplating her happiness. The last entry on her short list was her boyfriend, Athen, whom she hadn't texted since the months leading up to graduation, as he had mysteriously disappeared. Recognizing that he, too, was an orphan, Sakura understood that nobody else was actively seeking him out but her. He dropped her off at the house, providing her with two-hundred-dollar bills, and drove off hastily. Sakura wrinkled the bills in her pocket. She took a deep breath before stepping foot into her home. Her thoughts spiraled out of control, thinking about her Athen. 

 Sakura stood in the grand foyer of the echoing mansion, her footsteps creating a symphony of reverberating echoes. The vastness of the empty rooms made her feel small and insignificant, her heart heavy with the weight of solitude. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the crumpled bills her father, Robbie, had given her earlier that day.

Sakura's mind drifted to memories of her friends from grade school. Their laughter, their shared secrets, and the countless adventures they embarked upon together. A bittersweet smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

 A haze brought her back in time to high school, where the students took a camping trip to visit Yosemite National Park. Her high school dedicated itself to the majestic natural history of America. 

Sakura entered a charter bus, clasping her black backpack tightly. Sakura caught sight of Athen wearing his headset, fully immersed in his heavy metal music. 

 As she sat beside him, Sakura casually placed her bag at her feet. Intrigued, Athen temporarily set his headset aside and keenly observed her graceful movements as she rummaged through her purse. Their connection was undeniable, each capturing the other's attention. Her long, black, tight pants and short-sleeved band shirt excited him. He bit her neck carefully to evade, slicing off her delicate black chains.

 Sakura flinched and said, "Oi, enough of that."

 In an Australian accent, Athen chuckled and said, "No one will notice."

 "Stop being so wrapped up in yourself, ya gobshite!"

 Athen smiled, placed his headset back over his ears, and said, "I'll wait until we arrive. Did you get a hundred bucks for the trip?"

 "Me da came through, slappin' a proper hundred-dollar into me hand."

 The vibrant sunlight radiated heat on the charter windows. Watching the bus pass by endless mountaintops, Sakura nodded off to sleep on his warm, bare shoulders. Hours felt like minutes when she awoke to the bus passing by a bountiful field of flowers. A kaleidoscope of colors leads to a gentle creek flowing between a village of cabin tents.

 Sakura nervously bit her lip and said, "This spot's so massive, I could wander off and end up in another county. A bear could go at me noggin, treatin' it like a wee lolly."

 "How does your head come up with this shit? Trust me, you'll be fine. I'll always be here to protect you."

 "Yer not gonna shield me from a bear's embrace, ya know?"

 Athen shoved his fist in his face to prevent himself from laughing hysterically and said, "Yeah, the trick is you have to raise your arms in the air and roar at it to show who's boss."

 "Ah, give over now; I'm talkin' real here."

 "Go back to sleep. All that anxiety is not good for your heart."

 Sakura leaned her head on his chest to glance out the window. The charter bus rolled along the winding roads of Yosemite National Park, and the enthusiastic chitchat of children filled the air with anticipation. The lush greenery of towering trees enveloped the bus, their branches reaching toward the sky as if offering a grand welcome to these high schoolers. Sunlight filtered through the dense canopy, casting dancing patterns of light and shadow within the vehicle.

 El Capitan stood proudly, its monumental existence inspiring admiration and respect among the young travelers. They marveled at Half Dome, its iconic shape etching into their memories.

 Waterfalls emerged along the route, cascading down from dizzying heights. The bus slowed, allowing everyone to relish the sheer power and magnificence of the Bridal veil Fall, its mist creating a refreshing coolness.

Wildlife made its presence known as the bus ventured deeper into the park. A herd of deer grazed peacefully in a meadow, and squirrels scurried across the forest floor. Birds soared above, their vibrant colors adding to the surrounding geography.

 The first stop was drawing near. Athen nudged Sakura awake before the other children eagerly disembarked at various finishes, ready to explore the wonders up close. Guided by park rangers, they embarked on nature walks, learning about the delicate ecosystems that thrived within the park's boundaries. Everyone brought lunch for the picnic after the expedition. The students sat on heated metal benches out in the open. Sakura sat independently, holding a paper lunch pouch, waiting for Athen's company to return. 

 One panicked high schooler fled to a park ranger from a group out in the field pleading for help. The loud chatter silenced to listen. Sakura's heart pounded as her eyes scoured for the threat.

 "Wolf!" the boy repeated as many times as he could.

 A female ranger hushed him and said, "We don't have wolves here."

 "Two grizzly bears were fighting a wolf on a cliff above us. Our group split up and ran in separate directions."

 "No, that's impossible," said the female ranger, reaching for her radio. She hastened inside the facility to make a few calls. The trip ended immediately, and all students returned to the charter bus and went home. This time, Sakura sat at the window, searching for Athen. He unexpectedly emerged in line and found his way to her on the bus. He did not appear frightened at all when he sat down. A thin, glossy layer of sweat lay on his skin under dirt spots.

 "What went down out there?" Sakura asked.

 "What do you mean?"

 "Did yar group see a wolf?"

 "Wasn't my group."

 The couple sat silently between the crowd of students, obnoxiously communicating the same conversations about a wolf the entire ride home. Rumors spread about whether it was a grey wolf or a red wolf. 

 Drifting back to the present time, tears welled in Sakura's eyes as she clutched the money tighter, feeling the ache of loneliness deep within her chest. The grandeur of the mansion paled compared to the warmth and comfort she had once found in the company of her friends. She longed for those carefree days when the world was more straightforward.

 Her perforated memory of the wolf in the park felt traumatic. She could not help but believe he had lied to her and wondered why. 

After offloading her belongings, Sakura paced out the doorway and followed her father's instructions to the store. She strolled down bustling Los Angeles Street, her eyes widened at the view. The sun heated the sidewalks, and towering palm trees framed the luxurious mansions.

 Limo drivers opened doors for elegantly dressed guests, and paparazzi eagerly snapped photos, hoping to capture a glimpse of a renowned celebrity. Sakura found herself amid a vibrant tapestry of high-profile individuals, each with stories and achievements. Sakura couldn't help but imagine the glamorous parties and red-carpet events. She wondered if someone as poorly brought up as she could be famous, too.

Celebrities' names, etched on iron-wrought gates and engraved plaques, signaled their presence and added an air of mystique to the neighborhood. Sakura's heart skipped a beat as she recognized some famous names she had admired from afar.

 A few blocks away downtown, tourists bombarded the sidewalks, taking photographs of well-known people's houses. Coffee shops opened for outdoor seating. Families and their dogs ate outside to appreciate the warm temperature. Sakura found an open grocery store and entered, examining the people at checkout and greeting her; she noticed they'd lingered an extended time for someone to come in today. Sakura peeked at her shopping list stashed inside the cash and gathered everything he had requested.

 On her way home, she took a separate route to evade the active downtown shopping area. The further she strolled up a hill, the more she noticed an abandoned firehouse boarded up and covered in graffiti. A mysterious figure leaned casually against the weathered structure, arms crossed, and an intense gaze fixed upon her as she strolled by. Sakura found it oddly unsettling to encounter anyone near such a desolate location. While avoiding direct eye contact, her attention gravitated towards his attire—jet-black hair spiked and swept across his forehead, wearing a sleeveless band shirt that bore the battle scars of many rips and distressed jeans. It all invoked memories of someone from her past, an uncanny resemblance to her long-lost boyfriend.

 For a fleeting moment, Sakura paused, convinced that this mysterious presence must be a hallucination. She faintly recalled hearing that hallucinating someone might signify the person had dearly missed a loved one, which seemed more likely, considering she hadn't laid eyes on him for what felt like an eternity. A growing unease began churning within her, and the thought of returning to confront this spectral figure weighed heavily on her mind. Ultimately, her curiosity overcame her fear, prompting Sakura to pivot and cast a wary glance at the mysterious person who loomed ominously over her. 

 Sakura gradually lifted her gaze, tracing his body from his feet to his head, where she met with the glint of a silver nose piercing and the captivating gaze of his sky-blue eyes. A wave of relief washed over her, yet conflicting anger simmered within her bloodstream. Her heart raced, goading her lungs to gasp for air in response to the emotional uneasiness stirring inside. Could it certainly be?
