Chapter 3: Mother & Daughter

On the sandy beach, a group of figures stood, their silhouettes etched against the backdrop of the bustling port. Patiently, they awaited their Alpha Leader, their anticipation palpable in the air.

With a gentle bump, the tires roped to the boat grazed against the edge of the dock, signaling their imminent arrival. A wooden plank connecting the ship to the land slid smoothly into place, creating a bridge between the vessel and the waiting figures.

Lina could not contain her excitement as she felt the solid ground beneath her feet; the others were not far behind her. The assemblage could be in the thousands. Werewolves of all colors are stretching across the beach line, and more show up to see them. Lina and Sam brought Sakura's group to the fifth-generation women standing in the front row to greet the ones who would take their place. Lina's mother encased her in a warm, affectionate bear hug. She smiled patiently, listening to Lina's reports. Beneath the graceful drapes of her dark blue moon kimono, a tapestry of scars told the story of her encounters with the ravages of war. Among them, a notable bulge on her left shoulder marked the testament of her resilience - a remnant of the arm that once was.

Despite the visible wounds etched upon her body, her mother's face beamed an unconquerable spirit. A life marked by profound heartbreak had sculpted her into a living model of courage and endurance. Even through it all, a firm smile graced her, reflecting the remarkable strength that lived within her.

Observing her mother, she had shouldered burdens that few could fathom, yet she bore them gracefully. Her presence commanded a deep respect, evoking the image of a hero deserving of a soldier's funeral—a tribute to the battles she had faced, both seen and unseen.

Beside her stood an assertive elder, her blonde hair cascading into sharp points at her shoulders. Her skin was soft and peachy, highlighting the dark yellow cat eyes. Even for her, the chaos of war had left its mark, an unwelcome shadow over her being.

Despite the stature of the others, she was of a more delicate build. Concealed beneath the folds of her yellow kimono, she carried the grim memento of her struggles, the horrifying vestiges of battle. Human-like wolf's paws emerged upon her wrists, replacing the once beautiful and feminine hands she once possessed.

Beside her was a gentle figure, hair flowing in brown curls, her chocolate eyes reflecting years of experience and kindness. Her teal kimono belied the web of scars beneath souvenirs of battles fought. Yet, her presence exuded a soothing aura, a beacon of solace for anyone seeking it. The multitude of werewolves who had gathered to welcome her for the first time filled her with a sense of importance. Sakura expected discovering the enchanting realm she could soon call home—a fairytale every young girl yearned for.

Emerging from the background was another elder, her pink hair falling in ankle-length locks and vibrant pink eyes. Her pink kimono seemed untouched by physical harm, yet the emotional wounds etched upon her soul were just as vivid. An existence shaped by trials that the eye could not see, but her presence spoke volumes of the battles she had fought within herself.

When cheerfully said, "Mother, this is Sakura. She's Lily's daughter."

Lina's mother bows gracefully and says, "My name is Taylor—the fifth Generation of the moon. The considerate woman beside me is Paige. She is the fifth Generation of the Sun. The one with gorgeous brown hair over here is Gina. She is the fifth Generation of the Cloud. Last, we have our Generation of the Soul, Isabella. Pink will never cease to look exemplary on her. We are the only ones left from our pack." 

With a straight face, Sakura nodded and calmly responded, "I'm grateful that the wee bit o' fifth-generation warriors are still among the living, but I'm truly sorry for the sorrows ye've faced. Where might the rest of me own Generation pack be wanderin'?"

Isabella answered, "The girls are training at the mansion in our capital."

"The mansion, is it? Now, forgive me if I'm treadin' peculiar here, but would it be the case that this mansion is a shade of white, by any chance?"

"I placed a sight spell on you recently. To show you the day you were born and the day your mother passed away."

Robbie slurred in confusion, "You can cast a spell thousands of miles away?"

"Don't underestimate us; we're still strong at our age," Isabella replied.

Taylor chuckled and said, "We should be returning now."

The transformation of the werewolves, bathed in a blinding white light, was breathtaking. The spectacle evoked a sense of awe and wonder, mesmerizing both Sakura and Robbie with the sight unfolding before their eyes. In response, Taylor unleashed a mighty howl. This commanding call urged those with sufficient access to follow and enter the palace walls. In contrast, others were kindly directed to return home.

Within the commotion, Athen swiftly scooped Sakura in his powerful jaws and tossed her securely on his broad back with a fluid motion, ensuring her safety for the journey ahead. Meanwhile, Michael, observing Robbie's repeated gestures of refusal, respected his wishes and refrained from picking him up. He mounted on Michael's back on his own two feet. 

Under Taylor's lead, they ventured into a lush forest cloaked in rich shades of dark green.

Above, enormous Stagg trees intertwined their branches, creating a captivating canopy that filtered rays of sunlight. Full-sized homes staged within the base and canopies of each majestic tree, offering a unique and harmonious coexistence between nature and architecture. 

Sakura gracefully passed through the city; her keen eyes immediately caught sight of a vivid red taiko, a striking Japanese garden bridge that stood out in the forest's natural hues. It leaned gracefully over a wide river that flowed through the city, its waters illuminated by the mesmerizing dance of fireflies that adorned the surrounding riverside flora and cattails.

Humongous mushrooms, delicately beautiful, served as ornamental decorations throughout the city, their fragility preserving their role solely as places to rest and admire the breathtaking views.

As Sakura beheld these wonders, her mouth dropped, knowing that this island held the roots of her family's history, and her imagination ran wild as she envisioned the stunning palace her ancestors had once called home. The anticipation grew, and her emotions soared as she mentally prepared for her mouth to drop.

The scenery transitioned to more typical woodland terrain. Soon, a layered wall emerged in the distance, captivating the eye. Its foundation comprised tightly packed stones, followed by a white cement wall, with the top layer as kawara, traditional Japanese clay tile roofing. The walls exuded strength and fortitude, towering thirty-four meters high and one meter thick. Taking center stage, a magnificent red gate, reminiscent of a torii gate, guarded by two sturdy Beta werewolves, came into view. 

Undeterred by closed doors, Taylor let out a resounding howl, alerting the guards to her arrival and ensuring the gate would open in time to grant them passage.

As Sakura's excitement mounted, the view of the courtyard's interior remained obscured, their speed blurring the once-prominent features. The pack gracefully circled before the grand white mansion, gradually slowing their pace before coming to a halt. Multiple sections of the structure showcased a graceful display of black kawara roofing, highlighting its aesthetic appeal. A slender gold stripe elegantly specified the boundary between wood and stone, adding a touch of royal distinction. The grand double doors, painted pristine white, stood as a reminder of the wonders that awaited within.

Sakura leaped off Athen's back, observing her surroundings. Her star-struck face could not find the words. "Unbelievable."

Michael had dropped off Robbie next to Athen. Robbie shook like a leaf and said," Did someone drug me? The nightmare you had was real. How is a place like this possible?"

Michael laughed, "Be grateful you are among the few humans to see this."

Robbie raised his palms to see them shaking uncontrollably and said, "Magic isn't real; it's only in movies."

Taylor sat beside the group and said, "Our history began in the 1600s."

Athen interrupted her, saying, "If you keep talking, we will be here for days."

Infuriated by Athen's comment, Lina said, "Don't be rude to my mother, Athen."

"I'm sorry. I don't want to sit here and listen to what I already know. Take Sakura to the library if you want to give her a speech."

Taylor nodded and led them through the palace courtyard. Sakura enjoyed viewing the decorated dove-grey limestone gravel and artistically arranged large granite rocks, which served as perches for glowing blue magical birds. Surrounding the yard was an artificial narrow river, teeming with flourishing Koi fish. Stone lanterns posed among the weeping trees and cherry blossoms, creating a serene and enchanting atmosphere.

Perched on Athen's back, Sakura marveled at the beauty of the courtyard. "Taylor, this courtyard is beautiful. I lack the words to describe how I'm feeling right now, truly."

Taylor's deeper wolf voice conveyed warmth as she responded, "Indeed, it is exceptional. I worried you might never see this place. I offered prayers to the deities to keep you safe because you belong here. This island is your home."

Sakura repeated in contemplation, "...This is my home."

Taylor continued, sharing her connection. "Lily was a dear friend of mine. I promised her I would shield you from any challenges you might face ahead."

She grasped the immense weight of the legacy laid upon her shoulders, still in the process of calculating whether her age could bear such responsibility. Fresh out of high school, she had recently persuaded her father against enrolling her in college so she could focus on repairing her mental health. 

Rather than group and therapy sessions, she envisioned an experience similar to a newborn pup taking its initial steps. Sakura could see this journey as a rebirth—a chance to navigate a new existence with guidance and support.

Passing by various structures, including guest houses, Taylor guided them to the island's northern edge, where a massive, weathered gray stone entrance beckoned them into the depths below.

Sakura squinted at the Japanese characters above the cave entrance. Her voice tinged with curiosity in a lilting Irish accent, "What does that say?"

Taylor replied, "My daughter has shared everything you need to know. However, the most vital place to see is the Generation Tomb. This cavern is where all the generations of women warriors rest for eternity."

Sakura felt a quiver run through her body, but she held her emotions back, accepting the tour despite her racing heart and quickened breath.

Delicate plant life found its way through the rugged stone, its roots gently embracing the harsh surface. An array of vibrant flowers sprouted among the tall grass, adding a touch of enchantment to the surroundings.

Taylor waited for everyone to return to their human forms before asking, "Are we ready?"

"I'm ready to proceed," Sakura said.

Guided by Taylor and her daughter Lina, Sakura and her companions descended a dark, echoing staircase, the atmosphere heavy with the scent of age and dampness. Strategically placed torches that cast dancing shadows illuminated the unyielding walls, gently guiding their path as they descended deeper into the underground tomb.

Robbie selflessly volunteered to descend before his daughter, a guardian ready to shield her from any potential dangers that may lie ahead. Athen, demonstrating his strength and care, secured a torch from a wall outside with his left hand while his right hand found a gentle place around Sakura's hip, offering support and ensuring her descent down the stairs was steady and comforting. With united determination, the rest of the group followed suit.

Sakura whispered, "Oi, I don't find comfort underground."

Athen acknowledged her fear, "I know, it's only for a little while."

Upon reaching the first floor, four decorative covered coffins stood in unison on one side, while five lay solemnly on the other. Each casket bore a statue above it, an artistic representation of the pioneers who had forged a path to peace on Paradise Island. These statues, positioned above the coffins, commemorated the original souls weaving a tapestry of harmony within these sacred walls. As a kind gesture to her legacy, Sakura's historical grandmother was positioned at the forefront of the left row. Sculpted from stone, her beautiful features and flowing hair immortalized her grace and strength. As Sakura's eyes locked onto the statue, a tear traced down her cheek, and a lump formed in her throat, rendering her voice momentarily unreachable.

Struggling to find words, Sakura choked on her emotions as she uttered, "She looks like me..." Her heart overflowed with grief and connection, realizing that the visage before her resembled her reflection. Developing in her adolescent years, Sakura wished she could have known about her ancestry. It did not feel fair knowing a family she had never known was ripped away. Every word spoken to her was truthful.

Taylor touched her shoulder momentarily and said, "You look like her and all the warriors who came before you."

 Sakura's voice trembled as she bravely asked, "Is my mother here?" 

Taylor nodded, then guided them further into the tomb's depths. With gentle determination, she led them down four more stairs, descending deeper into the chambers of the fifth Generation. The cave-like space appeared unfinished, its rough and unrefined nature reflecting the somberness that permeated the atmosphere.

Within this solemn space, the fifth Generation loomed, a reminder of lives that were tragically cut short. According to the generational birth pattern, five of the nine female warriors found their eternal resting place here. However, four coffins remained unfinished, their empty shells serving as heartbreaking reminders of lives yet to be memorialized, including the void left by Taylor's unoccupied casket, silently bearing her name.

Lily's completed coffin emerged as the first on the left. Overwhelmed with a profound longing, Sakura rushed to the sculpture, her fingers seeking reassurance in the crevasses of Lily's cold stone fingers. In that tender moment, she yearned for a connection with someone she had never had the chance to spend time with, feeling an ache for motherly love she had never known.

The weight of absence and the bittersweet embrace of the past intertwined within Sakura's heart.

Sakura laid her forehead on the stone and said, "I'm home, Mother."

Tears flowed like a river down her small face. Losing life on the island was too much for her. 

Athen held her hand to support her and said, "She sacrificed her life to protect you. In fact, everyone in this room sacrificed to make sure your life would be easier." 

"I've carried a hatred for war; I have. None should meet their end on account of political bullshite. Those innocent souls in Hiroshima didn't deserve their fate because America sought revenge for their own people. Retribution breeds conflict, and conflict reaps a harvest of countless lives lost, 'cross the globe. We needn't master the art of pardoning; nah, forgetting ought not to be our way. Humanity will find its path to harmony amongst ourselves and worldwide. No one should ever have'ta to sacrifice themselves, not as long as I'm alive," Sakura said. The room had gone deathly silent; she felt as if she had embarrassed herself and said, "Sorry, Sure, you lot must be reckonin' I've got a touch of the madness in me."

Athen smiled and said, "We will follow you to the ends of the earth if we have to."

"Why?" Sakura asked.

Michael added, "We haven't known you for as long as Athen, but we truly like you. You're a rare breed, Sakura."

Athen chuckled, saying, "Your knowledge doesn't come from your head. It comes from the heart, and that's why we will do everything we can to help you bring peace to the world." 

"I wish I could have spent time with her," Sakura said, gently stroking the stone strands of hair. Her mother's body is right there, but she isn't there. Another set of stairs climbing downward caught her attention. With caution, Sakura tentatively stepped through the doorway. The air grew heavy as she entered the room; her eyes struggled to pierce through the darkness, revealing a haunting sight—rows of coffins. The room remained incomplete, an ongoing work in progress.

Overwhelmed by the weight of her surroundings, Sakura's vision blurred, and a wave of dizziness washed over her. Her heart pounded in her chest, matching the pace of her rapid breathing. Her complexion mirrored the paleness of a ghostly figure. Athen moved through the darkness with stealth and purpose during her emotional turmoil, tracking her heavy breaths. His eyes adjusted to the dimness, allowing him to locate Sakura's trembling form.

The tour briefly paused as Taylor observed Sakura's ill complexion. Concern etched on her face, she asked, "Are you alright, Sakura?"

Downplaying the moment, Sakura dismissed it with a casual response, "I'm okay, for now."

Athen moved through the darkness with stealth and purpose during her emotional turmoil, tracking her heavy breaths. His eyes adjusted to the dimness, allowing him to locate Sakura's trembling form.

From behind, Athen held her tenderly, comforting her distress. His touch, meant to soothe and calm, offered solace, a balm for her troubled heart. However, Sakura's emotional state remained fragile. The journey of self-discovery and ancestral connections took its toll on Sakura's spirit.

Athen whispered in her ear, "Are you okay?"

"I'm scared…"

"I know…"

Sakura hyperventilated in Athen's grasp and said, "This isn't a matter that rests easy now, but why are we in the dark about what comes after we die? Every faith has its vision, sure, but the truth be told, none among us truly knows."

Athen responded, "It's normal to fear what you don't know."

In the safety of his embrace, her body went limp, overwhelmed by emotions. Rapid breathing threatened to engulf her unconsciousness. Athen gently cradled her in his arms and carried her outside, with the rest of the group following silently as they returned to the mansion. Taylor couldn't help but feel an ache of guilt for unintentionally putting her in such a vulnerable position, as if she should have foreseen how it would affect her.

As Sakura awakened from her deep slumber, she heard a gentle, almost unnoticeable beeping sound. Blinking her eyes, she gradually brought the world into focus, her gaze settling on the complex web of wires connected to her IV. A figure sat nearby, a serene presence as an older, tan-skinned woman adorned with cascading locks of long blue hair. The woman wore a pristine white lab coat with a stethoscope gracefully draped around her neck.

Sakura groaned, "Where am I?"

"The infirmary here in the mansion. I planned for us to meet differently, Sakura. My name is Michelle. I am the registered nurse practitioner in the palace."

As Jack passed by Sakura's bedside, a warm, heated blanket nestled in his arms. He tenderly tucked her in with utmost care, ensuring the comforting warmth surrounded her body. Jack rearranged the lines connected to her, weaving them beneath the blankets to thaw the cold fluids and gently maintain a healthy temperature. His thoughtful gestures revealed deep dedication and compassion as he took every measure to ensure Sakura's comfort during her recovery.

"You really had us worried," Jack said. 

The fluid inside the plastic bag, Lactaid ringers, was about half empty. Only five hundred milliliters left to go. Michelle unraveled her stethoscope from her neck to check her vitals. She studied her heart and breath sounds before continuing her examination.

"Ya look like Lina, yeah?"

"She's my niece, actually. The Generations have more than one child."

"I had a twin brother."

"Yes, you remembered. I assisted in your mother's birth. You were the first, so we covered you in blankets beside her. Then, she gave birth to a baby boy. She ordered us to evacuate the building, but she was too weak to move. I couldn't help her, or your brother. I'm so sorry."

"Ya did everythin' ya could. Orders are orders, after all."

Jack smiled and said, "We've got you covered."

The piercing sound of male screams sent shivers down Sakura's spine from the hallway. Everyone in the room could hear the frantic footsteps of figures rapidly approaching, accompanied by labored panting. They watched the door, listening to their voices come closer; the twins rushed through the door, and without hesitation, they leaped onto the bed, their youthful enthusiasm almost causing Sakura distress as they landed precariously between her legs. Despite the surge of pain, Sakura fought back a scream, determined not to add to their worries. The twins kneeled on the bed to give Sakura a supportive embrace.

Alec detected her painful reaction and said, "Sakura, are you okay?"

Alex added, "We've been worried about you."

Sakura giggles, "I'm okay."

Athen entered the room, a sigh of relief escaping him as he saw Sakura was okay. Robbie's concern, however, was immediately directed toward Michelle. He asked with genuine worry, "Is she okay?"

Michelle, smiling warmly, welcomed the man who had cared for Sakura with genuine affection. "Yes, I gave her some fluids to rehydrate her. She experienced some tachycardia. Her heart rate went over a hundred and fifty. It's not dangerous per se, but it can significantly affect her quality of life. How have you two managed this all this time?"

Robbie explained, "Without her medication, her heart never stops racing. There was one time it got so bad she couldn't sleep for days, and they had to increase her dosage. I imagine Athen knows the full extent since he's known her longer than I have."

Athen added, "Back in high school, she used to experience those episodes almost daily."

Sakura, who had been quietly listening, couldn't resist speaking. "Are ya gonna talk about me while I'm layin' here? Oi, I'm ready to go home now."

Michelle draped a black shawl over Sakura's shoulders, offering comfort. "Psychologically, she needs time to process all this information. Go home, and we'll be here when she's ready."

As the room became contemplative, it held the unspoken emotions and thoughts that lingered in the air. Within it all, Jack carefully folded the now-empty bag of fluids, peeling off the tape that had adhered to Sakura's arm. The quietude of the moment mirrored the deep internal struggle within Jack, reflecting the tension between the life Sakura had dreamed of and the path thrust upon her by circumstances.

Together, they traversed the familiar path that led to a set of double doors, revealing a scene she knew all too well—the magnificence of nature unfolding before her eyes.

Beyond the threshold, the fading sun surrendered its place in the sky, casting a ghostly glow upon a forest overflowing with a wild frenzy of hundreds of feral werewolves. Their loyalty was unmistakable as many bowed in silent respect upon catching sight of Sakura's graceful approach, crossing the path directed to the pier. She had embarrassed herself in front of her own and would prefer to hide away from sight.

Sakura stepped onto the deck, her heart heavy with contemplation as she gazed out at the impatient waves of the boundless ocean. The boys found their place, reclining on the deck, their bodies mirroring her longing for a shared experience of stargazing and witnessing the ocean's immensity. The night descended, and the stars emerged, dotting the sky with celestial brilliance. The ship's engines roared in the background, a reminder of the constant motion propelling them back to Los Angeles.