Chapter 6: Lunanium

With Jack's support, Sakura faced the reality that lay before her. The path ahead was treacherous, but their commitment burned like a beacon in the ashes, a promise that they would fight to bring light back to a world engulfed by darkness.

Within the desolation, a soft whimper reached Sakura's ears. Her gaze snapped towards the sound, and her heart clenched at noticing a small boy, no older than five, huddled in the debris. His tear-stained face was crusted with dirt, and his wide eyes filled with fear and confusion. A glance told Sakura he was alone in this nightmarish landscape.

With cautious steps, Sakura approached the boy, her movements gentle to not startle him further. She crouched down, her voice soft and soothing. "Oi, lad," she said. "Are you alright?"

The boy's eyes flickered toward her, his fear momentarily overshadowed by curiosity. He sniffled, wiping his nose with the back of his dirty hand. "I can't find Mama," he murmured, his voice small and trembling.

Sakura's heart ached for him. She extended a hand toward him, offering a reassuring smile. "I'm Sakura. I'll lend my hand to help you find yer Mama, alright? We'll be finding her together, we will. "

The boy hesitated momentarily, studying her with wide, uncertain eyes. Slowly, he reached out and placed his small hand in hers, his trust a fragile thing she held delicately.

They moved carefully, Sakura's senses on high alert as they scoured the wreckage. Hours seemed to pass, each moment filled with hope and dread. Finally, just as despair threatened to take hold, a faint sound reached Sakura's ears—a soft, strained voice calling out.

"Mama!" The boy's eyes lit up with relief and joy as he recognized the voice.

Sakura followed the sound, her heart racing as they stumbled upon a partially collapsed building. They could see a woman trapped but alive through a small gap in the debris. Tears welled in her eyes as she met her son's gaze.

"Oi, stay here," Sakura instructed the boy gently. "Jack, over here."

Only five feet away, Jack was assisting an injured teenage girl. He finished bandaging her and instructed her to change the bandages tomorrow. He raced to Sakura to help remove the debris, piece by piece, until they created a passage for the mother to crawl out.

She embraced her son fiercely, tears streaming down her cheeks as she held him tightly. The boy's laughter mixed with her tears.

They watched the reunion. Her heart warmed by the sight. It was a reminder that even in the darkest times, compassion and resilience could shine through. Jack provided the small family blankets and bottled water. He aided their minor wounds across their arms and legs. 

Someone called Sakura's name from afar. She glanced at the Torii gate to see Gina with a warm smile despite the recent tragedies. 

She approached Sakura and said, "We must carry the dead to the city's south entrance." 

Sakura hesitated to speak. "Carry the dead? I don't think I can do that, lass."

"Yes, you can. You must learn to do emotionally complex tasks as a leader of an army of werewolves."

The air hung heavy with sorrow as Sakura stepped away. She gradually strode to the city center, observing the moon rise to the sky. Her eyes spotted many sculptures of deities, but one when she stepped into the city's center. A man wearing wealthy robes had a crescent moon behind him. They represented wings behind his shoulders. He is standing, reaching up to the sky. Sakura recognized him as Tsukuyomi, the Kami of the moon. Her fingers gently brushed away the soot. "I'm not the biggest fan of ya, but that doesn't mean ya don't deserve to be takin' care of." 

The wooden wheels of a cart sounded more audible the nearer it reached Sakura. She turned around to glance at Jack and Gina, hauling a cart of corpses. Her heart was too pure to allow them to work alone. She assisted them in carrying the fallen werewolves from the heart of the devastated city. Their faces were grim, their steps measured, as they carefully lifted the bodies of the fallen comrades. The lifeless bodies were a stark reminder of the battles fought and the sacrifices made to protect this place. With each step, the trio took gentle care in collecting everyone. 

The three reached the torii gate; Sakura, Jack, and Gina carefully laid the bodies of the fallen werewolves side by side, forming a solemn row. Once vibrant and alive, their fur seemed to blend with the earth beneath them as if returning to the very roots that had sustained them.

Gina's voice broke the silence, her words a quiet tribute. "May their spirits find peace, and their sacrifice never be forgotten."

Sakura's voice joined in, a soft echo of respect. "May their courage inspire us to rebuild and protect what remains. And may their memory guide us towards a future free from this devastation."

Jack said, "Every day, your English accent gets better." He smiled and rubbed her back. "Once we are done here, we will bury them in the cemetery south of us." 

Sakura wiped away her tears. "Starting morning tomorrow, are we?"

"Actually, it is the morning. We've been working all night."

Sakura gazed up, scanning the dark blue setting, slowly transitioning as the moon descended. Her eyes twinkled under the night sky. "If we keep at it now, we might finish sooner."

No," Gina interrupted. "I received word that the city elders will attend a meeting at the mansion. You should return with haste." 

Jack asked, "Why a summit meeting?"

"The elders want to speak with the Alpha. They know who killed these victims, but I was not informed of any details. I believe they will request help eliminating the threat immediately." 

"I am sure the rest of our pack will be happy to see you when they wake up after surgery. Athen, especially, will demand answers when he wakes up. So, you should be there."

Sakura nodded gracefully to her supporters. She picked lovely flowers from the path and laid them out over the deceased. 

It was a gesture of farewell, a way to acknowledge the lives lost and to honor the connections that had been formed in this place. Jack turned to leave the city with Sakura by his side. Together, they navigated the labyrinthine ruins of shattered buildings and crumbling streets; the air was thick with dust and the scent of destruction.

A haunting silence enshrouded them. The once-bustling streets now lay eerily empty, and the occasional gust of wind carried the echoes of a city forever transformed.

Then, in the rubble and debris, Sakura spotted a glimmer of hope. A faint cry for help reached her ears, a desperate plea buried beneath the weight of fallen structures. Sakura swiftly dashed toward the source of the sound.

Confused, Jack called out, "Where are you going?"

Running away from Jack, Sakura's voice faded in the distance. "I heard something."

Jack had no choice but to follow her. "What?"

Together, they carefully cleared away the debris, unveiling a small pocket of space beneath the ruins. Hidden beneath the rubble lay a battered and bruised but miraculously alive soul. His eyes met Jack's, and emotions passed between them.

Jack cried out, "Daniel!"

Tears welled up in Jack's eyes as he reached out to hold Daniel, pulling him from the confines of the rubble. It was a reunion filled with joy and sorrow, a moment of hope in despair. Overjoyed for Jack, Sakura watched with a sense of fulfillment as the two lovers rekindled their connection.

Unable to move, Sakura carefully carried Daniel to the recovery triage tents near the city's edge. Jack shared stories of his adventures with Daniel and introduced him to Sakura. They gently laid him down on the triage and bid him farewell, a glimmer of hope sparkling in his eyes.

They turned to leave, and the torii gate framed their backs. The fallen werewolves would not be forgotten—their memory would serve as a beacon, a reminder of the strength and unity that could emerge from even the darkest times.

The ashen path guided them beyond the gates, winding through skeletal trees. A sudden illumination of the sky given safe passage upon them. Gradually, the ground beneath their paws shifted from somber gray ash to a robust, dark brown, akin to the transition from October to the bloom of spring. Verdant grass unfurled, as if sprouting before their very eyes. Dormant trees stirred with life, and the wilderness bustled near the shrubs, seeking berries. Their harrowing ordeal rendered them speechless, weighed down by the memory of the unfortunate young girls.

In the soft morning sunlight, the white, graceful mansion emerged. Werewolves wandering the woods alongside their beloveds inclined their heads in reverence to their leader. The island seemed to adore Sakura like a deity, a title she felt undeserving of.

They crossed the threshold of the palace walls, bearing witness to a scene where Taylor was absorbed in discussions of grave importance with Paige. Assurance flowed from her lips that her daughter's leg would be spared, yet the path to recovery would be taxing. She was grateful for the update and withdrew to the infirmary to be with her child. Swiftly, Sakura hastened her steps, her gait imbued with urgency, to approach Taylor and seek answers about her comrades. The weight of worry had consumed her for far too long.

Drawing closer, Sakura inquired, her voice carrying her concern, "Oi, Taylor. Are the lads in stable condition now?"

A smile graced Taylor's lips as she responded, "They are on the mend, though the elders await your presence inside."

"Understood, I'll have a word with 'em, I will.," Sakura affirmed.

"I'll be in the infirmary," Jack said.

Upon entering the mansion, an expanse unfolded directly to the right—an opulent chamber harboring a glossy, deep-brown table surrounded by grand leather chairs. Seated around this table were the respected elders of Paradise Island, their faces marked by the scars of fire, swathed in bandages, concealing the remains of their burn wounds, and an air of natural anger emanated from them.

Taking her place at the central end of the table, Sakura found herself momentarily rendered speechless, her thoughts in disarray, grappling with the starting point for their dialogue. An African American elder, his head wrapped in bandages, his eyes a striking white, rose from his seat—the Alpha among them, his authority unmistakable.

Savoring a sip of his coffee, the Alpha elder addressed her, his words measured, "You must be Sakura, Lily's daughter."

With pride and conviction, Sakura replied, "I be Generation of the Star, Sakura Megumi Reaper, holding the mantle of Alpha Leader, I am. Who might the four o' ye be representing?"

A tinge of reproach laced his response. "You would have known had you chosen to remain on the island."

"Yoshikazu's decrees were as clear as the Irish skies. As his offspring, you are tethered to honor his decisions, crafted to shield the island," Sakura asserted, her voice steady and resolute.

The elders exchanged meaningful glances, a silent dialogue passing between them as they sought to fathom how Sakura possessed knowledge of the African American elder's identity and his father's. Cautiously, he lowered himself into his seat, a deliberate movement that encapsulated his uncertain temperament. The room remained submerged in reflective silence, compelling the elder to assume the role of instigator himself.

Taking the initiative, he spoke harshly, his words balanced to steer the narrative elsewhere. "Among the islands within Paradise, we have four. I am known as Kazuyo, the progeny of Yoshikazu. My lineage has protected Nishinoshima Island—the very island we stand upon—for countless generations. The instant you disappeared off the island, you deserted us."

Sakura's response held a note of twisted humor. "I'll be taking that as a bit of flattery, implying ye reckon I emerged from my ma's womb as a clever young adult pup; I will. It's a bit of a stretch to say I paddled across the ocean on me wee paws, all by myself."

Lina entered the chamber, cradling a brown binder in her arms. Aligning with Sakura's view, she interjected, "I couldn't agree more, Sakura. You had help to leave the island." With a delicate grace, she placed the binder before Sakura, the stark black inscription of a singular name etched onto it using a Sharpie. The name resonated with significance—Yoshikazu's order was recognized through Kenjiro, an Alpha Protector, Sakura's paternal figure who had ventured beyond the island's borders. His absence remained after his departure to Ireland, leaving unanswered questions.

In shock, Sakura said, "Kenjiro, me biological father..."

Lina's response was uncertain: "We do not know where he ran off to."

An abrupt interruption from Kazuyo, his voice resonating with authority, "But we know."

The girls' collective glare bore into him as he forcefully dropped the photographs onto the table. With a swift motion, his palm met the surface, unveiling an image that seized immediate attention—a black wolf, formidable and persistent, clenching a lifeless wolf in its jaws. The victim: a young werewolf warrior, their potential suffocated prematurely. The wolf bore the scars of countless battles, a mosaic of prosthetics decorating its limbs and skull, a metal visage dominating half its face, and a piercing metallic eye gleaming. Its teeth possessed an advantage like miniature blades, while its tail had transformed into a knife befitting a samurai. Lina reached for one photograph among the onlookers, her gaze knits with bewilderment.

"This is all misunderstood," Lina interjected firmly, her voice brimming with conviction. "Michelle would never resort to creating a demon out of us."

A swift retort followed, shedding light on the truth. "It was not Michelle who orchestrated the transformation. He willingly aligned himself with the humans, imploring them to mold him into a weapon, a forerunner of ruin upon the island. The traitor renounced our kind to stand alongside humanity."

Sakura's confusion remained, "But why now? Why would he betray Paradise Island, Kazuyo?"

"He holds you accountable for the demise of your mother."

"Why target the city? Why didn't he kill me?"

"Because of Atlas Moore, the scientist who perished."

Lina's face managed a fierce rage, her emotions igniting into a blaze that even directed blame at Kazuyo. Her voice crackled with resentment as she challenged, "And what role does my uncle play in this elaborate web of events?"

"Ask your mother. Our focus shifts now to hastening the preparations for the funeral. We shall rendezvous with you in the city," Kazuyo responded, the urgency palpable in his words.

"Let it be clear," Sakura interjected uncompromisingly, "None shall leave this island except for the Generations and me loyal Alpha Protectors. Take it as a clear and direct order. It is."

The four elders exited the room in a cloud of pouts, their collaborative mood soured by the exchange. Meanwhile, Sakura's gaze remained fixated upon the photographs depicting her father. Confusion swirled within her, a torrent of conflicting emotions, as she realized that her lineage was intertwined with a man whose malice was now unveiled. Her mind became an echo chamber of questions, pondering the mystery of how grief could compel someone towards self-destructive choices.

Leaving the confines of the mansion behind, Sakura embarked on a solitary journey through the palace courtyard. The overwhelming tide of experiences demanded her reflection.

Her curiosity led her to the tranquil embrace of the Koi River, where she gracefully lowered herself, assuming a seated position, her fingers skimming the water's surface. The fish swarmed eagerly, as if savoring a feast of unusual importance. Delicate cherry blossom pink and pretty petals drifted like whispered secrets upon the river's gentle current.

Bearing medical supplies, Jack and Taylor approached them, their figures emerging from the distance near the gate, steadily coming to Sakura to check on her. 

Sakura asserted, "Me safety is important, I understand. We're in a state of lockdown. None step in or out, barring the Generations and Alpha Protectors. Another assault may be imminent; we must stand ready." 

Jack's anxiety etched lines on his face, his grip on the medical bags producing a telltale crinkle. He spoke in horror, "Sakura, you're certain?" 

"Taylor, what have ye to share 'bout yer brother?" Sakura inquired. 

"Atlas? Yeah, he passed beyond eighteen years ago." 

"What held his attention before he passed?"

"Atlas, he had a kind heart. He unearthed a metal he christened 'Lunanium.' With a vibrant blue Sharpie, he penned it on the periodic table, inside the box bearing the number one hundred and nineteen in the top left corner. 'LN' he etched; 'LU' already claimed. He forged an unbreakable metal, known only to a few, but he took pride in his creation." 

"What path did it tread?" 

"Lily begged him to dispose of it. She foresaw the desperation it would provoke in humanity and wanted no part." 

Jack's shrug conveyed agreement. "Can't fault her for that." 

"Ye've not addressed me question. Where is it?" 

"Buried alongside my brother in the City of Lights." 

Jack queried, "Could someone privileged to this secret pursue it out? Humans couldn't possibly have known." 

"They've been privileged all along. 'Twas, but a matter of time." 

Jack contemplated, "Who'd betray the island?" 

"Me own father." 

In these times of turmoil, Sakura divulged what the elders had unveiled. Shock and sorrow echoed through the space, for no one deemed revenge a fitting response. Her father, driven by vengeance and seeking the extraordinary metal, had surrendered it to the humans, transforming himself into an invulnerable weapon. He aimed to erase the island from the map, reserved solely for military eyes. 

Jack's shock was palpable, his wide eyes reflecting his profound disbelief at Sakura's revelation. He stuttered, struggling to process the shocking news. "Are you sure?"

Sakura's voice was quiet, laden with the weight of her words as she confirmed the heartbreaking truth. "Kazuyo confirmed it with photographic evidence."

Jack exhaled a deep sigh. "How are you doing? That's a lot to process."

Sakura's voice quivered with emotion as she tried to hold back her tears, her world unraveling before her eyes. "I'm still processin' that all of this exists. None of ya told me father was dead, so I figured he was alive somewhere, maybe missin' me. I thought he might have regretted lettin' me go."

Taylor, always the compassionate presence in the group, spoke with a tone of understanding and care. "I know it's hard, Sakura, but sometimes the people we thought we could trust can be capable of terrible things."

Jack nodded in agreement, offering his support. "We're here for you, Sakura. We'll protect you from him."

Sakura managed a faint smile, appreciating their kindness, but her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. She couldn't bear to let them see her cry, not at this moment. With a quick, apologetic glance, she excused herself. "I need a moment alone."

Leaving Taylor and Jack behind, Sakura made her way toward the grand entrance of the Generation Tomb, a place she had visited only once before but had never felt as significant as it did now.

As she ascended to the fifth floor, Sakura's footsteps echoed through the silence. She could no longer hold back her tears. Her mother's absence, her father's betrayal, and impending danger weighed heavily on her. Torches lined her path, casting flickering shadows on the ancient walls. At the far end of the tomb, she found her mother's coffin—a solemn monolith with a lifelike statue of her mother in indefinite peace.

She kneeled beside the coffin, the chill of the stone seeping through her clothing. Her left hand was gently on her mother's statue, her fingers tracing the delicate features etched in stone. The soft torchlight played tricks with the shadows, creating the illusion that her mother's figure might awaken at any moment. Sakura's tears flowed freely, her emotions too overwhelming to contain.

"Why, Mom?" Sakura whispered through choked sobs, her voice trembling. "Why does Dad hate me so much? I never got the chance to meet ya. I wish ya were here to tell me what to do." She rested her head against her mother's stone coffin, her voice barely a whisper. "I wish I could hear ya voice."

Of course, there would be no response from the lifeless statue, but Sakura needed this moment to pour out her heart, to voice the questions that tormented her.

 Sakura's eyes appeared hollow, and her spirit seemed drained. She felt as lifeless as the cold stone surrounding her, lost in grief and confusion.

Minutes passed, and Taylor entered the tomb, her footsteps soft against the ancient walls. She approached Sakura with a gentle, empathetic expression, her heart aching for her friend. Kneeling beside Sakura, she whispered softly, "Sakura..."

Sakura slowly turned her gaze toward Taylor, her eyes revealing a profound sorrow. Tears glistened in her eyes, yet they no longer fell; they seemed suspended in a melancholy world.

Taylor reached out and placed a comforting hand on Sakura's shoulder, offering reassurance in her presence. "I was looking everywhere for you. Alexa and Hailey told me you were sitting here. I'm so sorry for your loss, Sakura. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you."

Sakura gently wiped away her tears, her voice reduced to a whisper, almost lost to the somber atmosphere. "It's foolish missing someone I never met."

Taylor's empathetic smile reflected her compassion as she looked into Sakura's eyes. "Not at all, but I'm here for you. We all are. Lily was always looking out for me in our childhood, so I know right now she would probably tell you to be strong, to keep. You've already faced too many challenges at a young age, but it strengthens you."

Sakura gazed at her mother's serene statue resting upon the coffin. "I hope you're right, Taylor. She was so stunning."

Taylor's comforting hand squeezed Sakura's shoulder gently, and her smile remained warm. "And so are you. On the island, we believe in rebirth. Your mother is here watching over you. She loved monarch butterflies and asked the Kami to turn her into one. Maybe she asked so that she could look out for you that way."

Sakura's tears finally broke free, streaming down her cheeks as she embraced Taylor in a heartfelt hug. "Thank you, Taylor. Your support means the world to me."

The weight of Sakura's father's actions and the recent discoveries about her mother had left her feeling drained and defeated.

"Sakura," Taylor said softly, concern in her eyes. "You need to eat something."

She nodded, realizing she had eaten nothing in hours, maybe even longer. Taylor helped her up, and they ascended to the first floor of the luxury mansion. Sakura was grateful to have at least one of the Generation women on her side, as she couldn't help but worry the others might not like her.

Taylor led Sakura to a door that opened to a tavern, with its wooden beams and cozy nooks creating a sense of warmth and comfort that enclosed them upon entering. The walls and floor featured exquisite stone cuts separated by lumber molding and support beams. Sakura's eyes widened in awe as she took in the scene.

Taylor gestured towards another door that led to the kitchen, and Sakura followed her inside. A brawny, bald man with chocolate skin and orange greeted them eyes, dressed in a chef's outfit—an older fellow with a kindly smile.

Jim, the chef, spoke in a deep baritone voice, "Taylor, I haven't finished dinner yet for everyone," he glanced at Sakura, a bit surprised. "Who's this?"

"Hey, Jim. Meet Sakura, the Generation of the Star. She's finally home but having a hard time adjusting. Can you make her something to eat?"

Jim regarded Sakura kindly and inquired, "Of course, what can I prepare for you to make you feel better, dear?"

Sakura thought for a moment, her stomach growling in anticipation. "Ramen, please."

Jim's smile grew even wider as he nodded. "Ramen it is. Please, sit out there, and I'll have it ready for you in no time."

Taylor and Sakura settled at a tavern-style table, the atmosphere providing a sense of coziness and comfort. As they found their seats, Taylor spoke softly, shifting the conversation. "The City of Lights funeral is coming up in three days, Sakura. Are you feeling up to it?"

Sakura sighed, her burdens still weighing heavily upon her. "I'm not sure, Taylor. Everything is so overwhelming right now. I should go to be supportive."

Taylor nodded in understanding, her eyes filled with empathy. "If you need help, you can always come to me."

Someone momentarily interrupted their conversation as Jim returned, carrying a steaming bowl of ramen resembling a culinary masterpiece. Sakura's eyes widened with amazement at the presentation. The bowl contained a perfectly cooked egg with a gooey center, four thinly sliced pieces of tender pork stacked neatly, and two salted seaweed strips draped across the center. A small mound of corn and sesame seeds garnished the dish while delicate noodles swam in a pool of Miso broth.

Jim placed the ramen in front of Sakura, and she couldn't wait any longer. With chopsticks in hand, she took her first bite, savoring the explosion of flavors in her mouth. Her delight was unmistakable as she couldn't help but sigh, satisfied. "Grand."

Taylor chuckled, pleased to see Sakura enjoying her meal. She knew that sometimes, a warm bowl of ramen could work wonders for the soul.

"Hey, take it easy. You are eating like no one has fed you in days."

Sakura slowed, savoring each bite, and began sharing her stories with Taylor, recounting her earliest, heart-wrenching, and beautiful childhood memories. Taylor listened intently, absorbed in Sakura's tales, and their conversation continued for over an hour as Sakura finished her meal.

Taylor gently remarked, "You must be worried about your friends and Athen now."

Sakura's eyes were longing as she replied, "I wish I could see them right now."

"I know, but for their protection, the boys are on heavy sedation for bed rest to keep them from running out without completely healing first."

"That sounds like them," Sakura laughed, finding a glimmer of humor amidst the turmoil.

Taylor said, "It's getting late. A crowd of hungry werewolves is going to burst through those doors soon. Let me take you upstairs."

Sakura followed Taylor as they ascended to the second floor of the magnificent mansion. The mansion hallways were embellished the hallways with paintings, sculptures, and elegant furnishings. Sakura was thoroughly impressed. 

Taylor led Sakura to a room with a plaque already bearing her name. Sakura raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Why does my name have a room here?"

Taylor smiled warmly and explained, "I had the blacksmith add your name, Sakura, because deep down, I knew that someday you would come home."

With that, Taylor opened the door to the bedroom, revealing a space that left Sakura breathless. It was an enormous room boasting high ceilings with intricate moldings and chandeliers that cast a soft, warm light over it. Lavender and cream hues painted the walls.

The room's centerpiece was an immense four-poster bed, rich, dark wood, and sumptuous silk sheets inviting and queenly, complete with a built-in bookshelf filled with a vast collection of books.

Sakura couldn't believe her eyes. "This room is incredible."

Taylor grinned. "It's all yours, Sakura. Rest up and make yourself comfortable. You deserve it."

Sakura looked towards the bookshelf, curiosity getting the better of her. "What are all those books on the shelf?"

"Our island history. You can read about any of us and the hardships we faced."

"That's not a bad idea to do some research for this new mission."

Taylor tilted her head in curiosity. "New mission?"

Sakura caressed her new, luxurious bed and replied, "When we go back to the City of Lights, I need to confirm whether the newly discovered metal is still here or not."

Taylor raised an eyebrow, concern in her eyes. "Not tonight, you won't."

Sakura sighed, feeling the motherly love. "Okay, I won't read tonight."

 "Goodnight, Sakura," Taylor replied, closing the door behind her as she left for her room.

Sakura stood in awe of her new and luxurious queen-sized bedroom in the Generations Palace. A mix of emotions welled within her—gratitude for Taylor's hospitality, yet the weight of her recent losses still pressed upon her. Exhaustion finally overcame her, and she drifted into a restless slumber beneath the elegant covers of her lavish bedding.

Her peaceful dream brought a glimmer of joy. Sakura seated on a beautiful beach, the soothing waves serenading her. The wind played with her hair, and she felt content for the first time.

However, her dream suddenly turned into a small sports plane in the sky. Initially, Sakura mistook it for a distant passenger plane, but she realized the truth as it approached. The plane was tiny and headed straight for the shallow waters before her.

Fear gripped her heart as she tried to move to prevent the impending disaster, but some mysterious force held her in place, rendering her helpless. She watched in horror as the plane plunged into the shoreline, creating a tremendous splash.

Sakura's voice caught in her throat as she desperately tried to call the medical emergency line, but her trembling hands betrayed her. Overwhelmed, she closed her eyes, unable to bear the sight any longer, and then everything went black.

When Sakura woke up in her immense bedroom the following day, she was drenched in cold sweat. Her heart raced, and the memories of the vivid nightmare still lingered. She couldn't shake the helplessness and being trapped in her dream, leaving her uneasy as she tried to make sense of the haunting vision. She wiggled out of bed, feeling exhausted. Sakura realized she still needed to bring clothes to the island. The recent events distracted her from packing essentials. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, wearing her usual hoodie and sweatpants, her self-esteem taking a hit. Her gaze shifted towards the door, where she detected an envelope on the floor beneath the gap.

The soft, light pink envelope contained a letter on lined paper written by Taylor. It invited Sakura to meet her in the cherry blossom meadow beside the palace. The kind invitation overjoyed sakura and went.

Sakura approached a map on the wall she hadn't seen before in the mansion's halls. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a map of the entire island. Sakura pointed from the palace to the lettering that showed the cherry blossom meadow. The map was helpful, and she felt more prepared to explore the island.

Exiting her room, she saw her guards bowing to her presence. Among them, Beta, chosen to guard the palace, stood in line, listening to the orders of their superiors. 

A stone pebble path, illuminated by lanterns crafted from stone, strayed through the cherry blossoms, leading her to the enchanting pink forest. The magical grass fields stretched out, pristine and stunning, their beauty surreal. Among the natural splendor, werewolves in their wolf forms leisurely strolled through the forest, basking in the sun and cherishing their time together. Many of them were young Omegas, seeking some fun before classes resumed.

As Sakura wandered through this enchanting forest, she suddenly heard Taylor's voice calling her name from a distance. Following the sound, she found Taylor seated on a large, dark blue blanket spread over the lush grass, a basket filled with Nigiri and other delectable snacks beside her. Sakura joined her on the mantle, a warm smile gracing her lips as Taylor offered her a rice ball wrapped in seaweed.

Sakura asked, "Oi, Taylor, why did ya ask me to come out here?"

Taylor responded with genuine concern, "I wanted to make sure you were alright after yesterday. Jack seemed pretty worried about you."

Sakura reflected, "Ya, I'm okay. It's goin' to be hard for me to stay in one place now," she said with a chuckle.

"Traveling the world is so much fun; you're lucky," Taylor replied with a playful giggle.

Sakura felt a more profound connection growing with Taylor, as though they had been friends for a lifetime, even though they hadn't.

With a warm smile, Sakura said, "Tell me more stories about me mother, Taylor. I want to know what she was like when she was my age."

Taylor's gaze turned distant as she reminisced, "Your mother, she was quite the adventurer. In our time, we didn't have computers and smartphones to keep us occupied. We had fun going on adventures and missions together."

Sakura leaned in closer, her curiosity piqued. "Tell me everything."

"Well," Taylor began, "we explored the nearby forests and meadows when we were your age. Your mother had a knack for discovering hidden treasures in the most unexpected places. We would also care for the small Kami who live on the island. Hours would pass as we collected wildflowers and created crowns for each other."

Sakura's eyes gleamed with interest. "What else did you do?"

"She would entertain me with stories of her adventures beyond the island," Taylor continued. "Lily would reveal the fancy jewelry and trinkets she found on her missions. She taught me about human culture and the multitude of languages beyond our shores. She always had an overload of fascinating tales."

Sakura couldn't help but smile, her heart warmed by the image of her mother's adventurous spirit. "She sounds amazing."

"She truly was," Taylor affirmed. "We also spent countless afternoons climbing trees. Your mother possessed incredible fearlessness. She would ascend higher than anyone else, always reaching for the sky."

Sakura chuckled, envisioning her mother as a spirited young girl. "And what about you, Taylor?"

"I was the one who kept her grounded," Taylor laughed. "But our differences complemented each other perfectly. Lily's boundless enthusiasm made every day an adventure."

Sakura playfully caught a cherry blossom, twirling it in her fingers. "I wish I could have known her like that."

With a reassuring hand on Sakura's shoulder, Taylor comforted her. "You may not have experienced those moments with her, but you carry her spirit within you. She lives on through you, Sakura."

Sakura nodded, gratitude filling her eyes, and tears welled up. "I believe you're right."

A deep sense of connection enveloped them in the cherry blossom meadow, surrounded by Sakura's mother's echoes and the natural world's beauty. Sakura knew that even in her mother's absence, her legacy continued through her and the stories shared by her dearest friend. That was something that could never be taken away.

Then, Taylor remembered something and asked, "Sakura, the funeral is in two days. Did you bring a funeral outfit?"

Sakura rubbed the back of her head, her smile slightly awkward. "Oi, I forgot to bring any clothes with me."

Taylor's understanding expression remained unchanged. She asked gently and reassuringly, "Sakura, would you mind following me for a moment?"

"Uh, sure," Sakura replied, a hint of curiosity mixed with nervousness. She rose from the blanket and trailed Taylor to the mansion's courtyard. She couldn't help but wonder what Taylor had in store for her. Inside, they weaved through a series of winding corridors until they reached a door marked "Rin's Atelier."

Upon opening the door, a room that defied her size expectations greeted Sakura. The walls were ornamented with shelves overflowing with colorful fabrics, threads, and intricate sewing patterns. At the heart of the room stood a stage-like platform with a full-length mirror and various measuring tools.

Within this sewing paradise, Rin, a woman of captivating charm, waited with a warm smile that could melt hearts. She donned a black and white maid's attire, the contrasting colors stressing her beautiful dark golden skin. A delicate shade of light pink crowned her hair, which framed her captivating eyes and an endearing, chubby figure.

Taylor approached Rin, her voice exuding warmth. "Rin, this is Sakura. I brought her here to introduce you, and I thought it would be wonderful if you could create a funeral Yukata for her to wear at the City of Lights ceremony."

Rin's eyes lit up excitedly as she extended her hand gracefully toward Sakura. Speaking with a hint of a charming French accent, she said, "A pleasure to meet you, Sakura. Taylor has told me so much about you. Don't worry; I'll make sure you look absolutely stunning."

Sakura managed a small, appreciative smile, feeling slightly out of her comfort zone but trusting Taylor's judgment.

With a gracious nod, Rin motioned toward the stage with the mirror. "Now, my dear, if you could stand here, we'll need to take some measurements, so you'll have to remove your clothes."

Sakura hesitated, feeling vulnerable standing in her undergarments in this room filled with fabrics and tools, but Rin's presence and Taylor's reassurance helped ease her discomfort.

Taylor chuckled softly, her voice soothing. "It's alright, Sakura. Rin is a professional, and she'll take your measurements quickly and painlessly. You'll be out of here in no time."

With Taylor's encouragement, Sakura stepped onto the stage, facing the mirror. She temporarily removed her apparel, desiring they would finish promptly. Rin began her work, her skilled hands moving deftly over Sakura's body, taking precise measurements. 

Gradually, Sakura's initial discomfort melted away, replaced by a growing sense of relaxation as she allowed Rin to work her magic. Sakura couldn't help but admire the artistry and craftsmanship that surrounded her. This room felt like a sanctuary of creativity and talent, a place where the cares of the outside world seemed to fade into insignificance.

With her measuring tape in hand, Rin looked up at Sakura with a warm smile. "You may step down now, love. I will bring you the Yukata once I'm finished."

"Thank you," Sakura replied, a genuine smile gracing her lips.

Rin nodded and retreated to the back room to work on the garment. Taylor escorted Sakura back to the mansion's front hallway, where she explained she had one more procedure for Michael before the funeral preparations began. Sakura was free to explore the vast island that was her birthplace.

Deciding to head south to Paradise City, Sakura marveled at the natural beauty surrounding her. Towering, ancient trees formed a majestic canopy overhead, their leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. The air carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the harmonious chorus of birds serenaded her as she followed the main road to the city.

While walking along a winding forest path, Sakura stumbled upon a small, glistening stream that strayed through the underbrush. Drawn by the soothing sound of flowing water, she kneeled to dip her fingers in its crystal-clear waters. To her astonishment, the creek seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light, and she could feel a subtle, magical energy coursing through it.

Curiosity guided her steps, and Sakura followed the stream more profoundly into the forest. Her footsteps barely sounded as she trekked on the soft, mossy ground. Sakura noticed tiny figures darting among the leaves and flowers surrounding her. These were the Kami, the spirits of nature, that called this island home.

One of the Kami, a petite and radiant feminine creature, caught Sakura's attention. This Kami had sparkling wings that seemed to shimmer with a hint of green, and her body appeared as though it was made of glistening leaves. Her eyes, large and entirely black, seemed to absorb the very essence of the forest. Her beauty captivated Sakura, finding her irresistibly cute.

"Hello, what's your name?" Sakura asked, not at all hesitant to engage with the enchanting creature.

Sakura gently raised her hand, inviting the petite Kami to perch on her palm. The tiny spirit responded with a tinkling laugh and a playful twirl. Although Sakura couldn't understand her language, the Kami's warm demeanor and enthusiastic gestures were universal.

"Oh, sorry, lass. I don't understand what yer sayin'," Sakura admitted, feeling a bit of a language barrier between them.

The little Kami beckoned Sakura to follow her deeper into the forest. Sakura hesitated briefly, weighing the decision to pursue a creature she couldn't communicate with. However, the assurance of being on her home island as an Alpha Leader gave her a sense of security, and she trusted the small spirit. Sakura followed the Kami further into the forest, and the surroundings became increasingly mystical with each step.

The trees grew taller and older, their trunks thick and gnarled, as if they held the wisdom of centuries. The ground beneath her feet transformed into a lush carpet of moss, inviting her to take off her shoes and walk barefoot. In the distance, the gentle babble of a brook called her forward.

The journey was long, and Sakura felt weary. She gasped for breath, taking more profound breaths to replenish her energy. The little Kami continued to float around her in joyous circles.

Sakura panted, humor lacing her words. "I recently walked down a long beach, new friend. That doesn't make me a marathon runner. Where are ya takin' me?"

The spirit responded with laughter and continued speaking in her language, leaving Sakura puzzled.

Sakura sighed, "I still can't understand ya, forest Kami. Can I call ya Hana?"

In response to her question, the spirit embarked on an enthusiastic series of twirls and spins, delighting in the name Sakura had given her.

With a final step, Sakura and Hana entered a breathtaking clearing, bathed in twilight's soft, enchanting glow. Towering trees surrounded the clearing, their branches forming a protective canopy that allowed enough light to filter through. In the center of the clearing lay a radiant, moonlit pool, its surface still and inviting.

However, not merely the pool took Sakura's breath away. Countless small Kami was everywhere, filling the clearing with their vibrant presence. Some danced gracefully on the pool's surface, creating ripples that glimmered like liquid silver. Others swung from the branches, playfully leaping between leaves and vines.

Sakura's jaw dropped in amazement; the island persisted in astonishing her. The sight filled her with overwhelming joy. The Kami was a symphony of colors and shapes, each uniquely captivating. Some possessed delicate butterfly wings that shimmered with rainbow hues, while others resembled miniature tree spirits, their forms blending seamlessly with the forest itself. Their laughter reached the tinkling of wind chimes, and their voices carried the songs of the natural world. Hana encouraged Sakura to join in the festivities.

"Thank you for inviting me, Hana," Sakura expressed sincerely. "It's a privilege to join in yer spirit festival."

With that, Sakura twirled and danced with the Kami, their laughter filling the clearing. She felt as light as air, as if she could float among the treetops. It was a truly magical moment. The evening deepened into night, and Sakura and the Kami continued to dance and play, forging a connection that transcended language. Sakura knew this enchanted glade would forever hold a special place in her heart, where the mystical and the ordinary seamlessly converged.

Eventually, the sky turned a darker shade of blue, signaling it was time to return home before the night grew too dark.

"Thanks again for inviting me," Sakura said to the Kami. "I had fun. However, I have to go back, but I hope to meet ya again soon."

Sakura bowed to the spirits and reluctantly left the enchanting festival behind as the moonlight illuminated her path back to the mansion.

A faint, bright yellow aura pierced the veil in the darkness, catching Sakura's attention. She couldn't help but wonder what this mysterious light was as it drew nearer, its glow casting eerie shadows in the dense forest.

Sakura's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist asking, "What is that bright light in the distance?"

The mystifying creature approached the clearing, and Sakura discerned its physical features. It had the twisted body of a snake embellished with soft orange fur on top and pristine white fur on its belly. Its long tail swayed gently, adding to its peculiar appearance. However, the creature's head and front legs resembled a fox's, making it an enchanting blend of different animal traits. Though a sense of unease crept over Sakura, she couldn't help but be fascinated.

She couldn't contain her surprise as she whispered, "What is that?"

The Kami continued its slow approach, its movements resembling a gentle slithering as it maneuvered through the grass. When it finally reached her, it collapsed at her feet, its fur muddied and stained with blood. The creature's large, expressive eyes pleaded for help, its silence plea transcending words.

Sakura's heart raced, and panic threatened her as she exclaimed, "No, you're injured. What can I do? I don't know any Kami healing magic!"

Fighting back the fear, Sakura made a swift decision. She could not stand by idly while the creature suffered. Determination filled her voice as she declared, "I must bring you to the mansion with me. They will know what to do."

With the injured pipe fox cradled in her arms, Sakura wasted no time and began her hurried journey back through the forest, her legs carrying her as fast as they could. She was determined to reach the mansion, where she hoped help could be found.

Upon entering the mansion, Sakura immediately headed to the infirmary. Inside, she found Taylor during a procedure, focused on puncturing a needle into Michael's spine as he lay asleep. The room was tense with concentration as Taylor carefully collected the fluid dripping from the hand.

Interrupting her procedure, desperation and urgency filled Sakura's voice. "T-Taylor, please, I need your help!"

Taylor's eyes widened in surprise as she swiftly placed the vial containing the fluid on the table and removed the needle from Michael's back. Concern etched across her face as she asked, "What happened to it?"

"I don't know. I found it in the forest like this," Sakura replied, her voice trembling with worry.

"Come with me," Taylor said decisively, motioning for Sakura to bring the injured Kami closer.

Taylor's expert hands went to work immediately as she assessed the pipe fox's injuries. Sakura watched anxiously, her heart heavy with concern for the tiny creature. She could only hope that Taylor could save it.

As the Delta werewolves finished cleaning up after Taylor's procedure on Michael, Sakura sat on a stool beside his bed. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the events of the night.

After what felt like an eternity, Taylor finally turned to Sakura, her expression a mix of relief and exhaustion. She wiped the sweat from her brow and spoke softly, "You brought it in just in time. I've stabilized it for now."

Sakura stood up, her gaze shifting to the small Kami under the examination lights, wrapped in sutures and bandages that now covered its body. It seemed to be in less pain than before. Sakura asked with gratitude in her voice, "What is it?"

"It's a pipe fox Kami, Sakura, a Kudagitsune. And it's just a baby," Taylor explained.

Sakura nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude and hope. "Can you save it?"

Taylor offered a faint but reassuring smile. "I'll do my best. Get some rest. I'll have Michelle assist me. She's the most experienced one for this."

"Okay, thank you," Sakura replied with heartfelt gratitude.

Under Taylor's expert care and Michelle's invaluable help, they embarked on a tireless journey to mend the wounded pipe fox Kami. The process was challenging and delicate, demanding their unwavering focus and dedication. As the hours ticked by, the tiny creature slowly displayed promising improvement.

After Sakura had finished her dinner at the tavern and retired to her room that evening, restlessness consumed her. Worry consumed her thoughts for the Kudagitsune in the infirmary. Unable to find alleviation in her bed, Sakura couldn't resist the urge to traverse the cold marble staircase, her bare feet making no sound.

She gingerly opened the door to the infirmary, greeted by the brightness of the overhead lights. All the doors were securely closed to allow the patients their well-deserved rest. As she ventured further into the infirmary, Sakura discovered the recovery room. It was pitch black, with curtains drawn to offer privacy to the recovering werewolves.

Checking the digital calendar, Sakura noted 0200 on the final day before the City of Lights funeral. She marveled at how the solemn occasion was quickly approaching. However, her immediate concern was Kudagitsune's well-being.

Anxiety gnawed at her, and Sakura took great care to avoid making a single noise. She worried about the consequences of being discovered in the infirmary at this hour, fully aware of the trouble she could find herself in. Her heartbeat echoed in her ears as she moved cautiously through the darkened room. She breathed a sigh of relief when she finally located the room where the Kami were resting.

With bated breath, Sakura peered behind the curtains. The room was still dark, but she sensed the dawn's arrival as a soft, light blue glow gradually seeped through the window. She silently checked each curtain until she found the Kudagitsune peacefully asleep. Her fears dwindled away, replaced by a profound sense of relief.

Sakura knew she had accomplished something remarkable—she had saved a life as precious and magical as the island itself. With a heart of gratitude and reassurance, she finally allowed herself to retreat to her upstairs room. The adrenaline of the night's events had waned, and Sakura surrendered to the embrace of much-needed sleep.

"Apologies for startling you, Alpha Leader," Rin bowed, her voice as graceful as her gesture, "I have your dress here for the funeral today."

Sakura jerked her torso up, her hair cluttered, casting a hasty glance around the room. She groaned, "The funeral isn't until tomorrow, lass."

Rin awkwardly replied, "Actually, Leader, you slept for an entire day."

"What?" Sakura's eyes widened in surprise.

"You had quite the eventful time the other day rescuing a Kami. No wonder you were tired."

Ignoring her, Sakura continued to panic, "Shit, I have to go check on the Kudagitsune."

"Let me help you get dressed," Rin said.

In a graceful and practiced motion, Rin assisted Sakura in standing up on her feet, her nimble fingers expertly tying up Sakura's unruly hair. She pushed Sakura's arms through the elegant sleeves of the black Yukata, intricately lined with gold. Adjusting the fabric to fit Sakura's height, she tied a small white sash to keep it elegantly in place. Another strap followed, securing it further. Then, with skillful precision, she quickly fastened the substantial Obi around Sakura's waist, adjusting it to perfection. Sakura felt the pressure and huffed, feeling somewhat constricted by the sash. Additional accessories like a white rope, were carefully tied around her Obi. After a few attempts, Sakura could hardly breathe, contemplating women's sacrifices in the name of beauty. It was a world she had long left behind. For her feet, Rin gave her a pair of Geta, traditional Japanese footwear—wooden bases with two perpendicular wooden teeth underneath, delicately separated by a black leather fabric snuggled between Sakura's toes, designed for graceful walking.

Rin's eyes sparkled with delight, her beaming smile accompanying her words, "You look exquisite."

Although feeling somewhat out of her usual attire, Sakura concealed her uneasiness behind a mask of joy, leaving the room with a forced smile. As she descended the staircase, Jack's friendly face came into view.

Jack chuckled and said, "You look good."

Sakura clenched her teeth and whispered, "Shut it."

Her embarrassment only made Jack laugh harder. "From tomboy to a beauty queen. That is not something you see every day."

"I have to wear somethin' respectful for the funeral," Sakura replied defensively.

Jack rubbed her shoulder and replied, "Yes, but for whatever reason, you look gorgeous."

Sakura nodded, not knowing how to respond to him. She wasn't used to being complimented by anyone other than her father.

"You are not used to compliments, are you?"

"No," Sakura quietly replied.

"That's depressing," Jack said, feeling sympathy for her. He changed the topic to something lighter to improve their moods.

"I heard you saved a Kudagitsune."

"Yeah, I came down to check on him. Taylor said it's doing well."

"I'll take you inside," Jack said enthusiastically, offering a supportive gesture.

Sakura and Jack quietly entered the infirmary, their steps hushed on the polished tile floor. The dimmed lights in the corridor cast long shadows, and the soft hum of medical equipment filled the air. 

Jack looked at Sakura, his concern clear. "Are you sure the Kudagitsune is okay?"

Sakura nodded, her face illuminated by a small smile. "Yes, Taylor and Michelle have been taking excellent care of it. I checked on it in the middle of the night, and it seemed to rest comfortably."

Jack let out a relieved sigh. "That's good to hear. I was worried about the little one."

They reached the door of the recovery room and gently pushed it open. Inside, the room was softly lit, allowing them to see the curtains drawn around each patient's bed. The Kudagitsune's bed was at the far end of the room.

Taylor was there, her back turned as she examined a patient's chart. She wore her white lab coat, and her expression was focused and attentive. Nearby, Michelle was making notes on a clipboard.

Sakura and Jack quietly approached Taylor, not wanting to startle her. Sakura cleared her throat softly. "Taylor, we wanted to check in on the Kudagitsune. How is it doing?"

Taylor turned around, her face breaking into a warm smile when she saw Sakura and Jack. She put the chart down and motioned for them to come closer. "Sakura, Jack, I'm glad you came. The Kudagitsune is doing remarkably well. Its wounds are healing nicely and seem to gain strength."

Relief washed over Sakura as she moved closer to Kudagitsune's bed. She looked down at the tiny creature nestled under a soft blanket. Its chest rose and fell steadily, a sign of peaceful slumber.

Michelle joined the conversation, her voice gentle and reassuring. "The Kudagitsune has been responding positively to the treatment. With a bit more time and care, it should make a full recovery."

Sakura reached out and gently stroked the Kudagitsune's fur. It let out a soft, contented sigh in response to her touch. "I'm so glad to hear that. Thank you, Taylor and Michelle, for taking care of it."

Taylor nodded. "Of course, Sakura. We're here to help and couldn't have done it without your quick thinking in bringing it here."

Jack added, "Yeah, Sakura, you did a great thing by saving its life."

Sakura smiled, her heart filled with gratitude and relief. "I'm just glad it's going to be okay. It's a special little creature."

As they stood by the Kudagitsune's bedside, bathed in the soft light of the recovery room, they knew that the little Kami was on the path to recovery, thanks to the collective efforts of the Generations and Sakura's compassionate heart.

Lina entered the recovery room and waved to Sakura to get her attention. She said, "Hey, Sakura. The Alpha Protectors are awake and stable." 

Sakura's heart raced as she pushed open the heavy doors to the hallway. The sterile antiseptic scent greeted her, causing a shiver to run down her spine. She took a deep breath, steadying herself, and walked down the long corridor. The harsh fluorescent lights overhead seemed to intensify the anxiety building within her.

She reached the entrance to another spacious recovery room at the end of the corridor. The room was filled with the rhythmic symphony of beeping vital monitors, a reassuring but simultaneously unsettling reminder of the life that teetered on the edge. Rows of neatly arranged beds filled the room, each with its own set of equipment and medical paraphernalia littered the room. 

Sakura's eyes quickly found Athen, Michael, and the twins Alec and Alex seated upright on their respective beds. Her breath caught as she took in their recovered forms. Relief and vitality transformed their features, marred by pain and injuries just a short time ago,. Athen's deep blue eyes locked onto hers, and a warm smile spread across his lips. Michael waved at her with a playful grin while the mischievous twins exchanged looks, no doubt plotting some mischief.

Michelle, the dedicated healer who had earnestly tended to them, stood beside Athen. Her expression was a mix of professional satisfaction and genuine care. Sakura's attention shifted to her, and Michelle's eyes met hers with a nod, signaling that the pack was well on the path to recovery.

She felt a sense of reassurance knowing that they were safe and healing, but her fear of death still lingered, reminding her of the fragility of life.

Michelle's voice pulled Sakura from her thoughts. "Good news, Sakura. They've made a remarkable recovery, and I'm discharging them today. They'll need some time for rest and recovery, but they're well on their way."

Sakura's lips curved into a relieved smile, her shoulders relaxing. She nodded at Michelle, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank ya kindly, Michelle."

Michelle's smile matched Sakura's. "It's my duty and heartening to see them in good spirits."

Approaching Athen's bedside, Sakura reached for his hand and squeezed it gently. "You scared me, ya know," she admitted softly.

Athen's thumb stroked her knuckles soothingly. "I'm sorry, but we're here and getting stronger."

Michael chimed in with a playful grin. "Yeah, you're stuck with us for a long time, Sakura."

The twins exchanged nods, their smiles reflecting Michael's understanding. 

"So, what happened on the boat?" Alex inquired. 

"Sam took quite a beating," Alec responded. 

Sakura sighed, "The handle on the lever snapped off." 

A collective gasp fell from everyone's lips. Michael laughed, remarking, "So, it's still Athen's fault." 

"Well, regardless, did you die?" 

"Bro, we almost died, yeah." 

Sakura interjected, "Both of ya make valid points, but our focus must now shift to more pressin' matters."

"What's going on?" Athen asked.

"Jack and I will tell ya on the way to the city." 

Catching the wind of the conversation, Michelle interjected with a fiery passion. "The City of Lights is a considerable distance from our current location. I cannot allow them to run, let alone cover such a stretch of walking."

Athen's grin took on a crafty tilt as he retorted, "Don't worry, I know how to get us there."

The six companions ventured northward to the roof, drawn out of curiosity to the wired fence that concealed a row of small aircraft parked in modest hangars. Stretching out before them were black roads illuminated by rows of glowing lights. As they observed, one plane landed gracefully near the gate, expertly guided, as if it were a car.

Michael's curiosity got the best of him. "Hold on a second; why didn't we just take a plane around the island?"

Athen's lips curled into a knowing smirk. "Sakura has a fear of flying."

Michael's disbelief was palpable. "Are you kidding me? Sakura?"

"JAL Flight 123," Sakura answered, recalling the events that traumatized her. 

Michael offered a perspective meant to assuage her concerns. "That tragedy happened before we were even born, and there were four survivors, you know. Also, didn't you fly to Japan?"

"I was running on adrenaline."

Athen chimed in with an understanding grin. "Nothing we say will change her mind. But hey, if she has to fly, she'll tolerate it."

"To be honest, guys, I'm not a big fan of airplanes either," Jack said.

Michael's retort was quick, laced with his characteristic humor. "If you're about to bring up nine-eleven as an excuse, I might just have to give you a reality check. Technology has come a long way since then."

The appearance of an older man in a white captain's hat and a long brown beard momentarily interrupted their conversation. A sharp slap against the fence seized everyone's attention, causing Sakura to seek refuge behind Michael, her grip tight on his ebony shirt. A fragrant blend of beer and cigars, the visible wisps of smoke mingling with the surrounding air, accompanied the older man's hearty laughter.

In a voice both boisterous and warm, the older man engaged them. "Would you folks like a peek at your private plane?"

Michael's excitement was clear in his response. "Seriously? Are you kidding? The Alpha Leader owned a private plane."

Athen supplied a context that shed light on the aircraft's origin. "The plane originally belonged to Sakura's grandmother."

The group ventured through the open gate, passing the chuckling older man. But one final question lingered.

Michael's curiosity compelled him to ask. "Wait, do you know where the plane is?"

Athen's response held a touch of nostalgia. "Yeah, Sakura's mother trained me. Do you remember?"

Athen led them through the spacious plane hangar, his hand landing on a massive emerald button that allowed the doors to glide open gracefully. The doorway revealed a private jet glistening under the hangar's lights. The compact yet polished aircraft had characteristics like a dolphin. Its upper surface was serene blue, while the underside radiated a spotless white. Tucked with grace were its modest wings, seamlessly connected to a fuel line.

Suspense swelled among the group, except for Sakura, as the private jet's allure evolved before them. The captain deftly positioned a petite three-step staircase, an invitation to explore its interior. 

Eager enthusiasm propelled the twins forward; their excitement led them to dash inside, their curiosity set on the cabin's secrets. Michael and Jack, grinning with infectious anticipation, followed suit. Athen and Sakura trailed behind, their steps aligned in a shared rhythm.

One by one, they found their seats, each a haven of comfort. Cushioned recliners, a lustrous white, cradled them with grey pillows. The cabin seamlessly hosted three booths, their metallic tables extending invitingly. Underfoot, a plush rug offered a tactile touch of luxury.

Sakura sat beside Athen in the first row, her fingers seeking reassurance in his presence.

"Cozy, isn't it?" Athen remarked.

Sakura's fingers clenched around the table's edge, a surge of unease welling within her as the plane rumbled. Michael sat across from them in the booth and casually leaned back. "Ready?" 

A wave of dread cascaded through Sakura, conjuring the worst-case scenario she had feared. Her stomach churned, and her mouth fell open in shock. A comforting touch from Jack, positioned across the table, was a small consolation.

"Michael, you're in for it once we land," Sakura exclaimed, her heart racing and her breath growing shallow.

With a mischievous smile, Michael raised an eyebrow. "That is if we land."

"Shut it, for feck's sake," Sakura shot back.

Athen chimed in, his voice a mix of annoyance and concern. "Let's not make her anxiety worse."

The plane's engines roared to life, sending vibrations through the cabin. Sakura's grip on the table tightened, her body stiffening involuntarily. Sensing her unease, Athen placed a reassuring hand on her back, offering gentle strokes as the aircraft rolled toward the runway.

"Well, now it's time to confront your fear of flying," Michael suggested with a casual tone.

From the adjacent booth, the twins chimed in, their heads popping up curiously. Alex tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Statistically speaking, our odds of perishing compared to humans are exceedingly slim."

Sakura countered firmly, "That doesn't make us invincible."

The aircraft paused briefly on the runway, then surged forward, gaining speed as it hurtled ahead. Sakura clenched her teeth, clutching onto Athen as if her life depended on it. Sitting in what felt like a death trap was far from comfortable; in her mind, she was confident that the end was imminent. Among the twins, Alex took charge, pushing his sibling down into his seat and securing his seatbelt. Though born just moments apart, he often assumed the role of the elder brother. Alec, less enthused, retaliated by shoving Alex into the seat, watching with a hint of amusement as his brother buckled in.

The plane continued to ascend, and Sakura's distress was noticeable; hyperventilating, she clutched her chest, prompting Athen to press her inhaler into her hand to quell her anxiety. After a nerve-wracking incline, the plane stabilized at a specific altitude.

"Michael, you've condemned us all to our demise, I'm tellin' ya," Sakura gasped in a panic.

Michael found the situation amusing. "Calm down, you're overreacting."

Upon reaching their destination, the City of Lights revealed its desolate beauty. Canopies of dead weeping Japanese cherry blossoms gave charm to the once beautiful land littered with corpses. Businesses thrived once again, bustling with hopeful customers. 

Diverse sections of the city center offered a variety of experiences. Large strings of lights illuminated the sky in the food district. Restaurants boasted outdoor seating around cement fountains featuring depictions of the seven gods of fortune.

Further along, the outdoor shopping district showcased merchandise unharmed from the massacre. Clothing hung on racks, enticing passersby. Within this area, a dimly lit building lay concealed in the shadows. Closer inspection revealed men exiting, their expressions contented and half-dressed, marking the departure of the pack from a Japanese brothel.

"Hey, Sakura. Guess what? I've got a new job opportunity for you," Jack chuckled, relishing the mischief. She shook her head, lying on the table.

Athen's response was swift and sharp, accompanied by a low growl, "Not a chance."

With a teasing grin, Michael said, "Oh, come on, Athen. Picture this: Sakura as an Oiran. Exclusive clientele, only the rich upper-class. Just imagine the fortune she could rake in."

Athen's tone was stern as he warned, "One more word, and you won't have to imagine how I'll deal with you."

Jack, ever the calm and collected one, added his perspective. "Let's be fair, though. For Sakura to take on that role, she must master traditional Japanese dance and music. While she can sing, playing those instruments would be a stretch. Also, she's not exactly known for striking up conversations."

Curiosity got the better of Michael, who quipped, "So, Jack, how do you know so much about Japanese brothels?"

Athen interjected once more, offering a bit of context, "Let's not forget that these establishments are illegal in Japan now."

Michael, undeterred, countered with a playful wag of his tongue and a dance move. "Not here, it's not!"

Rolling his eyes, Athen remarked, "Could we please get back on track? When are we landing? The outskirts are mainly residential."

Jack turned his attention to the outside world, searching for answers. "Hang on; we'll be descending in shortly."

The plane sped up, hurtling towards the private airport, executing a swift loop before executing a seamless landing. After an hour's journey, they found themselves in the heart of the most enchanting city. Jack led his pack south of the town, passing beneath the solemn torii gates. Along the way, Sakura relayed Taylor's tale of her elder brother, Atlas, the visionary behind the creation of the groundbreaking new metal. Sakura's words also carried the chilling revelation that her father sought to wield this very metal as a weapon to unleash devastation upon the island's inhabitants. The others were unsurprised, except for the twins, considering they knew her father before she had. 

Besides the formidable gate walls, a solemn assembly took form, where the departed were tenderly laid out in orderly rows, awaiting their families' final farewells. The bodies were dressed in their most radiant traditional clothes, lovingly garnished with fragrant island blooms. In the days leading up to this sad gathering, when Sakura had been absent, grieving relatives had moistened the parched lips of their loved ones for one last sip of water, tenderly cleansing the lifeless forms.

Sakura's pack joined the Generations in the ceremony, kneeling on Zabuton, rectangular Japanese cushions, in a silent show of empathy for the shared losses. A prayer, a solemn passage to the realm of spirits, echoed through the stillness of the ceremony. Vibrant chimes rang out in measured cadence, punctuating the serene atmosphere as everyone bowed their heads in unison, hands clasped in reverence.

Families, their heads cradled on propped pillows, offered sustenance and cherished items as a tribute to the divine, praying for the safe passage of their beloved departed souls to the spirit realm.

Afterward, the families sat down with their departed loved ones in wooden tub-shaped coffins. They gently sealed the lids with heavy hearts, cradling their cherished ones in a final embrace before commencing the solemn procession toward the sacred shrine beside the mountains.

A profound reverence draped everyone in somber black robes as they respectfully trailed behind the procession. Those closest to the grieving family were granted passage into the inner sanctum, while others, forming two facing lines, flanked the path leading to the shrine. In a gesture of profound respect, they bowed to the families in mourning.

After this human corridor, where a Shinto Priest would typically preside, two sacred Generation women, clad in white Kariginu robes layered with the Hitoe and Sashinuki balloon pants, they have donned black Eboshi hats atop their heads. Known as the Generation of the Soul and the Generation of the Spirit, they stood side by side. One wore a rosy hue, while the other donned a regal purple, identical features marked by pure white skin and a complete absence of makeup. They grasped wooden wands in their hands, from which dangled folded white paper streamers, known as the Gohei purification wand.

Sakura whispered, "Those lassies are unmistakably Generation women, yeah?" 

"Yeah," Athen replied, whispering in her ear. "The one with long, dark pink hair is Isabella's daughter, Alexa. She is the Generation of the soul. The woman with dark purple hair and eyes is named Hailey. She is the Generation of the Spirit." 

Within the shrine, an opulent spectacle awaited. An endless sea of vibrant flowers garnished the walls, creating an enchanting tapestry. At the altar's highest tier, a mirror replica held a place of honor, while the middle level cradled a photograph of the departed souls. On the lowest deck, an array of offerings lay in solemn tribute: rice, salt, sake, water, round rice cakes, sea fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, confections, and dried sustenance.

Finally, as a gentle gesture of closure, the identical Generation priests tenderly closed the double doors of their shrine. They fastened a piece of pristine white paper to the door, sealing the passage into the spiritual realm with a mark of respect and reverence.

Sakura, seeking answers, leaned gently against Athen, her voice soft as she inquired, "Could ya kindly explain what is happening at this very moment?"

With a calm demeanor, Athen educated, "Before the funeral rites begin, a body must undergo an earth purification ceremony. Hailey and Alexa perform these sacred rituals inside the shrine. Afterward, they will respectfully withdraw, leaving the grieving families to their mourning. The sisters will then journey to the cemetery to purify the hallowed burial grounds with sacred water and purify themselves."

Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, Sakura pondered, "I thought this was the funeral, wasn't it?"

Athen suppressed a chuckle, attempting to maintain the seriousness of the moment. Meanwhile, mourners had gathered closely around the shrine, their collective presence lending an air of quiet reverence. The two young women, Hailey and Alexa, unveiled themselves, gracefully opening the shrine's doors. They distanced themselves from the shrine with measured steps, beginning their solemn procession southward toward the distant cemetery.

Families graciously accepted offerings amid the crowd, bestowing tributes upon the gods with silent whispers and tearful sniffles. Regrettably, Lina's clan was among those mourning the loss of her grandfather and several extended family members. Overwhelmed by the collective grief, Sakura remained a step behind the others.

Chimes rang out as Hailey and Alexa reentered the shrine, moving at their customary, unhurried pace. As Alexa held the purification wand aloft in prayer, Hailey, in a solemn ritual, transferred the spirits of the departed from their earthly vessels to wooden tablets thoughtfully placed beside each body. As the sisters conducted their sacred duties, the spirits stemmed from the lifeless forms in brilliant orbs of light, entering the tablets with an almost blinding radiance, capturing the attention of all.

The girls continued their prayers until the solemn proclamation of the food-related words. Outside the shrine, mourners drew near, gathering at tables draped in somber black cloaks with an array of dishes, where they would partake in a proper meal, each selection a testament to the diversity of offerings that anyone could choose from.

Royalty received a distinguished summons to occupy a separate section beneath a wooden overhang with exquisite flowers. The scene bore an uncanny resemblance to a wedding rather than a funeral, with its floral decor. The Alpha took her place, flanked by her devoted protectors, who remained close like a gathering of meerkats.

Sakura, her energy depleted and rattled by the immense crowd, turned to Athen with a wearied gaze, "Has the funeral concluded?"

Athen smiled slyly, saying, "No, Sakura, this part is known as the Wake."

Frustration tinged her voice as she persisted, "I mean no disrespect, but I can't stay here any longer. We have to locate Atlas's grave."

Michael interjected with a valid concern, "How can we possibly do that during all this? If we leave, they'll likely notice and hate us, assuming we don't care when we clearly do."

Sakura's gaze wandered across the gathering, finally landing on Hailey and Alexa, who stood together, silently observing the mourners. She suggested, "Perhaps we could approach them?"

Michael violently shook his head, his tone loaded with caution, "That's not an option. Those two are terrifying. They can direct you into the spirit world and not bring you back if they choose. And, Sakura, you haven't exactly been on everyone's good side recently."

Sakura sighed, her anxiety mounting, her fingers absently running through her hair, a cascade of loose strands escaping. Her medication seemed to do more harm than good, and the weight of the situation pressed heavily upon her.

Sam settled beside Sakura, draped in her somber black robes and concealing most of her bandaged wounds. An awkward smile graced her lips as she addressed the group, "A skilled woodworker will need to rebuild my boat. It was the sole civilian passage between the island and the human territories."

With a soft voice, Athen offered a whispered apology, "I'm sorry about that, Sam. I'll help in any way I can." 

Sam waved off the concern with a gracious nod. "No need to worry. The timing was oddly fortunate, given the circumstances. Speaking of which, the Generations typically present themselves in mass funerals before mourners for the burial."

Sakura's hopeful inquiry followed, "So, does that mean we can leave now?"

Sam affirmed, "Indeed, as the Alpha, whenever you're ready, you'll need to lead us to the cemetery."

Sakura's smile wavered, then with a hushed voice, "I don't have a clue where the cemetery might be, to be honest."

Sam reassured her, "No worries. You won't need to know. Your Alpha Protectors will form a line in front of you, from Omega to Alpha, and you'll be positioned in the center. Then the rest of us will follow."

Jack grumbled, observing the playful omegas amusing themselves with chopsticks balanced on their noses. "Yeah, babes, because that's a great idea. Those two will surely bicker about who gets to lead the line."

Sam's gaze bore into the omegas, her tone sharp. "Alec takes the lead. Ensure they don't fight before the mourners."

The pack nodded in compliance, and Sakura awaited Jack's task to convey the plan to the twins. Reluctantly, they consented, realizing the importance of avoiding disagreement that might incur the crowd's displeasure. Alec took the lead, with his brother Alex following, while Jack positioned himself ahead of Michael.

Hidden from the prying eyes of the mourners, Athen subtly extended his hand to clasp Sakura's, offering silent comfort during her looming panic attack. The Generations, forming a solemn line, trailed behind her, departing from the gathering crowd.

The pack reached the island's southernmost point—the cemetery. An eerie and desolate burial ground, where they departed rested for all eternity, bore witness to a litany of heartrending stories of loss and destruction. At its heart lay a cluster of boulders and massive tree branches, a memorial to those lost wolves whose identities remained unknown, their remains forever undiscovered.

Over time, the grass had claimed generations of soldiers, rendering the terrain uneven and resembling a lumpy forest. Burdened by the grim surroundings, the twins moved with deliberate care; their teeth clenched as they tread upon this mass grave. Alec struggled to contain his disgust. Yet, the rest of the pack pressed forward, unwavering in their resolve, with Sakura at the forefront, bravely confronting the somber panorama.

Lina gently pulled Sakura and her protectors aside for a discreet conversation after they had reached the purification fountains. Her voice hushed, she conveyed, "Come with me; I know the way to Atlas."

The pack acknowledged her with silent nods, and they followed her, veering in a separate direction. Lina's family's tomb, in dark blue and black hues, was a solemn tribute to her departed kin. Within, the air was thick with humidity, and open plots lay ready to embrace more family members. Lina skillfully guided them through the solemn ground, leading them to a large rectangular stone with flickering candles and offerings.

Unlocking the wooden door that concealed the interior, Lina revealed a wooden coffin. This was the pivotal moment everyone had been expecting. As the casket swung open, an unsettling revelation unfolded before them. All that remained was a well-worn pillow, nearly worn to nothing from years spent underground.

A shared glance conveyed the realization of what needed to be done next. Lina spoke, her voice unwavering, "I must inform the others. We may not know your father's whereabouts, but we can distinguish his ultimate intentions if you journey to Ireland."

Sakura, contemplative, responded, "Return to Ireland? I haven't been there in years."

Lina's conviction remained unwavering as she urged, "It's your sole opportunity to uncover the truth. Go before the others arrive."

Sakura nodded in agreement. The mission had evolved beyond simply returning the metal to its rightful place; it had become a quest to unearth any advantage they could find.