Chapter 9: A Helping Paw

The Jet soared above the lush treetops of Paradise Island, its powerful engines cutting through the air. Faint wisps of smoke lingered, a haunting reminder of the once-gleaming City of Lights. Yet, in the past's carnage, the island's resilient residents worked tirelessly, fortifying their defenses and preparing for the impending storm of war that threatened their beachfront.

With a gentle touchdown on the roof of the spotless white mansion, Sakura emerged from the aircraft, taking her place at the edge of the building. Her gaze fixated on the approaching warship, which bore down upon them with a relentless pursuit.

As the warship drew nearer, a growing sense of unease welled up within Sakura. The possibility of a fresh high school graduate entering the fray of war struck her as utterly insane. Yet, her family's history was no less remarkable, a reminder of the unique circumstances that had brought her to this moment.

Sakura's pack gracefully transitioned into their wolf forms, aligning themselves with her fronting the brisk wind. The gusts swept through the air, and Sakura's human hair danced wildly, obscuring her view of the ocean.

"I just remembered something," Athen conveyed concern, and as he addressed his team, "Sakura has never received formal training for war."

Sakura invoked a mischievous smirk and declared, "My past traumas have served me as my teacher." 

Michael articulated, "No, you're talking about emotional strength."

Jack chimed in, "Yeah we're all going to die." 

Athen couldn't help but roll his eyes at their concerns, even though he shared them to some extent. Yet, a profound sense of pride welled up within him as he gazed at Sakura. She had evolved from the fragile girl he had first encountered, unaware of her responsibilities on a distant Japanese island, into an unbeatable force ready to face problematic opponents, even if it meant confronting her father.

In an assertive display of her presence, Sakura let out a vibrant howl that resonated through the mountains. It was a declaration that she had arrived, her unbreakable spirit.

In a dramatic entrance, Sakura leaped from the mansion's rooftop to the courtyard below. Her descent produced a gust of wind swirling around her as she landed gracefully. Moments later, the rest of the pack joined her, causing a wave of air to burst from underneath them as they settled.

Before her, Sakura beheld the breathtaking sight of two wolves with fur as sky blue as the heavens, racing toward her with radiant smiles. The smaller one, standing about five feet tall, was Lina, her fur adorned with glistening moon-like lights. A perfectly crescent white moon graced the center of her forehead. Her mother, Taylor, a majestic seven-foot-tall wolf, wagged her tail in delight and took her place before Sakura's royal pack. Taylor panted heavily, her tongue dripping as she addressed Sakura, "Welcome back, Leader. You've returned just in time for the meeting."

Sakura heaved, "It's finally time for me to meet all the Generation women." 


With a soothing tone, Taylor said, "I've noticed since you first arrived on the island, you've had trouble speaking to people. You're more shy than the others and have difficulty choosing the right words because you're scared. I can only imagine what you've gone through up until this point. All that matters is that you are here now."

Sakura nodded and replied, "Yeah, but I've gotten better. I can speak better English because of the boys. I'm not ready to open up to everyone, but I'm trying to communicate better by starting small, I guess."

Taylor smothered a gentle chuckle, her hand covering her mouth. "We've spent so much time together, so you've opened up to me. Try doing the same with the others. I know you can do it." 

"Yeah, thank you, Taylor."

"Oh, right. I just remembered I wanted to warn you about some other girls. Some of them are not big fans of you right now."

"What?" Sakura panicked.

"Don't worry. You'll be alright." 

Taylor ushered the group through the mansion's grand doors. The soldiers reverted to their human forms in a seamless procession, aligning themselves to follow Taylor into the war meeting room. 

A striking tableau unfolded before them. A diverse assembly of young women, each sporting an array of vibrant hair colors and unique outfits, had congregated around the long Amazon Rosewood table. 

Upon Sakura's entrance, their expressions varied widely, reflecting a spectrum of emotions.

Lina took her place at the front of the room and addressed the assembly with a resolute tone, "Ladies, for those who have yet to have the pleasure, I'd like to introduce our honorable leader, Sakura Reaper."

A young woman, her almond-colored skin offset by a shaved left side of her head and cascading, ethereal light purple locks on the other, stood up within the crowd. Her striking, watery purple eyes mirrored the hue of her hair. She confidently said, "I am Kayla Alexis Smith, the Generation of the Sky, at your service, Leader."

Kayla, sporting dark blue tattered shorts and a light purple top, guided another girl from her nearby seat to face the front. Whispering words of encouragement, Kayla prompted her companion to introduce herself. With ivory skin, expressive brown curly hair, and warm brown eyes, the girl bowed gracefully before speaking softly, "My name is Zoe, and I am the Generation of the Cloud. It's a pleasure to meet you finally, Leader."

Sakura offered a serene smile as she acknowledged them both. Her gaze then shifted to Sam, who was seated before her. 

"Sam," Sakura began with a note of relief in her voice, "Are your injuries severe?"

Sam nodded in affirmation and, with a graceful motion, revealed her reattached leg, which appeared slightly discolored compared to her natural skin tone. Despite the transformation, the reattachment had been executed with remarkable precision and care.

"My mother will step onto the battlefield in my stead," Sam declared. "Also, without her Spirit sister by her side, Isabella permanently cannot access her powers."

Isabella's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she mustered a bright smile and said, "I know Karate. It's not much, but it's better than nothing."

Lina provided introductions, continuing, "You've already met Hailey and Alexa at the City of Lights funeral. Now, you need to get acquainted with the last two, Mackenzie and Aria." She pointed towards the back of the room where two distinctive figures sat. "Mackenzie, with her long, dark purple hair in a dark blue Yukata, is the Generation of Galaxy Chaos. Beside her, you'll find Aria, her long, spikey hair in a light blue hue and wearing a pale blue Yukata. She is the Generation of the Universe."

Following Lina's introductions, Sakura's gaze shifted toward Mackenzie and Aria, her temples glistening with sweat as anticipation gripped her. Mackenzie's intense glare hinted at a readiness for confrontation, her displeasure clear. In contrast, Aria maintained an impassive expression, offering no acknowledgment or greeting. Sakura gleaned from their demeanor that they were precisely as Taylor had cautioned her.

With a synchronized motion, everyone took their seats.

Taylor, Paige, and Isabella positioned themselves at the forefront before the island map wall diagram, claiming the front stage.

Mackenzie, leaning back in her chair with a heavy sigh, voiced her impatience, "Can we get this meeting started already?"

Taylor responded promptly, nodding in acknowledgment, and began outlining the plan. She pointed to the island's western side on the map and spoke with authority, "Lina, Isabella, and I will be stationed on the island's west side. We'll also establish a medical unit there."

Paige directed the group's attention to a medical bay on the island's eastern side, elaborating on her role, "I'll be in charge of our aerial operations, coordinating with the medical bay located to the East, where Michelle will be stationed. Zoe, you'll be working directly with me."

Isabella added her input, showing the southern part of the island, "Kayla, Mackenzie, and Aria will be on the frontline in the south, with Mackenzie and Aria also taking part in the aerial unit."

Feeling uncertain, Sakura waved her hand to gain Taylor's attention and inquired, "Where will I be?"

Taylor clarified, "You will be stationed in the courtyard here. Hailey and Alexa will be in the hidden cavern north of the palace, facilitating the opening of gates between our world and the spirit world."

Assuming a position with hands on her hips, Paige offered a reassuring smile, "Is everyone clear on their assignments? I understand it's a lot to absorb, but given our limited time, it's the best we can do."

Aria's inquiry came with a hint of frustration as she demanded, "How much time do we even have to get ready?"

Adopting a defensive posture, Taylor raised her hands and explained, "Sakura only learned about this situation less than twenty-four hours ago, so regrettably, we only have five hours to prepare."

Mackenzie stood up, venting her concerns, "Five hours? That's hardly enough time to bring the Alpha Lieutenants up to speed. If Sakura hadn't been away in America, living a pampered life, she would have lived here training for this. Aria and I were created by the very Kami who were the first of our kind, and yet we find ourselves at the bottom of the totem pole."

Lina raised her palms in a calming gesture and intervened. "Let's not act like we had a say in how our hierarchy was established. Each of us was taken off the island for our safety, and we returned at different times. We must function as a team under Sakura's guidance, whether we like it or not."

Sam interjected softly, "Let's try not to anger our ancestors..."

With an authoritative double clap of her hands, Taylor commanded, "Time is of the essence. Let's not waste any more of it. Proceed to your designated stations."

The crowd dispersed into the hallways, like a cluster of grade school students streaming out of school. Sakura trailed behind them, unwilling to risk getting caught in any potential schemes hatched by Mackenzie or Aria. Her heart raced as she entered the courtyard, but a sense of relief washed over her when she spotted the boys waiting for her. Despite the recent island drama, they greeted her with smiles and waves.

Athen, recognizing her anxiety, wrapped her in a comforting hug and gently rubbed her back. He inquired, "Where are we headed now?"

"Mackenzie accused me of being a horrible leader and whined about the lack of time to prepare for the upcoming battle," Sakura explained. "So, I plan to spend time with the Generations and do what I can to assist with the preparations. We're heading to the City of Lights first."

Jack expressed his approval with a thumbs up. "Great idea, babes. It's always good to start with whom you are most familiar with."

Athen nodded in agreement, adding, "We'll follow your lead."

In a mesmerizing display of shimmering light, the pack transformed into wolves and surged westward gracefully and purposefully. The forest summer's vibrancy was giving way to the russet embrace of fall. Leaves tumbled from the trees in gold, crimson, and amber hues, carpeting the forest floor with a mosaic of colors.

Sakura had never experienced such deep serenity. It was as if the island offered her an unspoken, encouraging embrace. The gentle caress of the breeze against her face dispelled the nagging headache that had threatened to overtake her. Everything about her arrival on this island had been overwhelming, but in the peaceful surroundings, she firmly believed everything would eventually fall into place.

They surged deeper into the forest and found a scene where Delta wolves worked diligently, constructing a makeshift medical triage station. Tents were being pitched, medical supplies sorted, and Taylor organized for incoming traumas. 

Further along, they encountered Beta wolves, their movements sharp and focused as they honed their swords and weapons.

Sakura and her companions sprinted on, their footsteps becoming more persistent with each passing moment. 

The pack sprinted towards the Torii gate of the City of Lights; it grew larger with each passing step until it loomed directly overhead. The scent of smoke and the aroma of cooked meat hung in the air, mingling with the profound sense of loss that saturated the city. Every footstep carried Sakura deeper into the past, conjuring heart-wrenching memories of the werewolves she couldn't save and the young pups desperately searching for their long-lost families.

The wooden structures bore the haunting remnants of the past, their once-vibrant surfaces spoiled by stubborn bloodstains, serving as the only traces of the loved ones who had fallen victim to the massacre.

In the city's heart, the pack lingered at the fountain. With her robust four paws, Lina bounded toward them with excitement, eager to reunite.

"Leader, what brings you here?" Lina inquired. "Aren't you supposed to be at the palace?"

Sakura responded with empathy, "I came to assist. Tell us what needs to be done."

Lina's gratitude shone in her eyes as she spoke. "That's so kind. Thank you, Leader. We urgently need help guiding the civilian survivors to the underground shelter just north of here. They're currently at the city's edge."

Sakura nodded, nervously declaring, "We'll take care of it."

With every ounce of her strength, she sprinted towards the city's northern edge, where a mob of civilians huddled together, anxiously awaiting their journey. Typically, Sakura would have experienced fatigue by now, but she felt more spirited than ever in her transformed state.

As they navigated through the extensive gathering of wolves, Sakura's sharp eyes discerned a unique sight: Isabella's vibrant pink fur, a striking contrast to the sea of natural grey coats. 

Without hesitation, Sakura sprinted to catch up with her and hollered, "Hey, Isabella."

Isabella gracefully adjusted her position to face Sakura, her expressive mouth curving into an open and welcoming smile. "Let me guess, you've come here to lend a hand, right?"

Sakura inquisitively tilted her substantial, furry head and inquired, "How did ya know that?"

Isabella's gaze softened as she shared her thoughts. "Lily always had a passion for helping others, even when it bothered her. She was a goddess, and though I miss her dearly, her spirit seems to linger around you. It's as if she's guiding your steps."

Sakura, overwhelmed with emotion, turned her head to the left, envisioning her mother's mystical presence standing beside her with a radiant smile that outshone even the brightest stars.

With her head and tail held regally high and her ears perked forward, she proclaimed, "I will prove Mackenzie wrong and guide this pack to the safety of the underground tavern. I'm not a weak, pampered pup rolling around on my back. I am an Alpha."

Michael couldn't help but smirk, his admiration apparent as he commented, "Bro, that little speech just gave me shivers."

Isabella nodded warmly and graciously stepped aside, creating space for Sakura to assume her rightful position as Alpha. With a determined spirit, Sakura leaped onto a boulder decorated with a lush green coat of moss. Her footing gave way, causing her to slip momentarily. In a swift reaction, she dug her claws into the squishy, cold plant matter, fighting to regain her balance. Her tail was tucked, and her ears folded downward.

Amused by Sakura's mistake, the boys couldn't help but conceal their laughter. Endeavoring to reclaim her composure, Sakura bared her teeth, wrinkled her nose, and released a menacing growl, causing the twins to huddle beneath Michael, shivering at her fierce expression.

Although neither Michael nor Athen felt threatened, they couldn't hide their smirks. Jack casually tilted his ears back and pretended to focus on his business, whistling to divert his attention.

Using her formidable wolf's strength, Sakura cleared the moss, creating a sturdy platform beneath her feet. Isabella leaned in and whispered, "Our faith on the island strongly discourages violence against nature."

Sakura sighed and whispered, "How else could ya have stood here?"

Isabella's response was light and tinged with amusement. "You didn't need to stand on a boulder to get everyone's attention."

Sakura turned to face the assembled crowd, her head high. She confidently addressed them, "My fellow wolves, I will lead ya to safety. I ask that you remain within sight of my Alpha Protectors for your well-being. Michael will follow at the rear to ensure no one is unintentionally or intentionally left behind. The twins will safeguard the right flank, while Athen and Jack will defend the left. These orders are final; let us not delay any longer."

At last, Sakura led them through the dense forest, where a ghostly white haze enveloped them. The forest's interior appeared even darker than its surroundings, casting an eerie ambiance. However, they were not entirely submerged in darkness, for confident Kami radiated with flames, while others emitted a gentle, guiding light.

Isabella, walking by Sakura's side, froze and ordered, "Stop, the Kirin's are passing." 

Sakura tilted her ears back but remained headstrong and questioned, "Wait, What's a Kirin?"

Isabella chuckled, "Don't worry, they're gentle Kami who doesn't feast on anything alive besides plants. They're so harmless that when they walk, they somehow do so without trampling on a single blade of grass." 

Ethereal creatures reminiscent of galloping deer crossed their path, navigating the other side of the crooked dirt trail. Sakura squinted, patiently awaiting her eyes to adjust to the ghostly illumination. These creatures bore a striking resemblance to deer but were adorned with scales akin to a dragon's, draping their bodies. A majestic, ox-like tail swayed behind them while a flowing mane glistened with holy fire. Their faces, somewhat akin to a donkey, featured fiery eyebrows, creating a mesmerizing and almost surreal sight. 

Sakura's wide eyes mirrored the flames on their body. Despite the strange, morphed appearance, she was stunned by how stunning it was. She gazed upon the captivating Kami with a sense of wonder and admiration. "They're fascinating."

Isabella's smile widened, and she responded, "If my memory serves me correctly, one of Sam's ancestors had a Kirin as a partner, and you have your little pipe fox friend."

Intrigued, Sakura raised an eyebrow and asked, "How did you learn about Kudagitsune?"

With a mischievous glint, Isabella replied, "I have my way. Typically, if Clara, the fifth Spirit Generation, were still alive, I would have been able to use my powers to communicate more effectively with others."

Curious, Sakura inquired, "What sets your powers apart?"

Isabella explained, "The Generation of the Spirit can communicate with the living telepathically. The Generation of the Soul, which is me, can summon the Gods and enter the spirit world to connect with those who have passed on."

Sakura calmly expressed, "That must have been incredibly challenging when you lost her. I can't even imagine losing Athen."

The pack arrived at a Torii gate adorned with ropes and zigzag-shaped white paper streamers, standing tall in a grove of imposing bamboo trees. Sakura and her pack paused, stepping aside to observe as the grey wolves filed through the gate in small, orderly groups. The playful energy of the wolf pups was palpable as they bunched together, darting between the legs of the adults, wagging their tails, and engaging in spirited games of biting each other's necks and ears.

Sakura couldn't help but laugh. Her heart was lit by the sight of the sweet wolf pups. Seeing that the children were safe and healthy brought her immense joy. As the last grey wolf, Daniel, passed through the Torii gate, he affectionately rubbed his head against Jack's face before disappearing into the shadowy expanse beyond.

Isabella turned to Sakura, expressing her gratitude, "Thank you for your help today, Sakura. You won't need to head east, but I'm certain Paradise City will require much additional help."

Sakura nodded and assured her, "I'll make my way there next." 

Michael let out a sigh, anticipating the challenges ahead. "Great, now it's time to deal with Aria and Mackenzie."

Jack added a touch of optimism. "It might not be that bad. Kayla will be there too."

Observing Isabella's departure, Sakura said, "We have to go now. That monstrous metal boat will arrive soon."

Athen comforted her with a reassuring rub on her side. He said, "Don't worry, we still have three hours."

Sakura's glare sharpened. "It will take us an hour to reach the palace and possibly another hour to travel south to Paradise City. Let's go!"

The royal pack found no alternative but to sprint through the enchanting forest at full tilt. Several dozen Beta wolves closely trailed them, with Sakura at the leading. The rhythmic tremor of their paw pads striking the tall grass echoed through the woods, resembling a stampede of rhinos. A few wolves inadvertently brushed against the vibrant, glowing mushrooms, dispersing trails of shroom dust in their wake.

Sakura's keen eyes darted ahead and spotted a massive tree looming over a centuries-old wooden doorway to a deserted home.

The mystical forest bore peculiar yet unmistakable landmarks that Sakura couldn't help but notice. She knew that someday, she would become intimately acquainted with every nook and cranny of the island. Meanwhile, the Beta wolves branched out to their designated positions surrounding the palace, leaving Sakura to guide her pack toward the front gate. With an enthusiastic spirit, she declared, "We're nearly there!" Her enthusiasm radiated as she leaped and dashed with a playful zig-zag pattern, urging her pack onwards.

In the chaos, the twins let out shrill screams, darting about like chickens with their heads cut off. Something small, bouncing from Alex to Alec and then back again, further fueled their frenzy. Michael unleashed a menacing roar that pierced through the chaos, causing the twins to freeze in awkward poses. Having leaped off the twins, the Kami darted across the grass, heading straight for Sakura.

Sakura couldn't help but chuckle as she greeted the tiny Kudagitsune, "Hey, Kudagitsune. You look so much better now."

The small pipe fox nimbly climbed Sakura's leg and ascended to her head, positioning itself between her perked ears. The expressive orange Kami emitted joyful, fox-like screeches.

"Sakura, I think he wants to be your partner," Jack said.

She raised her front legs, momentarily balancing on her hind legs, and twirled in playful circles, thoroughly absorbed in her lively interaction with Kudagitsune. Her joyous companionship shortly stole her focus away from the imperative task of crossing the forest en route to Paradise City.

Athen couldn't resist a sly grin as he teased her, "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Sakura promptly returned to all fours, leaving her newfound friend perched atop her back while she resumed leading her pack away from the entertainment. The boys couldn't help but chuckle at her antics as they followed her.

The pack darted, evading tree trunks, their path taking them over the twisted tree roots that resembled veins on the forest floor. 

Before long, Paradise City came into view, its vivid colors and bustling activity painting a vibrant scene. Sakura couldn't help but appreciate this part of the city, with wolves sunbathing on giant, colorful mushrooms, casting a captivating sight.

Sakura steered to the trio of Aria, Kayla, and Mackenzie, standing on a stunning beach that stretched out before them. The soft sand embraced her paws as she drew closer to them.

The salty scent of the sea filled the air, and the sound of seagulls soaring overhead added to the tranquil ambiance. For a moment, Sakura forgot the looming threats and the challenges they faced, basking in the serene moment.

Sakura started a conversation, her curiosity piqued, "Have any of ya ever wondered what life is like on larger continents?"

Mackenzie shifted her gaze to acknowledge Sakura's presence and said, "No, I couldn't care less about what's beyond this island."

Kayla hopped to Sakura and playfully jiggled her rear end. Her coat, a delicate shade of light purple, glistened in the sunlight while her captivating lavender eyes sparkled. Darker streaks of purple illuminated her hair, cascading over her face and body, adding to her unique and alluring appearance.

In her excitement, Kudagitsune joined in and hopped around, eventually landing on Sakura's back.

Sakura ventured to ask, "So, you're Kayla, right?"

Kayla beamed at Sakura and affirmed, "Yes, that's me. It's wonderful to meet you. I love your attire; it has a fantastic Gothic touch."

Sakura sat on the sandy shore, wrestling with the unfamiliar sensation of interacting with new werewolves, so she resorted to nodding and smiling in response to Kayla's enthusiastic ramblings.

Mackenzie took it upon herself to intervene by utilizing her body weight to shove Kayla. The force of the push sent Kayla tumbling into the ocean, thoroughly drenched from head to toe. She ascended to her feet, shaking off the water that clung to her.

Kayla voiced her discontent, "That wasn't very nice, Mackenzie."

Sakura, casting a disapproving gaze at Mackenzie, raised an eyebrow. Her dark purple fur bore even darker markings resembling galaxies, featuring planets, moons, and stars—a remarkable sight.

In response, Mackenzie smirked and retorted, "You should have dodged that, but you were too busy jabbering."

Sakura, her patience wearing thin, exclaimed, "What's your problem?"

Mackenzie assumed a defensive stance, spread her legs, and growled, evidently prepared for a confrontation. However, Sakura stood her ground tirelessly. The boys discreetly surrounded Mackenzie, and she soon learned there was no easy way out.

Mackenzie perked up and laughed, "I was only testing you to see how you'd react. Not bad, first class."

Sakura, unimpressed, maintained her glare as she walked away, retorting, "I'm sure ya were."

Making her way toward the water where Kayla stood, Sakura couldn't help but notice Aria, who was silently observing her every move. Aria's fur, spiked and icy, bore blue markings that resembled the universe, and her pale eyes matched the coldness of her expression.

Aria finally broke the silence with a question. "Where did you live before moving here?"

Sakura beamed with pride at her response, "Los Angeles, California."

Aria commented, "That's quite a long journey from here."

Mackenzie clicked her tongue and remarked, "I knew it; she's a pampered rich girl."

Annoyed by Mackenzie's judgment, Sakura shouted, "People like you are why I don't talk about it."

Mackenzie couldn't resist a laugh and quipped, "She called us people."

Sakura, growing impatient, responded with a low growl, "Listen, I'm still adapting to all this magic and everything, so give me a break, will you?"

Sensing the escalating tension, Kayla wisely intervened. "Stop fighting. I have to get ready."

Aria concurred, adding, "That's right. We have a lot of work to do. Sakura, can you assign your guards to assist the Beta wolves with buckling their sheaths onto their backs?"

Sakura nodded, agreeing, "As long as I'm nearby, my boys can help with whatever ya need."

Kayla stood beside Sakura and gave her a playful nudge. "Come with me," she said with a grin. "I could use some help in my artillery room."

Intrigued, Sakura arched an eyebrow and inquired, "You have an artillery room on the island?"

With her cheerful demeanor still intact, Kayla began guiding Sakura back towards the city, the others following closely behind them. They walked towards a massive cave hidden within the roots of an ancient tree. The vast underground chamber served as Kayla's artillery room, where she stored her belongings, including various weapons. 

The flickering light from mushrooms that lined the cave walls provided an eerie, otherworldly ambiance. The cave was vast and filled with various weapons, ammunition, and tools of war.

Kayla noticed Sakura's anxiety and gently brushed her back, guiding her further into the chamber. 

"Don't worry, Sakura," Kayla said, her lavender eyes filled with understanding. "I know this place can intimidate, but these weapons are here to protect our pack and our island."

Sakura nodded, though her discomfort was clear. The gleam of polished steel and the sight of guns triggered her anxiety. She had grown up in a different world, one where violence was unacceptable.

"I know it's a lot to take in," Kayla said, her tone soothing. "But we're here to support you and ensure you're well-prepared to defend our island. You won't be alone in this."

Sakura appreciated Kayla's support and the effort to make her feel more at ease in this unfamiliar place. While her unease with weapons might not disappear overnight, she was determined to learn and adapt for the sake of her island.

Sakura glanced around the room, examining the firearms and other armaments. She couldn't help but appreciate the organization and detail that had gone into creating this space.

"Other than the guns, your weapons room has a certain charm, and it matches you," Sakura commented with a smirk.

Kayla smiled with gratitude, her eyes reflecting her dedication to her arsenal. "Thanks," she replied. "I worked hard for this."

They shifted to human forms, knowing holding a gun as a wolf was more than challenging without human fingers. Kayla placed a pistol on the counter before her, looking at Sakura with a request. "I need help cleaning my semi-automatic while I sharpen my daggers."

Sakura nervously touched the pistol, her fingers tracing the contours of the firearm. She admitted, "I was never a fan of guns growing up."

Kayla seemed surprised, her curiosity piqued. "You've never touched a gun before?"

"No, I haven't," Sakura replied.

Kayla picked up one of her daggers and inserted it into a sharpening machine. The blades humming as they sharpened. She offered Sakura some guidance. "The most important rule when handling a gun is to keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, preferably facing down. And never keep your fingers on the trigger unless you're going to shoot."

Sakura gingerly picked up the pistol, her fingers gently exploring the textured grip. Her heart raced, but she focused on maintaining a steady breath. Sakura didn't want to admit her fear, but her curiosity pushed her forward. She nervously asked, "What do I do?"

Kayla, who was reassuring and confident, couldn't help but smile. "Start by removing the magazine and take out the bullets for me."

Though she had no prior experience with firearms, Sakura understood what Kayla was asking. She carefully worked on removing the magazine and then began taking out the bullets, one by one. Each bullet was placed in a box, her fingers somewhat fumbling with the unfamiliar task. It took time and effort, but Sakura persevered until the job was done.

Sakura glanced at Kayla, who was cleaning her knives on the sharpener; a blush crept onto her cheeks. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed and inadequate. "I'm sorry," she admitted softly. "I wish I could be more helpful."

"It's not your fault at all. We wish you had come home sooner, but I'm not one to complain about problems from the past we can't control," Kayla reassured me with a warm smile. She gently took the pistol from Sakura's hand and deftly disassembled it, removing the slide from the frame, the recoil spring from the slide, and the barrel slide. She handed Sakura the frame, providing her with clear instructions. "With the spray solvent, I want you to spray it on all the small parts. It removes the loose carbon. Wipe off the remnants when you are done. Here, I'll leave you instructions and drawings."

"Okay," Sakura replied, her voice timid.

Kayla quickly sketched the steps with minimal detail, wanting to return to sharpening her daggers. It only took her a few minutes to write the instructions. Sakura followed them diligently, carefully spraying the small parts and wiping away the dirty, metallic residue. Her hands reached for a bronze brush on the shelf before her, and she cleaned the barrel, chamber, and locking lugs.

Unexpectedly, Athen entered the room through the open doorway and said, "Hey, we assisted the Beta wolves with their leather sheaths. Aria needs our help outside."

Sakura put down the gun and turned to Athen, concerned. "Did she say what she wanted?"

Athen shook his head. "No, but it didn't sound good."

Sakura sighed, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "I'm sorry I couldn't finish."

Kayla, setting her knife aside, pranced over and embraced Sakura tightly. She said, "Not a problem at all. Stay safe out there."

"I will," Sakura replied with perseverance. 

She quickly followed Athen to the city's edge, at the base of the majestic mountains. Aria stood there, framed by the red Torii gate, her fur shimmering with an icy sheen. Gathered around her were the elders, a group of seasoned werewolves with grizzled coats and wise eyes. Their faces displayed a combination of pride and stubbornness.

The atmosphere was tense as Aria tried to persuade them, her voice tinged with urgency. "Listen, I understand your desire to defend our home, but we face a terrifying threat. We must prioritize the safety of our pack. We have a better chance of victory knowing we can ensure your safety in the mountains."

One elder, a weathered wolf with silver fur, stepped forward. "We've faced formidable adversaries in the past. We can't let outsiders destroy our land and take what's rightfully ours."

Aria's frustration was clear as she exchanged glances with the steadfast elders who resisted her plea. Just as the standoff seemed to reach an impasse, Sakura and Athen approached, their presence immediately commanding attention.

Sakura, her imposing black fur stressing her presence, and Athen, radiating an aura of unyielding strength, stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Aria. Sakura spoke with kindness and firmness, "What's going on?"

Aria sank her head and let out a deep sigh. "They won't leave for the mountains."

Sakura's voice was gentle yet assertive as she turned her attention to the elders. "Would you care to explain why ya refuse to move to the safety of the mountains?"

One elder stepped forward and responded, "We don't want our children and grandchildren to face this threat alone. We believe we have earned the right to stand with them and face the enemy head-on, with full force."

Sakura cast her eyes over the elders, each bearing the marks of a lifetime of experiences and battles. Some had enlarged scars and protruding tumors. Others were missing limbs, remnants of their sacrifices in the Generation Wars. Many had lost their teeth, while others had lost significant motor functions. Sakura's heart ached for these elderly werewolves, but she couldn't bring herself to tell them they wouldn't last a minute in a fight against the incoming threat. She needed a moment to collect her thoughts before addressing the issue.

Sakura stood tall, her head held high, and articulated, "Fighting head-on may bring more losses than gains. Trust us, we will protect our home."

Athen's commanding presence added weight to Sakura's words. His deep, resonant voice conveyed utmost conviction as he emphasized, "We're here to guide you to safety. Our pack's strength lives in our unity, and we need you in the mountains, together with your families, so you can spend the rest of your days in peace. Please entrust defending our home from the humans to us Millennials."

The elders exchanged glances, their initial hesitation still lingering. However, the combination of Aria, Sakura, and Athen's sound judgment influenced their perspectives. It marked a crucial moment where the wisdom of age met the strength of youth.

Ultimately, the elders nodded their agreement.

The elders proceeded to the mountains sluggishly, their movements hampered by age and physical limitations. It seemed they were trying to comply, but their aging bodies couldn't cooperate effectively.

Observing the slow progress of older adults werewolves, Sakura cast a concerned glance their way and asked, "Is there any way to get them to move faster? At this rate, they won't reach the bunker before the battle ends."

Aria heaved a weary sigh and replied, "I'll request help from the Komainu."

Curious, Sakura inquired, "What is Komainu?"

Athen explained, "Komainu are creatures that combine the attributes of dogs and lions. Both animals are known for their strength and agility. They can transport older adults on their backs. While we might be faster, the Komainu offer a viable solution to ensure their safety."

Sakura's amber eyes sparkled, her voice filled with purpose. "We should return to the city to find the others and go to the palace. Time is running out, and we have less than an hour left."

With the grace of their wolf forms, the young Alpha couple raced through the lush forest, their powerful strides carrying them swiftly to the city's heart. There, they found Michael by the creek, his vibrant red fur setting him apart from the other Beta wolves. His laughter and conversation with the Beta wolves on guard warmed Sakura's heart.

Drawing near, she approached Athen by her side. The Beta wolves, recognizing her potent company, lowered their heads in compliance, except Michael, who met her gaze with a playful smirk. Sakura's eyes reflected gratitude and concern as she addressed her fellow Alpha.

"You seem happy here," she observed.

Michael shrugged his broad wolf's shoulders and replied, "We trained together under the same Alpha. It's nice to catch up with old friends occasionally."

A Beta wolf with long, dark brown fur interrupted the conversation, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "What's it like to be in America?"

Michael's pride shone through as he explained, "We lived in California with Sakura, where all celebrities live. Her adoptive father is a famous movie star who plays a superhero for Hollow Knight Studios."

The Beta wolf tilted his head and asked, "What's a superhero?"

Michael's enthusiasm withered as he recognized the challenge of explaining such a concept to a werewolf in a world without access to modern technology. He chuckled awkwardly and concluded, "You know what, never mind."

Athen laughed and said, "You forgot already? Only the Generations have that kind of luxury here."

Sakura adjusted the conversation to move on. "Come with us, Michael. We're going back to the palace. As your Alpha your orders are to fight with the other Beta guarding the walls." 

Michael joyfully pranced on his two front paws, saying, "Yes, sweet." 

Together with that, they made their way to the palace gate to find the others. The twins were nowhere to be found, and we were probably causing some trouble somewhere. Thinking that had Sakura worried and shivering at her core. Jack probably found his way to the palace after helping as many werewolves as possible. Sakura had supposed positively to avoid the headache of what the twins were up to. 

Moments after they'd entered the forest, Jack and his blinding white fur bound toward them with uncontrolled joy. Jack's tongue lounged out of his mouth, and his tail wagged furiously, radiating an infectious excitement. Tied to his back with white gauze wrap was a woven basket of an assortment of items from the forest.

Sakura couldn't resist the warm smile that graced her as she grinned to greet their loyal companion. "Hey there, Jack. What have ya found?"

In response, Jack proudly smiled and said, "Babes, you won't believe what I found. Here we have some Calendula and some Licorice. One of the civilians was growing African blue basil, so I couldn't resist. I have no idea how she could have gotten her hands on that, but I don't care."

Sakura's heart swelled with gratitude for the thoughtful gesture. These medical provisions were precious, and she knew they would be essential. Sakura spoke gently to Jack, her voice filled with appreciation. "That was a smart idea to collect medicinal plants before our home was destroyed. Take these supplies to Michelle's medical base, okay? She might need some extra help there."

"That's right, Lina and Taylor are on the western medical base, and Michelle is alone with the other Delta. She trained me well, so I will head for the East to help her. Please take care of yourself. I'd hate to lose you so soon after we've met this year."

"Same with you, and hopefully, you'll be reunited with Daniel after. He seems like a nice guy. Have him come to the palace if he's up for a big move."

Jack's adrenaline skyrocketed, and he was overjoyed with Sakura's kind, compassionate words. "That's incredibly kind of you. An offer I don't believe anyone might turn down. When I see him again, I will let you know." 

Sakura nodded, watching a Delta wolf leaving some plants in a woven basket with a woven handle beside Jack. He nodded at everyone, grateful for all that's been accomplished in such a short amount of time. Jack scooped up the medical supplies in his mouth, his tail still wagging enthusiastically, and bounded toward Michelle's medical base. Sakura, Athen, and Michael continued their journey toward the palace, their spirits lifted by the ongoing support of their allies.

Upon approaching the palace gate, they spotted Michael, who had just encountered Alex and Alec, walking beside the wall. He tackled Alec to the ground in a playful mood, engaging in a good-natured tussle.

Alex, taken aback by the sudden playful assault, adopted a defensive stance, ears pinned back as he said, "Hey, man, don't startle me like that. We're in the middle of a war."

Michael stepped back, allowing Alec to regain his footing. "That's right, and now it's time to get our hearts pumping. Interested in seeing the dagger Takeshi crafted for me?"

Still catching his breath, Alec wobbled but nodded, saying, "If you promise not to do that again, I'd love to see it."

Michael showed the dagger sheathed to the twins, Alec and Alec, who appeared somewhat uncertain about their upcoming responsibilities.

With powerful, purposeful strides, Sakura and Athen reached the group gathered at the palace gate. Sakura's voice, filled with urgency, directed her attention toward the twins. "Hey, lads, it's important for me to understand your willingness to fight. As Omegas, you could evacuate with the others, but if you're truly committed to defending our island, your help would be much appreciated."

The twins exchanged a resolute look before speaking in unison, "We want to protect the island."

Sakura nodded with a persevering expression. "If that's your choice, head to the front lines alongside Kayla and the others."

Alex and Alec nodded and bolted to join the front lines, ready to stand their ground and defend their cherished island. Michael, Sakura, and Athen watched them as they departed. 

Sakura briefly grappled with letting the twins go, her concern for their safety tugging at her heart. Despite their age and judgment, it was hard for her to relinquish her protective instincts. The boys could make their own life decisions.

Sensing her hesitation, Michael nudged her and directed her attention to the ominous sight of the warship on the ocean. "Look at that smoke in the ocean from the warship. You need to get going so we can deal with Kenjiro's army."

Sakura nodded, her eyes filled with determination, and she ran toward the palace entrance with Athen. However, upon reaching the hall, she halted, realizing that Athen wasn't following her. She turned to face him, her fur gently ruffling in the crisp, cold wind sweeping over them.

Sakura glimpsed deep inside Athen's eyes, a combination of love and concern reflecting in her gaze. She began, her voice was soft and full of emotion, "Athen, you mean the world to me. I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me. I'm sorry I doubted you in the beginning."

Athen's eyes held the same affection and devotion. He gently nuzzled Sakura's cheek and replied, "Sakura, you're the bravest, most incredible werewolf I've ever known. No matter what happens today, I want you to know that no matter where I am in the universe, I will always rescue you when you need me."

Tears glistened in Sakura's eyes as they leaned their foreheads together, sharing a tender moment. The cold wind couldn't extinguish the warmth they felt for each other. They held that moment, their hearts beating in unison.

As they reluctantly pulled away, Athen smiled softly and said, "We'll see each other again after this, Sakura."

Sakura nodded, her voice a whisper of hope. "After this is over, I want to spend some time with you by the beach to discuss our future."

With that understanding, Athen nodded, and they parted ways, each following their distinct paths. Sakura ascended the mansion to its rooftop, granting her an outstanding scenic view of the island. In the distance, fighter jets approached, bearing down on her, while the massive ship loomed closer to the shore.

Sakura let out a resounding, robust howl that resonated across the entire island, signaling the commencement of the battle and rallying the werewolves for the forthcoming war.