
Navigating through Hollywood's bustling streets to the grand theater venue adorned with towering coconut trees, a sleek black car with tinted windows stopped. In a frenzy for the perfect shot, the paparazzi pressed against one another to capture the moment. 

The photographers on the red carpet were tightly packed behind metal barricades, creating a wall of flashing cameras. Meanwhile, actors and family members gracefully navigated the spacious area designated for the cast and crew, the vibrant atmosphere of the event surrounding them.

Impeccably dressed guards, donned in black suits, skillfully opened the rear car door, unveiling Sakura to the awaiting spectacle.

Stepping out of the car, Sakura gracefully navigated the Hollywood terrain in her sophisticated two-inch high black heels, their pointed toes adding a touch of elegance. The relentless flashing of cameras nearly blinded her. Yet, she maintained an air of practiced nonchalance, aware that any hint of unease could become an excuse for judgment in the human world.

Sakura's gown was a breathtaking masterpiece of elegance and sophistication. The rich black fabric draped gracefully, emphasizing her slender figure. Intricate golden embroidery decorated the gown, forming delicate patterns reminiscent of ancient Japanese artistry. The neckline was modest yet alluring, and the dress flowed into a floor-length silhouette that trailed behind her like a regal train. The play of black and gold created a harmonious contrast, turning Sakura into a vision of timeless beauty as she graced the red carpet.

Emerging from the luxurious vehicle in his fancy tailored suit, Sakura's father exuded an air of cultured elegance as he joined his daughter on the red carpet, effortlessly posing for the swarm of photographers. The Alpha Protectors, in fine suits, bow ties, and sleek black sunglasses, stepped out of the car, maintaining a cautious distance around Sakura. Their watchful eyes surveyed every corner of the venue, ensuring her utmost protection.

Further down the line, Sakura's anxiety heightened. The interviewers, positioned just a few feet apart with signs showing each actor's designated outlet, posed questions. Robbie handled the interviews while Sakura and her protectors continued to move forward.

Michael smirked and waved to fans. He remarked, "I could get used to this."

Sakura shot him a glare, responding, "The fans are not here for you. Those girls are just smiling at you because you're attractive."

With hands in his pockets, Michael whispered to Sakura, "Don't act like you don't like being in the spotlight."

Sakura shrugged, stating, "Watching a famous movie before anyone else can watch it feels fine."

Speeding past the pack, Sakura's father shook hands with fellow actors he hadn't seen in months. His arrogance was unmatched, arriving at events in extravagant luxury cars and posing as if he owned the world. Robbie sported a broad smile, thoroughly enjoying himself. 

He embraced his daughter and playfully said, "Thanks for coming, Pipsqueak."

Sakura nodded, responding, "It was the least I could do after suddenly leaving."

"All you left me was a note on a notepad saying you were in danger and had to return to the island. You can imagine how that made me feel," Robbie sighed.

"How many times do I have to apologize?" Sakura asked.

"At least a few dozen more," Robbie smirked.

Athen intervened, "We had to take her to help neutralize the threat, and we succeeded. I promised to protect her, and I brought her home to you."

Robbie, defensive, retorted, "She's my daughter, safer with me than on an island full of dangerous monsters."

Alec, curious, tilted his head and asked, "Dangerous monsters?"

Alex clarified, "He's talking about the Kami."

A famous actress named Morgan approached Sakura, complimenting her, "Your dress is so pretty. Is it custom made?"

Sakura, feeling overwhelmed, remained speechless compared to the renowned actress with unmatched skills. The white dress split, revealing gorgeous legs in a perfect design. Her short, dirty blonde hair added to her beauty. Morgan stared at Sakura, confused by the lack of response to her compliment.

"Sakura had a rough childhood, so she's not used to talking to strangers, let alone responding to compliments," Robbie said, placing his palm on his daughter's back, "Her band members here are her emotional support animal."

Athen gave her father the stink eye. "Hey, I'm Athen—the band pianist and singer. Michael here plays drums."

"Nice to meet you, Athen and Michael."

"Pleasure's all mine," Michael smiled.

"Sakura appreciates your compliment. Her maid creates these extravagant outfits. She only took a week to make it," Athen said.

Sakura rolled her eyes, secretly trying to avoid eye contact with her or anyone else in the vast outdoor space. Her gaze diverted to a familiar face in the crowd—a young boy actor speaking to his coworkers. Sakura smiled and lightly waved to him.

Wesley sprinted to her with a bright smile, waving back at her. "I'm ever so glad to see you. How are you?"

Sakura smiled and quietly replied, "Hey, Wesley."

Wesley held her hand and said, "Join me, won't you? I'd like you to meet some colleagues around my age."

Before he could guide her away from the boys, a sudden cry for help erupted from the crowd, and horrified gasps filled the air. The mob quickly dispersed, fleeing the venue and revealing an enormous, snarling wolf. Blood dripped from its teeth, staining the carpet a darker red. The wolf, aged and nearly blind in one eye, bore old wounds, a battle-hardened warrior clinging to life. Its fur displayed a mix of black, white, and brown.

A radiant light emanated from Sakura's body, transforming her into a wolf. She gently pushed Wesley back with her paw and said, "Get out of here!"

"Holy shit, you're a werewolf?" Wesley exclaimed.

Jack forcefully pushed Wesley away from the unfolding massacre. "I'll tell you everything, but you have to leave now."

In the chaos's heart, Robbie succumbed to panic as the venue descended into a bloodbath. Unsure whether to run or stay with his daughter, he faced a dilemma.

"Dad, what are you doing here? Get out!" Sakura urgently exclaimed, her voice filled with panic.

Before making a run for safety, he hesitated and muttered, "What the fuck, why are you huge? Why is this happening to me?"

In his imposing wolf form, Athen commanded the rest of the pack to keep their distance, shrouding their identities in secrecy. He locked eyes beside Sakura with the problematic werewolf that awaited acknowledgment.

Sakura, exhaling a heavy sigh, inquired, "Now what?"

Athen's growl resonated, "Stay behind me."

The massive werewolf, blood dripping from his jaws, assumed a combative stance as he cautiously approached the Alpha couple. A small gathering, including Wesley, observed from a safe distance—a mix of fear for their friends and curiosity about the unfolding drama.

Sakura pressed, "Who are you, and what do you want?"

The werewolf smirked, "You may not know me, but I know you, little miss Alpha Leader."

"That doesn't answer my question," Sakura retorted, shooting him an impatient glare.

Athen's growl deepened. "I was recently told you might still be alive. I guess the rumors are true, Motega."

Motega's smirk persisted as he responded, "I haven't seen you for over ten years, Athen. You've grown to be so strong."

"Why did you come back?" Athen demanded.

Motega closed the distance, bringing his nose to Athen's right ear, the whiskers tickling. Sakura stepped back, allowing Michael and the others to form a protective barrier before her. An unsettling feeling lingered about this seasoned veteran. Motega's unsteady legs pressed down on Athen's paw, claws digging into fur and flesh, explicitly targeting the injury inflicted by Kenjiro's attack. Athen, determined not to show weakness, emitted a growl, revealing his sharp, white teeth.

Motega whispered, "That's not a kind greeting for your old Sensei. You and I both know I was supposed to be an Alpha Protector, but you came along with your tragic childhood tale."

Michael lunged onto Motega's back, clamping his jaws around the elder wolf's neck and forcing him to the ground. The struggle between their strengths unfolded, with Michael straining to maintain control. Athen, lowering his head to confront Motega, demanded, "Why are you here?"

Despite the pressure on his neck, Motega spoke, "After Kenjiro failed to kill your Alpha Leader, I was given orders to eliminate those closest to her, starting with her twin brother."

Athen growled in disbelief, "Sakura's brother died in the Generation War."

Motega, choking within Michael's grip, smirked and gurgled through his pain-laced laughter. "He never died, you idiots. We took him, but a Kami resembling a human figure stole the infant away, and we've been looking for him ever since."

"Who is 'We,' and why are you looking for him?" Athen pressed.

"Why should I tell you?" Motega defiantly growled.

"Because if you don't, I will have no choice but to kill you," Athen whispered.

Motega retorted, "Whether I tell you or not, I'm dead either way."

The wail of sirens outside the venue grew louder, signaling the police approach. The pack had no choice but to release Motega, who bolted for the exit, knocking aside humans in his path. Athen stood before his pack, watching the elder wolf escape the human authorities.

Sakura, her voice laden with urgency, asked, "Athen, is my brother still alive?"

Frowning, Athen replied, "That is the least of our concerns."