The room

With money everything can be bought if you look for it in the right way, you can transact quickly and safely, as long as everyone is decisive. 

On a website that very few people can access, guns of all kinds were being moved and with the right money, they could be obtained quickly. 

When Airon was buying a large amount of weapons from different sites, on his last purchase a seller contacted him privately and offered him a case called black candy, this case could be obtained only by the most active buyers and at that time Airon was a potential buyer. 

But the strange thing is that no one wanted the suitcase called black candy, this suitcase that seemed to have anything in it was something that would only be explained to the buyers in person when the transaction was about to take place. 

If the buyer did not want to buy the suitcase for $200,000, once the contents were explained to them the buyer would be forced to give the seller half the price of the suitcase for not wanting to take it. 

At that point, Airon wanted to get the last batch of guns and agreed just out of simple curiosity. With the money, he met the seller and to everyone's surprise Airon bought the black candy. 

When Airon explained to Tyler what this black suitcase called black candy was, the blood in his whole body ran cold and he didn't dare to even touch that suitcase. 

But Airon made sure to take very good care of this suitcase, because inside it contained the most powerful weapon in the whole world and of which could wipe out thousands of people if used in the right way. 

"Oh, Sweet Black..." 


In one room, Tyler found himself drawing a completely black candy, to outsiders he was just distracting himself, but to Tyler this was the biggest secret he kept from Airon. 

Next to the black candy, an exclamation word was drawn. "Boom!" 

The black candy contained a bomb large enough to affect an entire city, this suitcase contained the largest weapon of mass destruction that could be integrated with a suitcase. 

"This is terrifying... Well, it's better it's in our hands than in enemy hands." Tyler thought with a wry smile. 

In a room in the basement of a cleaned out building and where the most important resources that couldn't be touched by just anyone were safeguarded, Airon silently looked at a suitcase placed quietly right in the center of the room. 

Airon smiled sinisterly, fate gave him in his hands the weapon of greatest destruction in the world and most importantly, it can move in a way that no one would believe that a bomb was hidden in that suitcase. 

After a while, footsteps approached the room and a voice sounded shortly after, "Sir, the time has come to clear new areas and expand our collection domain." 

"Alright, let's go inside rookies." Airon said before locking the metal door with a keyed padlock. 

This door was strictly forbidden and anyone unauthorized to approach would be expelled from the shelter. After all, this place housed the secret room of Airon Darcy, the leader Airon Darcy. 

All the guards protecting Arion's S.C.T., the community understood how important it was to expand and obey orders. No one within the community, no one could dream of breaking the rules. 


"Let's get started!" 

A group of twelve people stood outside a supermarket, to the most observant half of them had a tense expression while the other half remained calm. 

It was decided that now the time had come to train the people they had been training for a month, so it was important that they start initiating resource searches. 

This time they were all outside a large supermarket, Airon along with the others started a cleaning operation to be able to take all the things that were in this place. 

On their trip they had brought many trucks and the idea was that everyone would start loading resources and making trips, but first they had to clean the supermarket walkways.


Someone in the group threw a red brick and it smashed hard into the glass door of the supermarket, shattering the supermarket door leaving a large hole, and there was a deafening cracking sound that drew the walkers inside. 

The supermarket was dark and apparently empty of people. Airon's group was standing outside the door. One of the well-equipped men reached into the gap to open the lock inside. 

Soon, the sounds of moving corpses were heard coming from inside and in a moment the first walker came through the door to the outside. 

Airon who saw this, looked at the first man who was about to start his first kill and pointed out, "Keep your distance, look around and always remember to hit in the head." 

"Yes!" said the man as he held a long machete, his heart beating fast as sweat trickled down his forehead. 


As Airon's voice rang out, the man swung the machete in his hands and slashed the walker's forehead in one motion. 


Black blood and part of the walker's head spewed out everywhere, the person holding the machete made force in his hands and pulled back. The walker that was cut, fell to the ground and stopped moving. 

Soon, many more walkers began to approach from all directions. When everyone realized this, they formed a circle and prepared to eliminate the walkers. 

"Look to the front and take care of your buddy next to you, don't lose your cool and everything will be fine!" 

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" 

Everyone started to eliminate the walkers with cold weapons, it was understood that ammunition even if it was a lot should be safeguarded to deal with living people, while cold weapons should be used to eliminate the walkers. 

This ensures two things, the physical abilities of all people and the ease with which they can survive at times when they do not have a firearm in their hands. 

In a few minutes, all the walkers were eliminated by the group of twelve people, while no one was looking, in the distance a group of three were in charge of observing the situation in the surroundings. 

This group of three possessed rifles and were guarding the area where Airon and the others were cleaning up. From their words, they were to inform him if anything was out of the ordinary. 

"That's everyone!" 

"Well done!" 

"Quick, there's still plenty of food in this place, we should take all the stuff in this place to the shelter!" 

"Haha, we won't leave anything behind!" 

When the video door of the supermarket was fully opened, the group outside began moving things into suitcases specially prepared for carrying large amounts of resources. 

While everyone was loading the supplies, there were others in charge of carrying them to the trucks parked outside. 

Similar scenes were happening at some special points in the city. At the hospitals, a group of heavily armed men wearing a bandanna emblazoned with the words S.C.T. they were gathering all the essential medicines and tools to perform operations.

Under Airon's orders, large-scale resource gathering began. Many of those who were not even well trained had to work to get the resources to the trucks as quickly as possible. 

"This weapons store seems to be clean, let's get all the ammunition and weapons out as fast as possible!" Shane, who was in charge of leading a group, started with the weapons. 

On another side of the street, Mike looked at the guns and trucks left by the military, all the walkers in the vicinity were eliminated under the powerful firepower. 

"Take the machine guns and trucks, check if that tank is functional, we'll take everything!" Mike said with a cold expression. 

The whole S.C.T community was growing a lot, so they also had to move and get more weaponry, the resources left by the military is serving them well to keep increasing their defenses and have the resources to open another shelter. 

While the groups with combat experience were in charge of the farthest places, there was a small group of people who were in charge of taking gasoline out of the abandoned cars, all these little things would be very helpful to obtain resources. 

During this time, the whole S.C.T. the community of Airon Darcy was in continuous movement, many more survivors were accepted and many more were killed when their true intentions were discovered. 

By Airon's words, they had to keep a low profile therefore, they stopped transmitting messages announcing a safe haven, he knew that the time had come to stop trusting people. 

As the news revealed the truth to all the people sheltered at the CDC, everyone panicked and understood that it was important to start surviving under their own steam. 

People announced that they were willing to help, no one could stand by and wait for someone else to worry about their safety, they all knew that it was a matter of time before that kindness would run out. 

From that day on, everyone in the S.C.T community began to move, working hard to learn how to shoot and execute operations to bring resources to the CDC.

Heavy security was set up on many streets that prevented walkers from entering the CDC territory, the streets were blocked off and a special road was set up both in and out. 

Nowadays, nobody cares about the bills, everyone is focused on bringing resources to the community, everyone wants to be useful, and cooperative work quickly becomes second nature.

Humans over time can adapt to very uncomfortable environments, and now everyone is adapting to grow and survive. 

After a few days, Airon stayed in the S.C.T. community, coolly watching the sky and watching everything unfold quickly. 

Sam Valdez, who had been in charge of maintaining the training of the new people and security within S.C.T, looked at Airon and asked, "Is there a specific reason why they stopped broadcasting?" 

"To protect ourselves, we don't need to be discovered for now, the time came to look for a place further away from the city, we have obtained tons of resources so now we can't get much more out of this place." 

Airon didn't want to engage other communities for now, although his strength was to be feared, he knew he had very few people with real combat skills on his side, so he didn't want to be discovered by hostile forces. 

Sam Valdez looked at the tanks stationed at different points in the shelter and the heavy machine guns at many strategic points. What is Airon avoiding right now? 


Finally, after a week, it was concluded to look for a more secluded location outside the city. 

Airon intended to take the prison as his own, but for now he had to consider many more things and move slowly. 

Not everyone is prepared to keep up with him, so most people continue to retrieve important resources and clean up further and further away from the community. 

Meanwhile, Airon and a small group of people set out in search of that place.