The people won

The events that occurred after the surrender of the loyal soldiers to the CRM were rapid and momentous. The CRM system, which had ruled with an iron fist for so long, crumbled within a matter of hours. The fall of the leaders and the takeover by Airon's forces was a resounding success.

The people of the CRM and the soldiers who had been on the verge of rebellion found an unexpected ally in Airon and his organization. His intervention was a ray of hope for those who had been oppressed and controlled for so long. The promise of a new order and the elimination of the oppressive hierarchy of the CRM resonated deeply in the hearts of the discontented.

Within days, the power structures of the CRM were toppled one by one. The leaders, who had enjoyed absolute power, were removed from their positions and replaced by those who embraced the change proposed by Airon. The mechanisms of control and oppression were dismantled, paving the way for a new system based on equality and justice.

Within a month, Airon's organization had achieved an impressive feat: gathering over 350,000 survivors under their protection. These individuals, once trapped under the CRM's yoke, now found refuge and a new chance at life under Airon's leadership and his vision of a better world.

After a year, the Commonwealth, now known as the police force, was responsible for maintaining defenses within the cities. Clad in their white uniforms, these agents dedicated themselves to safeguarding security and order in urban areas, ensuring the protection of citizens and maintaining a peaceful environment.

On the other hand, the former CRM soldiers, recognizable by their once-feared black suits, assumed a new responsibility. They were now tasked with protecting vital areas and the borders of the territory under S.C.T. control. Their military training and experience made them formidable defenders, prepared for any challenge that arose.

The forces of the S.C.T., now transformed into the war machine of the new order, were deployed to the front lines. With unwavering discipline and an arsenal of advanced technology, these soldiers confronted any threat that could endanger the community's security and stability.

In the new world being built, roles and responsibilities had been redistributed. The Commonwealth, the CRM soldiers, and the S.C.T. forces worked together, each playing a vital role in creating a prosperous and secure future.

As time progressed, a new era of peace and prosperity loomed ahead. The horrors of the past, marked by oppressive control and constant struggle for survival, began to slowly fade away. Humanity, united under a common vision and led by those willing to face any challenge, moved towards a future filled with hope and possibilities.

After a year of consolidation and reconstruction, the established system was sophisticated, strong, and powerful. Under Airon's leadership, key roles were assigned to maintain security and order throughout the territory.

Ezekiel, a man of imposing presence and strategic abilities, was in charge of the Commonwealth's police forces. His focus was on maintaining peace and law enforcement in cities and communities, ensuring that all citizens lived in a safe and protected environment.

Rick, a natural leader with a clear vision, was in charge of the border forces. His main responsibility was to safeguard the borders of the S.C.T. territory, protecting the population from any external threats and ensuring territorial integrity.

As for the battlefront, Shane and Abraham, two brave and experienced men, led the troops in the fight against walkers and any dangers lurking outside. Their determination and tactical skills made them key players in keeping the population safe and gradually expanding the controlled borders.

As the security system strengthened, cities began to be cleared of walkers. The combined efforts of the Commonwealth and the S.C.T. forces allowed for the gradual eradication of the undead threat, thereby liberating more territory and providing a safer environment for the population.

Simultaneously, the S.C.T.'s maritime fleet began operating to regain control of the seas. The reconstruction of the naval fleet was a strategic priority to secure trade routes, resource supply, and maintain a secure presence in the oceans. With each recovered vessel, the influence and power of the S.C.T. grew stronger.

Everyone was prepared to face the challenge of completely clearing the country. Coordinated efforts between the police forces, border forces, and frontline soldiers, along with the determination of the population, paved the way towards a nation free from threats and in constant development.

Hope was glimpsed on the horizon as each step brought the population closer to a promising future. Although challenges still persisted, the unity and commitment of all were the driving force that would overcome any obstacle on the path to complete recovery and prosperity of the country.


Two years after the union of all survivors, a gleaming and vibrant city rose on the horizon. Built from scratch, this city became a symbol of hope and rebirth, known as the Heart of Humanity. Its streets brimmed with life as people embarked on a new era of prosperity and peace.

The scars of the past slowly faded, and the fears that had plagued humanity had dissipated. People lived with a renewed sense of security and confidence in the future. The city was meticulously planned, with wide avenues, lush parks, and impressive buildings that soared into the sky.

In the Heart of Humanity, everyday life was imbued with a sense of community and solidarity. People helped each other, sharing resources and supporting one another in times of need. Culture and the arts flourished, with theaters, galleries, and festivals filling the city with joy and creativity.

Trade was revitalized, with bustling markets where goods and products cultivated in the surrounding lands were exchanged. Farmland extended beyond the city limits, providing fresh and healthy food for all residents. Education and research also held a prominent place, with schools and learning centers fostering knowledge and driving innovation.

Families enjoyed an improved quality of life, with comfortable and secure housing that provided shelter for their loved ones. Children played in well-maintained parks, laughing and creating happy memories. The elderly, respected and valued, shared their wisdom with younger generations.

Security was a fundamental priority. Law enforcement forces, comprised of former soldiers and peacekeepers, ensured the protection of the city and its inhabitants. Surveillance systems and advanced defenses ensured that any potential threat was detected and neutralized immediately.

In the Heart of Humanity, diversity was celebrated. People from different backgrounds and cultures coexisted in harmony, enriching everyone's lives with their unique perspectives. Respect and equality were fostered, and decisions were made collectively, ensuring that every voice was heard and considered.

People felt free to pursue their dreams and aspirations without the weight of fear and uncertainty. Happiness and hope filled the air, and gratitude was expressed daily for the opportunity to live in a renewed world.

In the Heart of Humanity, life had flourished once again. People had left the nightmares of the past behind and forged a new beginning. Together, they built a bright and promising future where humanity rose stronger than ever, ready to face any challenge that came their way on the path to a better tomorrow.