Chapter 5 Part 3

An hour later, and as Christopher takes the twins to the book room, Engilram takes Hilda and Heddwyn into the office to chat about the kids.

"well, what was it you wanted to tell me?" Heddwyn asked.

"so, I wrote that on your paper because you really need to know this, especially if you're going to be teaching magic to Christopher and Heather they are... I would say, some serious abnormalities. Christopher mainly," Engilram answered.

"right, I noticed the disproportionate amount of mana Heather has. Ive seen nothing like it. With training, I think she may even have more power than a dragon I met in Maranus," Heddwyn replied.

"*cough* wait, really?" Hilda asks.

"most likely, I met with a guild leader in Maranus. Her name was Mylzronth, and she was, in fact, a dragon. She had 15,000 points of mana and she said she was one of the weakest for her kind. She told me she started with 5,000 points and she has barely trained her body in the thousands of years she has been alive. Dragons are the most powerful beings, as you know, but I'm just comparing the two. I have a theory on why Heather has this much power, but I would need to watch her closely." Heddwyn answers.

"I too have a theory. You know the book magic abnormalities?" Engilram said.

"yeah, I know it. Why? Is there a specific topic in there I should note?" Heddwyn questions.

"there is a section in that book that mentions that in all life no matter what race, every ten years has the potential to birth on average a single soul with multiple affinities," Engilram explains.

"interesting, that could definitely be a possibility. I considered that exact topic. It's also the most likely, but it doesn't mention the power boost though, right? So that may disprove that theory. But then again, it is a theory, so it could in fact happen," Heddwyn rationalises.

"well, I'm willing to put coin down. I'm confident that this is what's happening here. So how about it? I will bet... 50 silver that I'm right," Engilram declared.

"now hold on a minute Engilram, that's half a year's worth of coin," Hilda screamed.

"tell you what Engilram, I will give you 10 gold if you're right, and if you lose... you'll need to eat a bowl of ash eel," Heddwyn smirked

"what in the hell is ash eel?" Engilram asked.

"one of the worst smelling and tasting eels known to Nekojin. It smells like underwater volcanic ash hence the name and it secretes this black viscus liquid made from volcanic ash and eel slime. Are you up for a challenge?" Heddwyn explained.

"yeah I'm up for it... if I lose that is," Engilram states. "right then, back on conversation. That's everything we have about Heather. Christopher is even more weird," he continues.

"how so? His mana doesn't seem too outlandish. Oh, and I almost forgot, you have his attribute and affinity as classified? What that about?" Heddwyn cautiously asks in a whisper.

"right yes, I will get to that in a second. His mana abilities are shocking for his age, as well as his cognitive and physical abilities," Engilram states.

"I was shocked by the evaluation, especially the classified parts." Heddwyn says.

"talking of classified parts... we know Christopher's attribute and affinity. Me and Hilda decided it was in the best interest to keep it quiet from him for the time being," Engilram whispered.

"just fucking tell me already," Heddwyn said in an angry, anticipated whisper.

"right sorry. His attribute is space, and his affinity is spatial," Engilram continued in a hushed tone.

"what! No fucking way! This could get him exiled if the nobles found out. Either that or they torture him to be of use to them," Heddwyn screamed.

"shh! We know. Keep your voice down!" Engilram said in a yelled whisper.

"shit sorry. You did the right thing keeping this a secret. But he will eventually want to know. We can't keep it from him forever," Heddwyn said, whispering again. "very interesting. I guess it's going to be a lot of training for him, so we can keep this a secret for as long as possible," Heddwyn continued.

"understood," Engilram said, no longer whispering. "in terms of Haider, we got nothing. Apart from his slightly elevated mana and slightly more than average abilities. There is nothing of interest we know of." He sounded confused as he continued to talk about the last child.

"ah, well. This could be a problem. With an intellect like Christopher's and potential like Heather's, Haider may prove to feel inadequate or even inferior to them. I will need to avoid this possibility at all costs." Heddwyn said, talking to himself out loud.

When the three finish their discussion. They all go back into the dining room to sit and have another cup or two of Halfty, sipping, slurping and chatting amongst themselves.

Heddwyn's newly adopted kids come back in from the library with each one carrying a book. "Heddwyn, can we take our favourite books with us when we move in with you?" Christopher asks with a smile.

"sure, not a problem. Let me see what your favourite books are?" Heddwyn asks. "this should give some insight into what the attributes and affinities of these kids are. Children usually like books correlating to their magic types." Heddwyn says in his head.

"I have the book about Irejescorst," Haider said.

"I have a book about plant species," Heather says.

"and I have a book about how physics works," Christopher says.

After hearing what their most liked books are. Heddwyn talks in his head again. "well, no surprise with Christopher, Haider's is interesting, I wouldn't have pegged him for liking history, and Heather... yeah I expected something like that," he starts talking to the kids. "wow, you all love very different genres, don't you? Christopher likes science, Heather likes botany and Haider likes history. I like it," he talks to himself again, "I must be missing something because I can't figure out Haider's or Heather's attributes. Ill need to take some time later to figure this out,"

As Heddwyn was talking to himself, all the children smile at Heddwyn's response and rush to their rooms to pack them.

"don't worry about packing your things yet cubs, you'll be staying here for a few days while I finish getting everything prepared for your new home. I will need to know what all of you prefer so I can decorate your rooms to your liking," Heddwyn explains.

"can me and my brother share a room? We prefer to be together," Heather said round the corner of the hallway.

"sure, we can do that." Heddwyn answers. "I like how the two of them are this close," he continues to himself.

"I'm really going to miss these kids, *cough* they are so well behaved It's almost magical," Hilda sighs.

"yeah I agree. I'm going to miss pranking Christopher," Engilram says, smiling.

A sharp head turn from Hilda followed by "you mean bully Christopher," wipes the smile from Engilram's face. This makes Heddwyn laugh, and he starts to purr. Causing both Hilda and Engilram to choke on their Halfty. Trying not to be racist again, Hilda tries apologising for them both. "we're really sorry Heddwyn, we are trying our best. Humans finding something cute is baked into our DNA. It's going to be hard to hide,"

"don't, there is no need. I understand it's going to be a slow process. Ive seen how humans treat each other. You're not exactly the most peaceful or kind race. I'm not saying that you guys are racist, because I know you don't mean to be. I know you're trying your hardest to better yourselves and I appreciate that," Heddwyn says, not even turning to talk to look at them.

With tensions and Engilram's nerves rising. The entire room fell silent for a few minutes until Engilram tries to make a joke, and epically failing. "do you know what most humans and squirrels have in common?" both Hilda and Heddwyn look at Engilram with no response. "we both attack each other over colour," Engilram said with a sweat filled smile.

"that was stupid of you to say, even if it's true," Hilda said.

"ha, I like dark humour. I thought it was funny," Heddwyn giggled.

"thank the mother. You don't know how much I wanted that to end. Is everything ok now?" Engilram asked, coming out of his nerves.

"I guess we are. Just please try not to do it again. You're such nice people and I don't want to dislike you because you can't control the human urge of 'finding something cute.' It's so aggressive," Heddwyn firmly said.

"we will try our best. Again, were sorry," Hilda pleaded.

Meanwhile, in the twin's bedroom. Both Haider and Heather are packing up their belongings in a single trunk. "I'm really looking forward to living with Heddwyn," Heather said. She turns around to look at Haider. "what's wrong? Why is your smile the wrong way round?" she questions to her brother.

"I saw your adoption paper and I can't help but feel inferior to you," Haider says with tears in his eyes.

"are you kidding? Remember what Christopher said when he read that strategy book to us? The book said that no matter how much power a person has, an excellent strategy always wins. I'm sure that your magic is going to be amazing." Heather comforts with a hug.

Haider's sniffles dissipate as Heather's words calmed him down. "we will always be there for one another, and I have a feeling that you, me and Christopher will make one great adventuring team. It's always been our dream, right?" Heather continues.

"thanks sis, you always know how to make me feel better," Haider says, wiping his nose.

"we both know how to make us happy again. We're barely apart. It only makes sense," Heather said.

With Haider now smiling again, they both continue to put all their belongings into the massive trunk. Once closed... they couldn't move it. It was already heavy enough when it was empty. Nevermind when it was full of stuff.

"I guess it's staying there till Heddwyn comes in to pick it up," Haider said after attempting to move it.

Now in Christopher's room, he has a large duffle bag he is using to pack with. He neatly folds his clothes and puts them into the bag, along with his favourite book, a new toothbrush and calico cat plush toy. He grabs the rope on the opening of the bag and pulls, closing the bag. He made sure to leave clothes to wear for the next few days with also his old toothbrush in the bathroom.