Magic Problem Solved [Edited]

The tension between the supernatural in Kuoh is rising,

a new storm is brewing, which might engulf the whole supernatural population of Kuoh Town, 

If this new incident between the church and the devils leaked out, there might be a new war on the horizon.

(Rey's pov)

let me explain the situation, it's been a few days since Uncle Touji, Irina's father found out that one of his subordinates Yaegaji Masaomi is having an affair with a devil Cleria Belial.

first, one of Uncle Touji's subordinates Yaegaji Masaomi is having an affair with the devil, who controls this town- Cleria Belial. and they both love each other immensely. they were dating secretly, but their secret came out when one of Uncle Touji's subordinates found them during one of their dates.

When Uncle Touji found out about this, he got extremely furious and with murder on his mind confronted Yaegaji Masaomi.

Yaegaji Masaomi, seeing no way to deny it and with a lack of options, fled to his lover.

second, when the secret got out, it naturally reached the devil's ears. when that happened and the news got to Zekram Bael the first head of Bael house and the shadow ruler of the underworld, he got angry and gave out a 'return to the underworld' order to Cleria Belial, as he thought that all the devil's secrets will be out if Cleria Belial joined an exorcist.

but when Cleria Belial failed to fulfill that order he started sending the devil to bring her back.

seeing the increasing number of devils in the territory, Uncle Touji called for reinforcements.

thus making this shitshow in this town.

I honestly don't care about it anyway, I will see to it when the shit hits the fan.


I am currently sitting in the basement study, concentrating very hard and using [duplicate] trying to solve my mana problem.

when I was unsealing my sacred gear [annihilation maker], I found out something.

With my ability [duplicate], I can even copy the conceptual power which is present in my gear like [infinity]&[dream]. I can copy the power that is present in the gear.

But it will take a shit ton of mana. so for the last few days, I have been sitting here and copying the power of infinity.

while I was sitting and doing my work, there is one thing I found out about the infinity of dxd.

the infinity in dxd represents LIMITLESS.

endless and limitless both represent Infinity, but there is a difference between the two.

the difference between endless and limitless is-

endless refers to something which definitely contains an endless supply.

whereas limitless may contain any amount but does not necessarily contain any specific number.

limitless can refer to things like unlimited free refills. You only have one cupful right now, but there is no limit on how many times you can refill it.

An infinite cup, on the other hand, would be a bottomless object, which means that there would be no end to the volume capacity of the cup.

both can have an unlimited amount of drinks but there is a difference in method.

this is why the [dream] can win over [infinity] in the dxd world. back to the topic.

now what I am going to do is-

I am thinking of creating [black heart] from solo leveling and adding the concept of [infinity] to it. I will add the concept of [infinity] to its mana generation. it will work like this.

there will be a magic container and a generator. the concept will be applied to the generator and will work the same as the glass example above. it will keep filling my magic container limitlessly as I spend my mana. giving me an inexhaustible amount of mana.

that is all, in theory, for it to work, I have to test it out first.

so to start experimenting, I took an enchanted glass with the enchantment of sturdiness. and start with my experiment. I first filled it with a drink. second, I add a little amount of power of [infinity] to the cup. and let the power set. after it settled I drank the entire cup in one gulp, emptying it.

as the glass emptied the magic happened, from the bottom of the glass seem a little far when I poured the drink again it took more drink to fill the glass than before. that means the container expanded. this experiment was a success

now with my second experiment, I took a glass with the same enchantment and filled it with the drink, this time I added the power of [infinity] to the drink. I waited for 3-4 minutes and seeing that nothing happened, I drank the cup. as the drink reached inside my stomach, it started expanding it started multiplying. I got scared shitless and used my [power of destruction] to destroy that drink.

'i am not drinking this drink again' i thought to myself as I was scared that the drink will keep expanding and I will burst like a balloon.

now with my third experiment, I took a glass with the same enchantment and filled it with another drink, this time I added the power of [infinity] to the enchantment. I waited for 3-4 minutes again and seeing that nothing happened, I used my sacred gear[annihilation maker] and made myself a pig. and gave that drink to the pig. after some time nothing happened to the pig, so I checked the glass, nothing much happened to the glass, and the enchantment on it became a little sturdy.

the experiments were not done yet.

in this round of experiments I just changed the glass enchantment, it change from sturdiness to regeneration.

next, I performed the same experiments I performed above, and the results were almost the same, except for the last one, in the last experiment when I added the power of [infinity] to the enchantment. it produced the result I desired, as I started emptying the drink from the cup.

the cup started to regenerate the drink, creating a loop and making an infinite amount of drink. so it should also make my mana heart possible.

as the experiments were out of the way I started working on my [black heart]. so for the heart, I used both my sacred gear [annihilation maker] and my [ability creation].

I used [annihilation maker] for creating the shell of my second heart, and I, of course, added some hidden abilities to it. I designed the shell in such a way that it can be compatible with different energies and can work simultaneously with them.

next, I created 2 abilities [ black heart ]&[ bestower ] and bestowed the ability [black heart ] to the shell.

as I did that the shell started glowing, and started emitting a low magic pressure.

now when that was done I added the [power of infinity ] that I copied to both the generator and the container of the shell.

the shell started shaking for a little bit and then it stabilized, now the shell was no longer a shell now it was the true and better version of [black heart].

now that the [black heart] was complete but there was still a problem it was still outside my body not inside, so I created another ability [Absorb] to absorb the heart and make it my own.

after I created that ability I pick the [black heart] in my hands and activated the ability, as the ability got activated, a black-colored fog started surrounding my hands, and the heart, slowly the fog engulfed the heart,

as it did a searing pain assaulted my body it started from my hands and went to my right side of my chest,

the pain persisted there for about a minute. then it vanished and what replaced it was a calm, soothing, and energetic feeling.

I feel full of power, full of energy, it feels as if there is an endless amount of energy coursing through my veins.

it feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my body.