
Magi, in general, are bad with technology because they are so old-fashioned that they don't even know what a wifi is, but that was them and definitely not me.

Right now, I bought the first portable play station ever, it was released in 2005 which was this year.

I was very excited after all, this was the first portable play station that I owned. I never had this in my previous life due to how poor my family is.

But, right now money isn't exactly a problem for me. I mean who would have thought that a 7-year-old, almost 8 like me, had a hundred million pounds sterling in my bank account?

It was a lot of money, but for my family, it's nothing more than an allowance, my parents would give me 10-15 million pounds sterling a month, and I hear that it was a low-end compared to the allowance of my sister annually.

I didn't dare to ask because I might faint of how many zeros there are, anyway since my magecraft doesn't exactly cost me any money, unlike a certain Tohsaka and Edelfelt. I don't use jewels for magecraft.

With nothing to do with my money, I decided to let it grow and this was the result.

…Maybe I should invest if this was the same as earth then, I know exactly where to invest.


But it doesn't exist yet until 2009, so I should wait for 4 more years and I'm all set, though I have a feeling that my money would reach a billion-pound sterling at that time.

But then again, who was I to deny more money?

While I was playing with my portable play station at lunchtime, my magus friend asked me out of curiosity. "What's that?"

"A portable play station," I replied without hesitation while my face was glued to the screen.

I was playing monster hunter, the first one. As this world is very similar to my earth, there are a lot of things that are bound to be the same, even Pokemon exist here.

Too bad though, I can't play it on a portable play station, since pokemon is strictly Nintendo, but I wasn't too disappointed anyway, at least I get to play this.

The graphics were as bad as it could be, however despite that this is actually one of the highest-quality games that you can find in the market currently.

Either way, I'm going to wait for a few more years for better games and graphics.

"A portable play station..?" Luvia asked, confused.

"That's right, wanna try playing?" I handed her my portable play station.

"Mind if I do…" Luvia took it away from my hand, and I didn't realize it back then that I corrupted her.

"Ohohoho! You foul beast has no chance against an Edelfelt such as me!" Luvia laughed as she triumphed at the monster in the portable play station.

"That's great Luvia, congratulations you beat the weakest monster in the game." I started clapping at her 'victory'.

Hearing my words, Luvia recoiled in shock and exclaimed. "W-weakest?! Impossible! That foul beast must've been the strongest! It's a Phantasmal Beast!"

"No, it's not that you just suck." I shook my head with amusement, after teaching her how to play the portable play station, to say that she was bad was an understatement of the year, even an immovable object can do better than her!

But at least, hopefully it's not as and as Rin with technology.

"Grrr…to think I've been tricked by such a beast!" Luvia glared at the portable screen with irritation.

"No, no one tricked you, you trick yourself. Seriously dying multiple times in such a weak monster." I said while shaking my head and continued. "You know what, you can have it, you needed it for practice."

"You're giving me this? For free?"

"Yes." I nodded, it wasn't a big deal. It's not like it's expensive anyway with the money I have, even if they buy the company that made the play station and I would still have enough money to buy the company again.

"No, no I refuse to have this for free as an Edelfelt we have a reputation to live in! And accepting free items is absolutely not allowed without exchanging something for it!" Luvia declared.

Why must she be so hard on this? Or right, magi.

"Alright, then you owe me a favor for that since you won't accept it for free." I said.

"Deal." Luvia accepted without hesitation.

I couldn't help but smirk at that, and thought. 'Seriously? A mere portable play station for a favor from the heiress of Edelfelt?'

Just know that getting a favor from a magi is far more valuable than money itself, because through favors you could actually get something that money can't even buy.

For example a family exclusive relics or an heirloom.

Either way favors are important in the moonlit world and it wasn't something that you could just get easily.

That's why anyone from the mage association is very careful with giving favors because it's that important.

And right now, I just received something that is worth millions or so, for a 295$ portable play station.

"So…what's up with the eye bags Luvia?" After a week of giving Luvia my portable play station, it wasn't a surprise that she became addicted.

I refuse to admit that it's my fault, she could have stopped playing anytime, but she didn't, however, I can't exactly blame her for enjoying the game.

"Eye bags? Surely you're mistaken, there's definitely no eye bag anywhere." Luvia denied it, which is clearly horseshit.

"Yeah? Why don't I-"

"You saw nothing." Luvia glared at me, while it might be intimidating to the others, but to me, it's quite adorable.

Compared to my sister's glare, this was absolutely nothing, who was she trying to intimidate? Certainly not me, if she wanted to scare me, she had to do better than that, however, that's not possible as long as my sister exists there's no way she'd be able to intimidate me.

Either way, I shrugged at her words, if she didn't want to talk about her obvious eye bags, then I'll leave it as that.

Another 4 years have passed, and it is already graduation. It's hard to believe that I've been in this world for more than a decade.

My life wasn't as eventful as you might think, but regardless it definitely wasn't boring, I've enjoyed my reincarnation so far because frankly, the shit didn't hit the fan yet.

It's only a matter of time before something would happen, this isn't an exaggeration after all this world is part FATE.

Anyway, I was the valedictorian for the year, which wasn't surprising at all, despite how advanced this school is. This is in fact an elementary school. As someone who went to university in my past life, the lessons were nothing, not to mention I have a better memory than before.

It would be a nice shame on me if I weren't a valedictorian.

Like any valedictorian on graduation day, I was told to memorize a speech which was easy, but the hardest part is that I have to give everyone a speech.

But I have no choice, I'm willing to endure this just for today, if I knew being a valedictorian gives a speech like this, I would have handed this title to Luvia.

Either way, it's too late for that.

For the most part, I was successful with my speech which was a relief that I didn't embarrass myself in front of everyone, especially to my friends.

Luvia, Teresa, and Alexandra were the closest I have, while the others were just acquaintances.

"So, what are you guys going to do after graduation?" I asked my friends.

"We're going back to our country, Luxembourg," Teresa answered with a sad look.

Alexander nodded, she's also making the same look as Teresa, but more controlled.

"What's with that sad look? It's not like we won't contact each other after this." I said with an amused smile.

"We do?" Teresa asked in surprise.

"Of course, I'm not old-fashioned enough to write letters for you guys, so here's my phone number, if you miss me you can call me anytime." I gave Teresa my phone number and did the same for Alexandra.

Luvia already had mine years ago, after I introduced her to the wonders of technology, she became quite adept with them.

Now, she's a certified gamer.

After giving them my number, they left with their limousine. I didn't want to say this out loud but I'm definitely going to miss the two of them.

Now, my attention was now in Luvia. "The same question also applies to you too."

"Do you really need to ask me what I'm going to do after graduation?" Luvia asked with a frown.

"Buying new games in a gamecon?" I replied after thinking for a bit.

Luvia immediately blushed and replied. "What?! No! Who do you think I am?!"

"A game addict," I answered confidently.

Luvia was so speechless that she couldn't speak for a full minute. It's because what I mentioned was a fact, she is a game addict.

If she denies that, then she's a liar, I know how much of a massive gamer this girl is.

"A-anyway, I'm going to be in the Clocktower this summer." Luvia immediately changed the subject, but I didn't mind as I remember that I'm going to the Clocktower this summer too.

Not because I wanted to but because my sister convinced (threatened) me if I didn't go.

We made a deal that I study in the Clocktower for an entire summer and after that, I'm free to do whatever I want.

That's why I'm going, then look at her and reply. "By coincidence, I'm going to study in the Clocktower this summer too."

Luvia's eyes widened and replied. "Really? That's great! Now I know that I won't be alone!"

"Good for you." They talked for a while and after that, they went back to their respective houses so that they could prepare for tomorrow's arrival at the Clocktower.

It's time for the Clocktower, though it won't be long since this is just some extra chapter before the main plot begins.

I'll interact with others from the Fate series in the next chapter.

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 5 advanced chapters there