Chapter 10

my, my~ don't be so serious~"

"Well!?" I said impatiently.

"Fine, fine. Sheesh you're no fun. Well, you know how you committed suicide? We figured you'd be the perfect candidate for our little game. The thing is you die each day and if you can figure out our riddle within a week you will no longer die at the end of each day."

"W-what, what crazy nonsense is this!?"

My face turned red from anger. So basically I'm just a plaything to them. I started to have dark thoughts and decided I was going to kill him and anyone else who was commanding him. "I see you've come to a decision. I'll tell you the riddle now. I turn polar bears white and I will make you cry. I make guys have to pee and girls comb their hair. I make celebrities look stupid and normal people look like celebrities. I turn your pancakes brown, and I make your champagne bubble. If you squeeze me, I'll pop. If you'll look at me, you'll pop. Can you guess the riddle?" I was left stupefied and couldn't even come up with an answer, no matter, I had a week to think of the answer. That was not a lot of time but it will have to do.

He then sent me to the world again. This time I decided to try and find out the riddle while I was searching for food. I was thinking and what if the answer is desire? The part ' I make guys pee and make girls comb their hair' wouldn't it make sense if the answer was desire? While I was thinking I bumped into someone. "Oh sorry, are you okay?" They said, I looked up and saw a handsome looking guy. "It's fine, are you okay?" I asked, he didn't look hurt but you can never be too sure. "Yeah I'm fine, no worries!" He said cheerfully. After that we introduced ourselves and apparently he is a traveler. He seemed like a good guy but I couldn't shake off this weird feeling about him. I told him that I was a traveler and we decided that we could travel together. And so the day passed and we looked for food and eventually found some. I was a little on guard though because the day was ending and it was now time for me to die. After all the guy said that I would die each day. So I laid down and went to sleep. When I woke up after a few hours I was tied up. I looked around and saw no one. Then all of a sudden the guy from earlier appeared.

"Oh I see that you are awake!" I turned red from anger. I knew what this meant, this man was going to kill me. "Okay, let's start with taking off your fingers!" He said cheerfully, and kind of all angel-like. Okay, if I was scared before, I'm even more scared- terrified even. I'm going to be tortured. "C-can we t-talk about this?!" I practically screamed, hey you would too if you were going to be tortured. "Talk about it? Why?" He said that like he was really confused. "You're the worst, I can't believe I trusted someone like you!!" I screamed with tears refusing to come out of my eyes. I was betrayed again, on earth and in this world! I hate it, I detest it! "Now let's cut off the first finger!" The knife pulled closer and closer, and I was more and more scared.

Then the first finger was cut off. "Aghhhh!! That hurt!" Since the fingers are very sensitive, there was damage to my bones, skin and soft tissue, and tendons. It hurt so bad and he wasn't going to stop. He then continued to cut off the nails of all my other fingers. I was crying because of the agonizing pain! Then he chopped off my foot. The pain was horrible. I think it was even worse than the burning because he was cutting them slowly. Finally he cut my head off. I woke up in that room again and before me was that detestable man! "I see you've died again! In a terrible way as well." I glared daggers at him and wished that he would just disappear! " WHAT- DO- YOU- WANT!?" I said that very clearly, almost like I was going to kill him. I felt the urgent desire to kill him on the spot!

My death glare did startle him because he kind of widened his eyes. I stood up and ran towards him and punched him. I then knocked him on the ground and started choking him. He reacted quickly and stabbed my back. "Ugh!" I groaned but kept going. He started struggling with the knife in his hand. I then carefully snatched it from his hand and stabbed his chest. He then died. I stood up and wiped the blood from my face and watched all around me. I was aware that someone was going to come after me. Then someone divine appeared before me. Someone that looked furious. "You have killed one of my children, the only way to compensate me is by answering the riddle. Tell me can you guess the riddle?"

"No, I can't." I said calmly. He widened his eyes in surprise. "How? How did you solve the riddle?" He said very shocked. It didn't appear on my face but I was surprised too. I didn't actually know that was the answer. I just said it. "Well now that I've said the answer you can let me go now right?" I smirked, he then started shaking in anger. "No!" He mumbled "I can't let you go! I'm going to kill you slowly but surely. You will regret what you did!" He yelled in anger. "Just try it!" I yelled back. " I will hunt you down even if it's the last thing I do!" He screamed. Then he disappeared. So now I have to kill people who are after me, but that's a story for another day.