Chapter 14: Abundans cautela non nocet

Unedited. In case of errors, please comment below :D


Chapter 14:

Abundans cautela non nocet

Entering Felix's room, Luca stood to the side as Felix closed the door behind him with a push of his hand, effectively separating them from the world outside as Luca walked to Felix's new bed and sat down. Felix joined him and slowly sat down only a hand's span away, pushing down on the mattress. His expression looked somewhat dim as the pair fell silent, neither of the men speaking until Felix finally found the courage to speak.

"I'm sorry, Luca." He began, his words vague as he stared Luca directly in the face, his eyes red as his hands rested, knotted in his lap. "

Luca stared towards Felix as he said, "Are you hiding something from me, Felix?"

There was a pause, and Luca continued to stare towards Felix, who stared down at his hands. His lips were taut, pulled into a frown. His brows were furrowed, and Luca could only stare at his eyes, eyes that looked like they would shed tears at any moment. 

"Felix-" Luca reached his hand forward, wanting to pat Felix's back, but before he could, his hand was grabbed by Felix, who brought his hand to his side, holding it close to him.

"-There's something from you, Luca." Felix stated directly, his gaze falling on their intertwined hands. He waited a moment, watching Luca's expression carefully as he tightened his grip on the other man. "Are you willing to listen to me?"

"Of course." Luca stared forward, the tension in his heart lightening as he said, "What's going on with you, Felix?"

"Ever since Father Michael's health declined, I have been taking over his role at the orphanage. I'm struggling to keep up with the workload." Felix held his arm, looking weak as he said, "But, I feel overwhelmed. I don't want Ms. Lowell to worry, but if I keep going on like this, I may become ill myself. Now, I can tell I've worried you too."

"Why didn't you say anything earlier, Felix? You know I'd do anything to help you."

 "I'm sorry, Luca." Felix said as he sat next to Luca on his bed, his hands knotted in his lap. "I didn't want to push off my concerns on others and worry you all."

Luca shook his head, feeling somewhat frustrated for his friend. "Felix, remember when you first came to the orphanage. You were all by yourself the first couple days, and you kept avoiding all the other kids when they tried to get close to you."

"I remember." Felix's eyes grew dark as he naturally closed them, refusing to remember the past without Luca in it.

Luca smiled, resting his hand on Felix's with a gentle pat. "You kept avoiding everyone, but you let me in, right? Then, day by day, you let more and more of us in, and you leaned on us for support. I miss those days." 

Hearing those words, Felix suddenly opened his eyes, staring towards the other man at his side with an expression of shock, confusion, and a hint of contentment. 

"My fear is that if I leave now, you won't be able to find your voice again. You, unable to voice yourself like you do on the pulpit every Sunday." Luca continued. "Felix, you know how to ask for help don't you? Then why are you so afraid? Failure isn't the worst thing that can happen."

Luca's eyes met with Felix's, the hue in the other man's eyes nearly unreadable as Felix spoke aloud, his voice faintly hoarse. "I'm afraid if I make too many mistakes, I may lose what I already have."

"That won't ever happen." Luca wrapped his arms around Felix and hugged him, feeling the man in front of him would disappear in a moment's notice. "It's okay. It's hard to adjust to Father Michael's position, but I know you can do it." He lifted his hand and patted Felix's head as he had done when they were children, and a burst of warmth filled his heart. His hair was just as soft as it had been back then, even now. "Don't forget I'm here to help you."

Felix's eyes darkened as Luca's hand gently patted against his head. Gently, he pulled Luca closer to him, until the other man's head was pressed into his chest, his warm breath staining his chest. He closed his eyes, relishing the closeness between the two of them before he pulled back, wanting to avoid Luca feeling awkward.

"Do you feel better?" Luca asked, staring at Felix with that same goofy smile he had come to love all those years ago. He missed it. "If you start to feel overwhelmed, let Ms. Lowell or I know. You don't have to deal with this all on your own, Felix."

He believed me so easily. I'm relieved he's so naive. Felix smiled, his eyes narrowed into gentle crescents as he finally said, a smile lining his lips. "I'll rely on you more, Luca." I can't force it. He'll get used to it soon. Felix smiled, staring at Luca, who smiled back at him with a warm smile. 

"It's getting late. Why don't we get some sleep for now. We'll talk more tomorrow." Felix finally said, standing from his bed with a smile. As he stood, Luca joined him, staring at the other man with a sideways gaze, making sure he was truly okay before he began to leave.

"I'm going to go take a shower. Goodnight, Felix."

Felix waved as Luca departed, his hand slowly waving before it froze in the air, his fingers clenching his palm to hold onto the trace of the warmth that was left by the other man, but as quickly as it came, it was already gone. As much as Felix wanted to follow Luca, there was still much work to be done, and he could not yet execute his plan if he were to fool around any more.

Just stay by my side, Luca. Felix watched the door shut close as he walked to his computer, unlocking a locked folder full of data and blueprints for the village. One of the blueprints listed the strange fence around the town, full of notes and comments by Felix and the engineers. As he read the latest progress report, his eyes brightened, a smile tracing his pale lips with anticipation. 

As Felix rested in his room, Luca walked down the hall, his thoughts circling around his head like rounds. He felt a headache coming on the more he thought about Felix's saddened expression and lost tone in his voice.

"I think that boy is too dependent on you, Luca. It'd be best if you put some distance between the two of you. Maybe studying for your law degree and staying in the dormitory will do you some good." Luca remembered his mom saying this as he mentioned he was going to stay at the orphanage over the summer. She did not want him to go, instead wanting him to at least study abroad for some time. 

Thinking of what she had said now, Luca found it strange, dismissing the warning in her voice as he walked, rubbing his temple with his hand. Felix has always struggled with his mental health, and it's natural he depends on me. I'm like an older brother to him, and it's my job to help him as much as I can. Why would mom worry so much? Luca shook his head, muttering under his breath that it must have been the musings of a woman growing old. 

How could Felix ever harm me? He thought of his mom's words again and again, feeling more and more discomfort in his chest as he stared at his hands, the hands that held Felix close just moments ago.

He could never imagine such pale, gentle hands soaked in blood. Never. 

After their discussion, the next weeks passed by quickly, feeling as though there was no break for Luca. He hurried around the orphanage, packing up his books and other items to prepare for his new dorm assignment on campus. It was nearly time for Luca to go to law school. As his books arrived in the mail, he received them from Felix as they came in. Each time a package arrived, Luca noticed Felix's face fell a little, his expression nearly invisible to Luca, who was full of excitement at the thought of furthering his life. 

"I have to start packing to go to school soon. It's a month away after all." Luca ruffled his hair, his eyes falling on the objects in his room with a dejected sigh. "There's still so much to pack too… I can't leave it all here after all." 

"Let me go grab something. I'll be back in a moment." Waving, Felix stepped out of the room as Luca began to organise his law books on the desk, ignoring Felix's disappearing figure. Outside the room, Felix's hand tightened at his side, his eyes darkening as the door slowly closed behind him. It's time. 

The tarps outside were soon to be lifted, and the efforts he had made in the past years had not been in vain. There were only a few obstacles left before he could completely unveil his plans. In a matter of days, the construction would be finalised, and only one obstacle would be left, preventing Luca from staying home with him, where he belonged. 

I already called the college and falsified the medical records. There should be no problem keeping him here now. Felix stared at the window at the end of the hall, the sky darkening as the day started to fall to a close. The last obstacle is Luca's mother. He began walking back towards his room, preparing to set the last wheels in the cog. That insane bitch will try to take him back if she finds out he's here. I'll just have to make him inaccessible, that's all.

Felix had already begun to make arrangements to take care of the old hag, the woman that had doted so much on Luca. She was constantly attempting to separate the two, as if she could see straight through the disguise that he had carefully conjured over the years. Her fear, disdain, and anger was enough to make Felix want her to disappear. 

The way she looked at him was the same as the many adults around him. Ms. Lowell was always a supportive figure in his life, but he was well aware only Luca could be the one he depended on, the only one he could trust with his entire being. He was the one he loved after all, and he would never let such insignificant problems separate them again.

After sending more important emails, Felix returned, but he did not immediately enter Luca's room. He only stared at the man's tall, thin back with an eerie, unseen smile that could make even the most humid summer breeze feel chilly. 

His eyes were fixed on Luca, nearly imagining the man in his arms, content with staying with him forever at the orphanage, playing every day and night as they had when they were children. It was the only way that Felix could assure they would be happy. He would never allow Luca to be hurt again. No one could hurt his beloved anymore. 

If only he would voluntarily stay at his side. Once the preparations were finished, there would be the opportunity to ask the other man. If he rejected his benevolent offer, there were ways that would make him unable to refuse staying by his side, even if it meant harming those around Luca. 


On the other side of the town, Paul had begun to assist with the efforts to finalise the fenced perimeter with a group of large men from the town. The group of men had been working hard, having already sent away and paid off the large group of contractors hired to keep the construction quiet. 

The fenced perimeter was large, nearly eight feet tall, and the tops were covered with barbed wire spindles, making it impossible to climb without injury. The chain link fence was heavy, nearly snow and windproof, and stuck deep into the ground to prevent anyone from attempting to escape from underneath. The metal was well made, and it would be impossible to break through the fence, even with pliers. 

"Father Felix will be happy to see the perimeter secured." One of the men said, wiping a line of sweat from his brow as he stared forward at their hard work, adjusting one of the metal chains linking two of the exit gates. A set of work trucks was parked inside the perimeter of the gate, filled with other tools and items to finish the work they had started. "

Paul had already called Felix, anticipating good news as he spoke of the recent developments, his devotion evident. "Father Felix, the perimeter is finally secured. Nothing can enter or leave the town without permission. The perimeter guards have started their first shift now."

"Good work, Paul." Felix responded with joy, a smile lining his face as he stared towards the fencing with unhidden joy. "Are the electric gates working properly?"

"Yes. No problems have been reported." Paul bowed his head as he spoke. The nearby men stared towards Paul in envy, wishing they could also receive the praise of Father Felix. 

"I will be arranging a town meeting for tomorrow evening at eight o'clock. Make sure to inform the other villagers. It will be mandatory." Felix said, his fingers tracing over a note as he stared up, looking at the closed door to his bedroom, as if anticipating someone to come at any minute. "Inform everyone-"

"Felix, are you in there?" Luca's voice abruptly stopped Felix's voice, leading to a brief pause before he spoke again. 

"Goodbye then." The phone call ended abruptly, and the men around Paul gathered, their expressions full of anticipation as they waited for the word of Father Felix to come. 

Paul cleared his throat, speaking as a proper messenger of their leader. "Tomorrow there will be a town meeting at eight in the evening. The meeting is mandatory and will take place in the town hall. Tell everyone you meet today to ensure all of the village is in attendance!"

"Yes sir!" The group of men replied, unable to contain themselves as they thought of what would be said at the town meeting tomorrow, and what the future held for their new settlement.


It has been a while, a long while might I add... but today y'all are in luck :D It's a double update day~~ I had finished 15, and was about to post it before I realized we hadn't even finished this chapter yet! This chapter is more of an info dump, but the next chapter... that's where the insanity begins.... :D

I hope you all enjoy it. I may be recruiting a volunteer European English editor for this novel when I get more done and when YMtK ends. Please keep an eye out if you're interested in helping! ;;